import server from "../services/server.js"; import StandardWidget from "./standard_widget.js"; const TPL = ` `; class NoteRevisionsWidget extends StandardWidget { getWidgetTitle() { return "Note revisions"; } getHelp() { return { title: "Note revisions track changes in the note across the time.", url: "" }; } getHeaderActions() { const $showFullButton = $("").append("show dialog").addClass('widget-header-action'); $showFullButton.on('click', async () => { const attributesDialog = await import("../dialogs/note_revisions.js"); attributesDialog.showCurrentNoteRevisions(this.ctx.note.noteId); }); return [$showFullButton]; } async refresh() { const note = this.tabContext.note; const revisionItems = await server.get(`notes/${note.noteId}/revisions`); if (revisionItems.length === 0) { this.$body.text("No revisions yet..."); return; } this.$body.html(TPL); const $list = this.$body.find('.note-revision-list'); for (const item of revisionItems) { const $listItem = $('
  • ').append($("", { 'data-action': 'note-revision', 'data-note-path': note.noteId, 'data-note-revision-id': item.noteRevisionId, href: 'javascript:' }).text(item.dateLastEdited.substr(0, 16))); if (item.contentLength !== null) { $listItem.append($("").text(` (${item.contentLength} bytes)`)) } $list.append($listItem); } } syncDataListener({data}) { if (data.find(sd => sd.entityName === 'note_revisions' && sd.noteId === this.tabContext.note.noteId)) { this.refresh(); } } } export default NoteRevisionsWidget;