const syncService = require('./sync'); const log = require('./log'); const sqlInit = require('./sql_init'); const repository = require('./repository'); const optionService = require('./options'); const syncOptions = require('./sync_options'); const request = require('./request'); async function hasSyncServerSchemaAndSeed() { const response = await requestToSyncServer('GET', '/api/setup/status'); return response.schemaExists; } function triggerSync() {"Triggering sync."); // it's ok to not wait for it here syncService.sync().then(async res => { if (res.success) { await sqlInit.dbInitialized(); } }); } async function sendSeedToSyncServer() {"Initiating sync to server"); await requestToSyncServer('POST', '/api/setup/sync-seed', { options: await getSyncSeedOptions() }); // this is completely new sync, need to reset counters. If this would not be new sync, // the previous request would have failed. await optionService.setOption('lastSyncedPush', 0); await optionService.setOption('lastSyncedPull', 0); } async function requestToSyncServer(method, path, body = null) { return await request.exec({ method, url: await syncOptions.getSyncServerHost() + path, body, proxy: await syncOptions.getSyncProxy(), timeout: await syncOptions.getSyncTimeout() }); } async function setupSyncFromSyncServer(syncServerHost, syncProxy, username, password) { if (await sqlInit.isDbInitialized()) { return { result: 'failure', error: 'DB is already initialized.' }; } try {"Getting document options from sync server."); // response is expected to contain documentId and documentSecret options const options = await request.exec({ method: 'get', url: syncServerHost + '/api/setup/sync-seed', auth: { 'user': username, 'pass': password }, proxy: syncProxy }); await sqlInit.createDatabaseForSync(options, syncServerHost, syncProxy); triggerSync(); return { result: 'success' }; } catch (e) { log.error("Sync failed: " + e.message); return { result: 'failure', error: e.message }; } } async function getSyncSeedOptions() { return [ await repository.getOption('documentId'), await repository.getOption('documentSecret') ]; } module.exports = { hasSyncServerSchemaAndSeed, triggerSync, sendSeedToSyncServer, setupSyncFromSyncServer, getSyncSeedOptions };