const eventService = require('./events'); const scriptService = require('./script'); const treeService = require('./tree'); const log = require('./log'); const repository = require('./repository'); const Attribute = require('../entities/attribute'); async function runAttachedRelations(note, relationName, originEntity) { const runRelations = await note.getRelations(relationName); for (const relation of runRelations) { const scriptNote = await relation.getTargetNote(); if (scriptNote) { await scriptService.executeNoteNoException(scriptNote, { originEntity }); } else { log.error(`Target note ${relation.value} of atttribute ${relation.attributeId} has not been found.`); } } } eventService.subscribe(eventService.NOTE_TITLE_CHANGED, async note => { await runAttachedRelations(note, 'runOnNoteTitleChange', note); if (!note.isRoot()) { const parents = await note.getParentNotes(); for (const parent of parents) { if (await parent.hasLabel("sorted")) { await treeService.sortNotesAlphabetically(parent.noteId); } } } }); eventService.subscribe([ eventService.ENTITY_CHANGED, eventService.ENTITY_DELETED ], async ({ entityName, entity }) => { if (entityName === 'attributes') { await runAttachedRelations(await entity.getNote(), 'runOnAttributeChange', entity); } else if (entityName === 'notes') { await runAttachedRelations(entity, 'runOnNoteChange', entity); } }); eventService.subscribe(eventService.ENTITY_CREATED, async ({ entityName, entity }) => { if (entityName === 'attributes') { await runAttachedRelations(await entity.getNote(), 'runOnAttributeCreation', entity); if (entity.type === 'relation' && === 'template') { const note = await repository.getNote(entity.noteId); if (!note.isStringNote()) { return; } const content = await note.getContent(); if (content && content.trim().length > 0) { return; } const targetNote = await repository.getNote(entity.value); if (!targetNote || !targetNote.isStringNote()) { return; } await note.setContent(await targetNote.getContent()); } } else if (entityName === 'notes') { await runAttachedRelations(entity, 'runOnNoteCreation', entity); } }); eventService.subscribe(eventService.CHILD_NOTE_CREATED, async ({ parentNote, childNote }) => { await runAttachedRelations(parentNote, 'runOnChildNoteCreation', childNote); }); async function processInverseRelations(entityName, entity, handler) { if (entityName === 'attributes' && entity.type === 'relation') { const note = await entity.getNote(); const attributes = (await note.getOwnedAttributes( => relation.type === 'relation-definition'); for (const attribute of attributes) { const definition = attribute.value; if (definition.inverseRelation && definition.inverseRelation.trim()) { const targetNote = await entity.getTargetNote(); await handler(definition, note, targetNote); } } } } eventService.subscribe(eventService.ENTITY_CHANGED, async ({ entityName, entity }) => { await processInverseRelations(entityName, entity, async (definition, note, targetNote) => { // we need to make sure that also target's inverse attribute exists and if note, then create it // inverse attribute has to target our note as well const hasInverseAttribute = (await targetNote.getRelations(definition.inverseRelation)) .some(attr => attr.value === note.noteId); if (!hasInverseAttribute) { await new Attribute({ noteId: targetNote.noteId, type: 'relation', name: definition.inverseRelation, value: note.noteId, isInheritable: entity.isInheritable }).save(); targetNote.invalidateAttributeCache(); } }); }); eventService.subscribe(eventService.ENTITY_DELETED, async ({ entityName, entity }) => { await processInverseRelations(entityName, entity, async (definition, note, targetNote) => { // if one inverse attribute is deleted then the other should be deleted as well const relations = await targetNote.getRelations(definition.inverseRelation); let deletedSomething = false; for (const relation of relations) { if (relation.value === note.noteId) { relation.isDeleted = true; await; deletedSomething = true; } } if (deletedSomething) { targetNote.invalidateAttributeCache(); } }); });