const sql = require('./sql'); const sourceIdService = require('./source_id'); const dateUtils = require('./date_utils'); const log = require('./log'); const cls = require('./cls'); async function addEntitySync(entityName, entityId, sourceId) { await sql.replace("sync", { entityName: entityName, entityId: entityId, utcSyncDate: dateUtils.utcNowDateTime(), sourceId: sourceId || cls.getSourceId() || sourceIdService.getCurrentSourceId() }); } async function cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities(entityName, entityKey) { await sql.execute(` DELETE FROM sync WHERE sync.entityName = '${entityName}' AND sync.entityId NOT IN (SELECT ${entityKey} FROM ${entityName})`); } async function fillSyncRows(entityName, entityKey, condition = '') { try { await cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities(entityName, entityKey); const entityIds = await sql.getColumn(`SELECT ${entityKey} FROM ${entityName}` + (condition ? ` WHERE ${condition}` : '')); let createdCount = 0; for (const entityId of entityIds) { const existingRows = await sql.getValue("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM sync WHERE entityName = ? AND entityId = ?", [entityName, entityId]); // we don't want to replace existing entities (which would effectively cause full resync) if (existingRows === 0) { createdCount++; await sql.insert("sync", { entityName: entityName, entityId: entityId, sourceId: "SYNC_FILL", utcSyncDate: dateUtils.utcNowDateTime() }); } } if (createdCount > 0) {`Created ${createdCount} missing sync records for ${entityName}.`); } } catch (e) { // this is to fix migration from 0.30 to 0.32, can be removed later // see log.error(`Filling sync rows failed for ${entityName} ${entityKey} with error "${e.message}", continuing`); } } async function fillAllSyncRows() { await sql.execute("DELETE FROM sync"); await fillSyncRows("notes", "noteId"); await fillSyncRows("note_contents", "noteId"); await fillSyncRows("branches", "branchId"); await fillSyncRows("note_revisions", "noteRevisionId"); await fillSyncRows("note_revision_contents", "noteRevisionId"); await fillSyncRows("recent_notes", "noteId"); await fillSyncRows("attributes", "attributeId"); await fillSyncRows("api_tokens", "apiTokenId"); await fillSyncRows("options", "name", 'isSynced = 1'); } module.exports = { addNoteSync: async (noteId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("notes", noteId, sourceId), addNoteContentSync: async (noteId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("note_contents", noteId, sourceId), addBranchSync: async (branchId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("branches", branchId, sourceId), addNoteReorderingSync: async (parentNoteId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("note_reordering", parentNoteId, sourceId), addNoteRevisionSync: async (noteRevisionId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("note_revisions", noteRevisionId, sourceId), addNoteRevisionContentSync: async (noteRevisionId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("note_revision_contents", noteRevisionId, sourceId), addOptionsSync: async (name, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("options", name, sourceId), addRecentNoteSync: async (noteId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("recent_notes", noteId, sourceId), addAttributeSync: async (attributeId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("attributes", attributeId, sourceId), addApiTokenSync: async (apiTokenId, sourceId) => await addEntitySync("api_tokens", apiTokenId, sourceId), addEntitySync, fillAllSyncRows };