$(function() { $(window).resize(function() { $('div#tree').height($(window).height() - $('div#tree').offset().top); $('div.note-editable').height($(window).height() - $('div.note-editable').offset().top); }); $(window).resize(); }); jQuery.hotkeys.options.filterInputAcceptingElements = true; jQuery.hotkeys.options.filterContentEditable = true; $(document).bind('keypress', 'alt+ctrl+h', function() { const toggle = $(".hide-toggle"); // use visibility instead of display so that content isn't moved around and stays set in place toggle.css('visibility', toggle.css('visibility') === 'hidden' ? 'visible' : 'hidden'); }); $(document).bind('keypress', 'alt+q', function() { $("#recentNotesDialog").dialog({ modal: true }); let recentNotesSelectBox = $('#recentNotesSelectBox'); recentNotesSelectBox.find('option').remove(); // remove the current note let recNotes = recentNotes.slice(1); $.each(recNotes, function(key, value) { let option = $("") .attr("value", value.noteId) .text(value.noteTitle); // select the first one (most recent one) by default if (key === 0) { option.attr("selected", "selected"); } recentNotesSelectBox.append(option); }); }); $('#recentNotesSelectBox').keydown(function(e) { let key = e.which; if (key === 13)// the enter key code { let noteId = $("#recentNotesSelectBox option:selected").val(); $("#tree").fancytree('getNodeByKey', noteId).setActive(); $("#recentNotesDialog").dialog('close'); } });