"use strict"; const noteTree = (function() { const noteDetailEl = $('#note-detail'); const treeEl = $("#tree"); let treeLoadTime = null; let clipboardNoteId = null; function getTreeLoadTime() { return treeLoadTime; } function getClipboardNoteId() { return clipboardNoteId; } function setClipboardNoteId(cbNoteId) { clipboardNoteId = cbNoteId; } function prepareNoteTree(notes) { for (const note of notes) { glob.allNoteIds.push(note.note_id); if (note.encryption > 0) { note.title = "[encrypted]"; note.extraClasses = "encrypted"; } else { note.title = note.note_title; if (note.is_clone) { note.title += " (clone)"; } } note.key = note.note_id; note.expanded = note.is_expanded; if (note.children && note.children.length > 0) { prepareNoteTree(note.children); } } } function setExpandedToServer(note_id, is_expanded) { const expandedNum = is_expanded ? 1 : 0; $.ajax({ url: baseApiUrl + 'notes/' + note_id + '/expanded/' + expandedNum, type: 'PUT', contentType: "application/json", success: result => {} }); } function initFancyTree(notes, startNoteId) { const keybindings = { "insert": node => { const parentKey = getParentKey(node); const encryption = getParentEncryption(node); noteEditor.createNote(node, parentKey, 'after', encryption); }, "ctrl+insert": node => { noteEditor.createNote(node, node.key, 'into', node.data.encryption); }, "del": node => { deleteNode(node); }, "shift+up": node => { const beforeNode = node.getPrevSibling(); if (beforeNode !== null) { moveBeforeNode(node, beforeNode); } }, "shift+down": node => { let afterNode = node.getNextSibling(); if (afterNode !== null) { moveAfterNode(node, afterNode); } }, "shift+left": node => { moveNodeUp(node); }, "shift+right": node => { let toNode = node.getPrevSibling(); if (toNode !== null) { moveToNode(node, toNode); } }, "return": node => { // doesn't work :-/ noteDetailEl.summernote('focus'); } }; treeEl.fancytree({ autoScroll: true, extensions: ["hotkeys", "filter", "dnd"], source: notes, scrollParent: $("#tree"), activate: (event, data) => { const node = data.node.data; noteEditor.saveNoteIfChanged().then(() => noteEditor.loadNoteToEditor(node.note_id)); }, expand: (event, data) => { setExpandedToServer(data.node.key, true); }, collapse: (event, data) => { setExpandedToServer(data.node.key, false); }, init: (event, data) => { if (startNoteId) { data.tree.activateKey(startNoteId); } $(window).resize(); }, hotkeys: { keydown: keybindings }, filter: { autoApply: true, // Re-apply last filter if lazy data is loaded autoExpand: true, // Expand all branches that contain matches while filtered counter: false, // Show a badge with number of matching child nodes near parent icons fuzzy: false, // Match single characters in order, e.g. 'fb' will match 'FooBar' hideExpandedCounter: true, // Hide counter badge if parent is expanded hideExpanders: false, // Hide expanders if all child nodes are hidden by filter highlight: true, // Highlight matches by wrapping inside tags leavesOnly: false, // Match end nodes only nodata: true, // Display a 'no data' status node if result is empty mode: "hide" // Grayout unmatched nodes (pass "hide" to remove unmatched node instead) }, dnd: dragAndDropSetup, keydown: (event, data) => { const node = data.node; // Eat keyboard events, when a menu is open if ($(".contextMenu:visible").length > 0) return false; switch (event.which) { // Open context menu on [Space] key (simulate right click) case 32: // [Space] $(node.span).trigger("mousedown", { preventDefault: true, button: 2 }) .trigger("mouseup", { preventDefault: true, pageX: node.span.offsetLeft, pageY: node.span.offsetTop, button: 2 }); return false; // Handle Ctrl-C, -X and -V // case 67: // if (event.ctrlKey) { // Ctrl-C // copyPaste("copy", node); // return false; // } // break; case 86: console.log("CTRL-V"); if (event.ctrlKey) { // Ctrl-V contextMenu.pasteAfter(node); return false; } break; case 88: console.log("CTRL-X"); if (event.ctrlKey) { // Ctrl-X contextMenu.cut(node); return false; } break; } } }); treeEl.contextmenu(contextMenu.contextMenuSettings); } function loadTree() { return $.get(baseApiUrl + 'tree').then(resp => { const notes = resp.notes; let startNoteId = resp.start_note_id; treeLoadTime = resp.tree_load_time; // add browser ID header to all AJAX requests $.ajaxSetup({ headers: { 'x-browser-id': resp.browser_id } }); if (document.location.hash) { startNoteId = document.location.hash.substr(1); // strip initial # } prepareNoteTree(notes); return { notes: notes, startNoteId: startNoteId }; }); } $(() => { loadTree().then(resp => { initFancyTree(resp.notes, resp.startNoteId); }); }); function collapseTree() { treeEl.fancytree("getRootNode").visit(node => { node.setExpanded(false); }); } $(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+c', collapseTree); function scrollToCurrentNote() { const node = getNodeByKey(noteEditor.getCurrentNoteId()); if (node) { node.makeVisible({scrollIntoView: true}); node.setFocus(); } } function showSearch() { $("#search-box").show(); $("input[name=search]").focus(); } function toggleSearch() { if ($("#search-box:hidden").length) { showSearch(); } else { resetSearch(); $("#search-box").hide(); } } function resetSearch() { $("input[name=search]").val(""); const tree = treeEl.fancytree("getTree"); tree.clearFilter(); } $("button#reset-search-button").click(resetSearch); $("input[name=search]").keyup(e => { const searchString = $("input[name=search]").val(); if (e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ESCAPE || $.trim(searchString) === "") { $("button#reset-search-button").click(); return; } if (e && e.which === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) { $.get(baseApiUrl + 'notes?search=' + searchString).then(resp => { console.log("search: ", resp); // Pass a string to perform case insensitive matching const tree = treeEl.fancytree("getTree"); tree.filterBranches(node => { return resp.includes(node.data.note_id); }); }); } }).focus(); $(document).bind('keydown', 'alt+s', showSearch); return { getTreeLoadTime, getClipboardNoteId, setClipboardNoteId, loadTree, collapseTree, scrollToCurrentNote, toggleSearch, }; })();