const tags = { 1: "", 2: "", 3: "", 4: "", 5: "", 6: "", 9: "", 10: "" }; let noteChangeDisabled = false; let isNoteChanged = false; function noteChanged() { if (noteChangeDisabled) { return; } isNoteChanged = true; } function updateNoteFromInputs(note) { let contents = $('#noteDetail').summernote('code'); html2notecase(contents, note); let title = $('#noteTitle').val(); getNodeByKey(note.detail.note_id).setTitle(title); note.detail.note_title = title; } function saveNoteToServer(note, callback) { $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + note.detail.note_id, type: 'PUT', data: JSON.stringify(note), contentType: "application/json", success: function () { isNoteChanged = false; message("Saved!"); if (callback) { callback(); } }, error: function () { error("Error saving the note!"); } }); } function saveNoteIfChanged(callback) { if (!isNoteChanged) { if (callback) { callback(); } return; } const note = globalNote; updateNoteFromInputs(note); saveNoteToServer(note, callback); } setInterval(saveNoteIfChanged, 5000); $(document).ready(function() { $("#noteTitle").on('input', function() { noteChanged(); }); $('#noteDetail').summernote({ airMode: true, height: 300, callbacks: { onChange: noteChanged } }); // so that tab jumps from note title (which has tabindex 1) $(".note-editable").attr("tabindex", 2); }); var globalNote; function createNewTopLevelNote() { let rootNode = $("#tree").fancytree("getRootNode"); createNote(rootNode, "root", "into"); } let newNoteCreated = false; function createNote(node, parentKey, target) { let newNoteName = "new note"; $.ajax({ url: baseUrl + 'notes/' + parentKey + '/children' , type: 'POST', data: JSON.stringify({ note_title: newNoteName, target: target, target_note_id: node.key }), contentType: "application/json", success: function(result) { let newNode = { "title": newNoteName, "key": result.note_id, "note_id": result.note_id }; globalAllNoteIds.push(result.note_id); newNoteCreated = true; if (target === 'after') { node.appendSibling(newNode).setActive(true); } else { node.addChildren(newNode).setActive(true); node.folder = true; node.renderTitle(); } message("Created!"); } }); } recentNotes = []; function setNoteBackgroundIfEncrypted(note) { if (note.detail.encryption > 0) { $(".note-editable").addClass("encrypted"); } else { $(".note-editable").removeClass("encrypted"); } } function loadNote(noteId) { $.get(baseUrl + 'notes/' + noteId).then(function(note) { globalNote = note; $("#noteTitle").val(note.detail.note_title); if (newNoteCreated) { newNoteCreated = false; $("#noteTitle").focus().select(); } let decryptPromise; if (note.detail.encryption === 1) { decryptPromise = decryptNote(note.detail.note_text); } else { decryptPromise = Promise.resolve(note.detail.note_text); } decryptPromise.then(decrypted => { note.detail.note_text = decrypted; let noteText = notecase2html(note); noteChangeDisabled = true; // Clear contents and remove all stored history. This is to prevent undo from going across notes $('#noteDetail').summernote('reset'); $('#noteDetail').summernote('code', noteText); document.location.hash = noteId; $(window).resize(); // to trigger resizing of editor addRecentNote(noteId, note.detail.note_id); noteChangeDisabled = false; setNoteBackgroundIfEncrypted(note); }); }); } function addRecentNote(noteTreeId, noteContentId) { const origDate = new Date(); setTimeout(function() { // we include the note into recent list only if the user stayed on the note at least 5 seconds if (noteTreeId === globalNote.detail.note_id || noteContentId === globalNote.detail.note_id) { // if it's already there, remove the note c = recentNotes.filter(note => note !== noteTreeId); recentNotes.unshift(noteTreeId); } }, 1500); } function deriveEncryptionKey(password) { // why this is done is explained here: - "Encoding notes" const normalizedPassword = password.normalize('NFKC'); // use password as a base for salt (which is itself salted with constant) so that we don't need to store it // this means everything is encrypted with the same salt. const salt = sha256("Jg&)hZ$" + normalizedPassword + "*P7j."); const passwordBuffer = new buffer.SlowBuffer(normalizedPassword); const saltBuffer = new buffer.SlowBuffer(salt); // this settings take ~500ms on my laptop const N = 16384, r = 16, p = 1; // 32 byte key - AES 256 const dkLen = 32; const startedDate = new Date(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { scrypt(passwordBuffer, saltBuffer, N, r, p, dkLen, function (error, progress, key) { if (error) { console.log("Error: " + error); reject(); } else if (key) { console.log("Computation took " + (new Date().getTime() - startedDate.getTime()) + "ms"); resolve(key); } else { // update UI with progress complete } }); }); } let globalEncryptionKeyPromise = null; function getEncryptionKey() { if (globalEncryptionKeyPromise === null) { const password = prompt("Enter password for encryption"); globalEncryptionKeyPromise = deriveEncryptionKey(password); } return globalEncryptionKeyPromise; } function getAes() { return getEncryptionKey().then(encryptionKey => { return new aesjs.ModeOfOperation.ctr(encryptionKey, new aesjs.Counter(5)); }); } function encryptNote() { getAes().then(aes => { const note = globalNote; updateNoteFromInputs(note); const noteJson = note.detail.note_text; const noteBytes = aesjs.utils.utf8.toBytes(noteJson); const encryptedBytes = aes.encrypt(noteBytes); // To print or store the binary data, you may convert it to hex const encryptedBase64 = uint8ToBase64(encryptedBytes); note.detail.note_text = encryptedBase64; note.detail.encryption = 1; saveNoteToServer(note); setNoteBackgroundIfEncrypted(note); }); } function decryptNote(encryptedBase64) { return getAes().then(aes => { const encryptedBytes = base64ToUint8Array(encryptedBase64); const decryptedBytes = aes.decrypt(encryptedBytes); return aesjs.utils.utf8.fromBytes(decryptedBytes); }); } function uint8ToBase64(u8Arr) { const CHUNK_SIZE = 0x8000; //arbitrary number const length = u8Arr.length; let index = 0; let result = ''; let slice; while (index < length) { slice = u8Arr.subarray(index, Math.min(index + CHUNK_SIZE, length)); result += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, slice); index += CHUNK_SIZE; } return btoa(result); } function base64ToUint8Array(base64encoded) { return new Uint8Array(atob(base64encoded).split("").map(function(c) { return c.charCodeAt(0); })); }