import options from './options.js'; import appContext from "./app_context.js"; import treeService from "./tree.js"; function getHoistedNoteId() { return options.get('hoistedNoteId'); } async function setHoistedNoteId(noteId) { await'hoistedNoteId', noteId); // FIXME - just use option load event appContext.triggerEvent('hoistedNoteChanged', {noteId}); } async function unhoist() { await setHoistedNoteId('root'); } function isTopLevelNode(node) { return isRootNode(node.getParent()); } function isRootNode(node) { // even though check for 'root' should not be necessary, we keep it just in case return === "root" || === getHoistedNoteId(); } async function checkNoteAccess(notePath) { // notePath argument can contain only noteId which is not good when hoisted since // then we need to check the whole note path const runNotePath = await treeService.getRunPath(notePath); if (!runNotePath) { console.log("Cannot activate " + notePath); return false; } const hoistedNoteId = getHoistedNoteId(); if (hoistedNoteId !== 'root' && !runNotePath.includes(hoistedNoteId)) { const confirmDialog = await import('../dialogs/confirm.js'); if (!await confirmDialog.confirm("Requested note is outside of hoisted note subtree and you must unhoist to access the note. Do you want to proceed with unhoisting?")) { return false; } // unhoist so we can activate the note await unhoist(); } return true; } export default { getHoistedNoteId, setHoistedNoteId, unhoist, isTopLevelNode, isRootNode, checkNoteAccess }