import utils from './utils.js'; import toastService from "./toast.js"; import server from "./server.js"; import LoadResults from "./load_results.js"; import Branch from "../entities/branch.js"; import Attribute from "../entities/attribute.js"; import options from "./options.js"; import treeCache from "./tree_cache.js"; import noteAttributeCache from "./note_attribute_cache.js"; const $outstandingSyncsCount = $("#outstanding-syncs-count"); const messageHandlers = []; let ws; let lastAcceptedSyncId = window.glob.maxSyncIdAtLoad; let lastProcessedSyncId = window.glob.maxSyncIdAtLoad; let lastPingTs; let syncDataQueue = []; function logError(message) { console.log(, message); // needs to be separate from .trace() console.trace(); if (ws && ws.readyState === 1) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'log-error', error: message })); } } function subscribeToMessages(messageHandler) { messageHandlers.push(messageHandler); } // used to serialize sync operations let consumeQueuePromise = null; async function handleMessage(event) { const message = JSON.parse(; for (const messageHandler of messageHandlers) { messageHandler(message); } if (message.type === 'sync') { let syncRows =; lastPingTs =; $outstandingSyncsCount.html(message.outstandingSyncs); if (syncRows.length > 0) { const filteredRows = syncRows.filter(row => row.entityName !== 'recent_notes' && (row.entityName !== 'options' || row.entityId !== 'openTabs')); if (filteredRows.length > 0) { console.debug(, "Sync data: ", filteredRows); } syncDataQueue.push(...syncRows); // we set lastAcceptedSyncId even before sync processing and send ping so that backend can start sending more updates lastAcceptedSyncId = Math.max(lastAcceptedSyncId, syncRows[syncRows.length - 1].id); sendPing(); // first wait for all the preceding consumers to finish while (consumeQueuePromise) { await consumeQueuePromise; } try { // it's my turn so start it up consumeQueuePromise = consumeSyncData(); await consumeQueuePromise; } finally { // finish and set to null to signal somebody else can pick it up consumeQueuePromise = null; } } } else if (message.type === 'sync-hash-check-failed') { toastService.showError("Sync check failed!", 60000); } else if (message.type === 'consistency-checks-failed') { toastService.showError("Consistency checks failed! See logs for details.", 50 * 60000); } } let syncIdReachedListeners = []; function waitForSyncId(desiredSyncId) { if (desiredSyncId <= lastProcessedSyncId) { return Promise.resolve(); } console.debug("Waiting for", desiredSyncId, 'current is', lastProcessedSyncId); return new Promise((res, rej) => { syncIdReachedListeners.push({ desiredSyncId, resolvePromise: res, start: }) }); } function waitForMaxKnownSyncId() { return waitForSyncId(server.getMaxKnownSyncId()); } function checkSyncIdListeners() { syncIdReachedListeners .filter(l => l.desiredSyncId <= lastProcessedSyncId) .forEach(l => l.resolvePromise()); syncIdReachedListeners = syncIdReachedListeners .filter(l => l.desiredSyncId > lastProcessedSyncId); syncIdReachedListeners.filter(l => > l.start - 60000) .forEach(l => console.log(`Waiting for syncId ${l.desiredSyncId} while current is ${lastProcessedSyncId} for ${Math.floor(( - l.start) / 1000)}s`)); } async function runSafely(syncHandler, syncData) { try { return await syncHandler(syncData); } catch (e) { console.log(`Sync handler failed with ${e.message}: ${e.stack}`); } } async function consumeSyncData() { if (syncDataQueue.length > 0) { const allSyncData = syncDataQueue; syncDataQueue = []; try { await processSyncRows(allSyncData); } catch (e) { logError(`Encountered error ${e.message}: ${e.stack}, reloading frontend.`); // if there's an error in updating the frontend then the easy option to recover is to reload the frontend completely utils.reloadApp(); } lastProcessedSyncId = Math.max(lastProcessedSyncId, allSyncData[allSyncData.length - 1].id); } checkSyncIdListeners(); } function connectWebSocket() { const loc = window.location; const webSocketUri = (loc.protocol === "https:" ? "wss:" : "ws:") + "//" + + loc.pathname; // use wss for secure messaging const ws = new WebSocket(webSocketUri); ws.onopen = () => console.debug(, `Connected to server ${webSocketUri} with WebSocket`); ws.onmessage = handleMessage; // we're not handling ws.onclose here because reconnection is done in sendPing() return ws; } async function sendPing() { if ( - lastPingTs > 30000) { console.log(, "Lost websocket connection to the backend"); } if (ws.readyState === ws.OPEN) { ws.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'ping', lastSyncId: lastAcceptedSyncId })); } else if (ws.readyState === ws.CLOSED || ws.readyState === ws.CLOSING) { console.log(, "WS closed or closing, trying to reconnect"); ws = connectWebSocket(); } } setTimeout(() => { ws = connectWebSocket(); lastPingTs =; setInterval(sendPing, 1000); }, 0); subscribeToMessages(message => { if (message.type === 'sync-pull-in-progress') { toastService.showPersistent({ id: 'sync', title: "Sync status", message: "Sync update in progress", icon: "refresh" }); } else if (message.type === 'sync-pull-finished') { // this gives user a chance to see the toast in case of fast sync finish setTimeout(() => toastService.closePersistent('sync'), 1000); } }); async function processSyncRows(syncRows) { const missingNoteIds = []; syncRows.forEach(({entityName, entity}) => { if (entityName === 'branches' && !(entity.parentNoteId in treeCache.notes)) { missingNoteIds.push(entity.parentNoteId); } else if (entityName === 'attributes' && entity.type === 'relation' && === 'template' && !(entity.noteId in treeCache.notes)) { missingNoteIds.push(entity.value); } }); if (missingNoteIds.length > 0) { await treeCache.reloadNotes(missingNoteIds); } const loadResults = new LoadResults(treeCache); syncRows.filter(sync => sync.entityName === 'notes').forEach(sync => { const note = treeCache.notes[sync.entityId]; if (note) { note.update(sync.entity); loadResults.addNote(sync.entityId, sync.sourceId); } }); syncRows.filter(sync => sync.entityName === 'branches').forEach(sync => { let branch = treeCache.branches[sync.entityId]; const childNote = treeCache.notes[sync.entity.noteId]; const parentNote = treeCache.notes[sync.entity.parentNoteId]; if (branch) { branch.update(sync.entity); loadResults.addBranch(sync.entityId, sync.sourceId); if (sync.entity.isDeleted) { if (childNote) { childNote.parents = childNote.parents.filter(parentNoteId => parentNoteId !== sync.entity.parentNoteId); delete childNote.parentToBranch[sync.entity.parentNoteId]; } if (parentNote) { parentNote.children = parentNote.children.filter(childNoteId => childNoteId !== sync.entity.noteId); delete parentNote.childToBranch[sync.entity.noteId]; } } else { if (childNote) { childNote.addParent(branch.parentNoteId, branch.branchId); } if (parentNote) { parentNote.addChild(branch.noteId, branch.branchId); } } } else if (!sync.entity.isDeleted) { if (childNote || parentNote) { branch = new Branch(treeCache, sync.entity); treeCache.branches[branch.branchId] = branch; loadResults.addBranch(sync.entityId, sync.sourceId); if (childNote) { childNote.addParent(branch.parentNoteId, branch.branchId); } if (parentNote) { parentNote.addChild(branch.noteId, branch.branchId); } } } }); syncRows.filter(sync => sync.entityName === 'note_reordering').forEach(sync => { for (const branchId in sync.positions) { const branch = treeCache.branches[branchId]; if (branch) { branch.notePosition = sync.positions[branchId]; } } loadResults.addNoteReordering(sync.entityId, sync.sourceId); }); // missing reloading the relation target note syncRows.filter(sync => sync.entityName === 'attributes').forEach(sync => { let attribute = treeCache.attributes[sync.entityId]; const sourceNote = treeCache.notes[sync.entity.noteId]; const targetNote = sync.entity.type === 'relation' && treeCache.notes[sync.entity.value]; if (attribute) { attribute.update(sync.entity); loadResults.addAttribute(sync.entityId, sync.sourceId); if (sync.entity.isDeleted) { if (sourceNote) { sourceNote.attributes = sourceNote.attributes.filter(attributeId => attributeId !== attribute.attributeId); } if (targetNote) { targetNote.targetRelations = targetNote.targetRelations.filter(attributeId => attributeId !== attribute.attributeId); } } } else if (!sync.entity.isDeleted) { if (sourceNote || targetNote) { attribute = new Attribute(treeCache, sync.entity); treeCache.attributes[attribute.attributeId] = attribute; loadResults.addAttribute(sync.entityId, sync.sourceId); if (sourceNote && !sourceNote.attributes.includes(attribute.attributeId)) { sourceNote.attributes.push(attribute.attributeId); } if (targetNote && !targetNote.targetRelations.includes(attribute.attributeId)) { targetNote.targetRelations.push(attribute.attributeId); } } } }); syncRows.filter(sync => sync.entityName === 'note_contents').forEach(sync => { delete treeCache.noteComplementPromises[sync.entityId]; loadResults.addNoteContent(sync.entityId, sync.sourceId); }); syncRows.filter(sync => sync.entityName === 'note_revisions').forEach(sync => { loadResults.addNoteRevision(sync.entityId, sync.noteId, sync.sourceId); }); syncRows.filter(sync => sync.entityName === 'options').forEach(sync => { if ( === 'openTabs') { return; // only noise } options.set(, sync.entity.value); loadResults.addOption(; }); if (!loadResults.isEmpty()) { if (loadResults.hasAttributeRelatedChanges()) { noteAttributeCache.invalidate(); } const appContext = (await import("./app_context.js")).default; await appContext.triggerEvent('entitiesReloaded', {loadResults}); } } export default { logError, subscribeToMessages, waitForSyncId, waitForMaxKnownSyncId };