const $dialog = $("#confirm-dialog"); const $confirmContent = $("#confirm-dialog-content"); const $okButton = $("#confirm-dialog-ok-button"); const $cancelButton = $("#confirm-dialog-cancel-button"); const $custom = $("#confirm-dialog-custom"); const DELETE_NOTE_BUTTON_ID = "confirm-dialog-delete-note"; let resolve; let $originallyFocused; // element focused before the dialog was opened so we can return to it afterwards function confirm(message) { $originallyFocused = $(':focus'); $custom.hide(); glob.activeDialog = $dialog; if (typeof message === 'string') { message = $("
").text(message); } $confirmContent.empty().append(message); $dialog.modal(); return new Promise((res, rej) => { resolve = res; }); } function confirmDeleteNoteBoxWithNote(title) { glob.activeDialog = $dialog; $confirmContent.text(`Are you sure you want to remove the note "${title}" from relation map?`); $custom.empty() .append("
") .append($("
").addClass("form-check") .append($("") .attr("id", DELETE_NOTE_BUTTON_ID) .attr("type", "checkbox") .addClass("form-check-input")) .append($("