function html2notecase(contents, note) { //console.log("'" + contents + "'"); // remove any possible extra newlines which might be inserted - all relevant new lines should be only in

contents = contents.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/, ''); contents = contents.replace(/
<\/p>/g, '\n'); contents = contents.replace(/

<\/p>/g, '\n'); contents = contents.replace(/
/g, '\n'); contents = contents.replace(/
/g, '\n'); contents = contents.replace(/<\/p>/g, '\n'); contents = contents.replace(/

/g, ''); contents = contents.replace(/ /g, ' '); let index = 0; note.formatting = []; note.links = []; note.images = []; while (index < contents.length) { let curContent = contents.substr(index); if (contents[index] === '<') { let found = false; let endOfTag = curContent.indexOf('>'); if (endOfTag === -1) { console.log("Can't find the end of the tag"); } let curTag = curContent.substr(0, endOfTag + 1); //console.log(contents); for (tagId in tags) { let tag = tags[tagId]; if (contents.substr(index, tag.length) === tag) { found = true; // if (tagMap.get(index) == undefined) { // tagMap.get(index) = []; // } // tagMap.get(index).push(key); note.formatting.push({ note_id: note.detail.note_id, note_offset: index, fmt_tag: tagId, fmt_color: '', fmt_font: '', fmt_value: 100 }); contents = contents.substr(0, index) + contents.substr(index + tag.length); break; } } if (curTag.substr(0, 4) === "]+?href="([^"]+?)"[^>]+?>([^<]+?)<\/a>/.exec(curContent); if (match !== null) { note.links.push({ note_id: note.detail.note_id, note_offset: index, target_url: match[1], lnk_text: match[2] }); //console.log("Found link with text: " + match[2] + ", targetting: " + match[1]); contents = contents.substr(0, index) + match[2] + contents.substr(index + match[0].length); found = true; } // let imageRegex = /]+src="data:image\/(jpg|png);base64,([^>\"]+)"[^>]+>/; // console.log("Testing for image: " + curTag.substr(0, 100)); // console.log("End of image: " + curTag.substr(curTag.length - 100)); // let match = imageRegex.exec(curTag); // if (match != null) { // } if (!found) { contents = contents.substr(0, index) + contents.substr(index + endOfTag + 1); } } else { let linkMatch = /^(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|]/i.exec(curContent); if (linkMatch !== null) { note.links.push({ note_id: note.detail.note_id, note_offset: index, target_url: linkMatch[0], lnk_text: linkMatch[0] }); // console.log(linkMatch[0]); // console.log(linkMatch[0].length); index += linkMatch[0].length; } else { index++; } } } contents = contents.trim(); //console.log('"' + contents + '"'); note.detail.note_text = contents; }