import bundleService from "./bundle.js"; import ws from "./ws.js"; import optionsService from "./options.js"; class Sidebar { /** * @param {TabContext} ctx * @param {object} state */ constructor(ctx, state = {}) { /** @property {TabContext} */ this.ctx = ctx; this.state = Object.assign({ widgets: [] }, state); this.widgets = []; this.rendered = false; this.$sidebar = ctx.$tabContent.find(".note-detail-sidebar"); this.$widgetContainer = this.$sidebar.find(".note-detail-widget-container"); this.$showSideBarButton = this.ctx.$tabContent.find(".show-sidebar-button"); this.$hideSidebarButton = this.$sidebar.find(".hide-sidebar-button"); this.$ => { this.$sidebar.hide(); this.$; this.ctx.stateChanged(); }); this.$ => { this.$; this.$showSideBarButton.hide(); this.ctx.stateChanged(); this.noteLoaded(); }); this.$showSideBarButton.toggle(!state.visible); this.$sidebar.toggle(state.visible); } isVisible() { return this.$sidebar.css("display") !== "none"; } getSidebarState() { return { visible: this.isVisible(), widgets: => w.getWidgetState()) } } async noteLoaded() { if (!this.isVisible() || !this.ctx.note) { return; } for (const widget of this.widgets) { widget.cleanup(); } this.widgets = []; this.$widgetContainer.empty(); const widgetClasses = (await Promise.all([ import("../widgets/note_info.js"), import("../widgets/link_map.js"), import("../widgets/note_revisions.js"), import("../widgets/attributes.js"), import("../widgets/what_links_here.js") ])).map(m => m.default); const options = await optionsService.waitForOptions(); const widgetRelations = await this.ctx.note.getRelations('widget'); for (const widgetRelation of widgetRelations) { const widgetClass = await bundleService.getAndExecuteBundle(widgetRelation.value, this.ctx.note); widgetClasses.push(widgetClass); } for (const widgetClass of widgetClasses) { try { const widget = new widgetClass(this.ctx, options, this.state); if (await widget.isEnabled()) { this.widgets.push(widget); } } catch (e) { ws.logError(`Error while creating widget ${}: ${e.message}`); } } this.widgets.sort((a, b) => a.getPosition() < b.getPosition() ? -1 : 1); for (const widget of this.widgets) { try { const $el = await widget.render(); this.$widgetContainer.append($el); } catch (e) { ws.logError(`Error while loading widget ${widget.widgetName}: ${e.message}`); } } } syncDataReceived(syncData) { for (const widget of this.widgets) { if (widget.syncDataReceived) { widget.syncDataReceived(syncData); } } } } export default Sidebar;