import utils from '../services/utils.js'; /** * Abstract class for all components in the Trilium's frontend. * * Contains also event implementation with following properties: * - event / command distribution is synchronous which among others mean that events are well ordered - event * which was sent out first will also be processed first by the component * - execution of the event / command is asynchronous - each component executes the event on its own without regard for * other components. * - although the execution is async, we are collecting all the promises and therefore it is possible to wait until the * event / command is executed in all components - by simply awaiting the `triggerEvent()`. */ export default class Component { constructor() { this.componentId = `comp-` + utils.randomString(8); /** @type Component[] */ this.children = []; this.initialized = Promise.resolve(); } setParent(parent) { /** @type Component */ this.parent = parent; return this; } child(...components) { for (const component of components) { component.setParent(this); this.children.push(component); } return this; } /** @return {Promise} */ handleEvent(name, data) { return Promise.all([ this.initialized.then(() => this.callMethod(this[name + 'Event'], data)), this.handleEventInChildren(name, data) ]); } /** @return {Promise} */ triggerEvent(name, data) { return this.parent.triggerEvent(name, data); } /** @return {Promise} */ handleEventInChildren(name, data) { const promises = []; for (const child of this.children) { promises.push(child.handleEvent(name, data)); } return Promise.all(promises); } /** @return {Promise} */ triggerCommand(name, data = {}) { const fun = this[name + 'Command']; if (fun) { return this.callMethod(fun, data); } else { return this.parent.triggerCommand(name, data); } } async callMethod(fun, data) { if (typeof fun !== 'function') { return false; } await, data); return true; } }