import treeService from './tree.js'; import NoteContext from './note_context.js'; import server from './server.js'; import messagingService from "./messaging.js"; import infoService from "./info.js"; import treeCache from "./tree_cache.js"; import NoteFull from "../entities/note_full.js"; import bundleService from "./bundle.js"; import utils from "./utils.js"; import importDialog from "../dialogs/import.js"; import contextMenuService from "./context_menu.js"; const chromeTabsEl = document.querySelector('.chrome-tabs'); const chromeTabs = new ChromeTabs(); chromeTabs.init(chromeTabsEl); const $noteTabContentsContainer = $("#note-tab-container"); const $savedIndicator = $(".saved-indicator"); let detailLoadedListeners = []; /** @return {NoteFull} */ function getActiveNote() { const activeContext = getActiveContext(); return activeContext ? activeContext.note : null; } function getActiveNoteId() { const activeNote = getActiveNote(); return activeNote ? activeNote.noteId : null; } function getActiveNoteType() { const activeNote = getActiveNote(); return activeNote ? activeNote.type : null; } async function reload() { // no saving here await loadNoteDetail(getActiveNoteId()); } async function reloadAllTabs() { for (const noteContext of noteContexts) { const note = await loadNote(noteContext.note.noteId); await loadNoteDetailToContext(noteContext, note); } } async function openInTab(noteId) { await loadNoteDetail(noteId, true); } async function switchToNote(noteId) { //if (getActiveNoteId() !== noteId) { await saveNotesIfChanged(); await loadNoteDetail(noteId); //} } function getActiveNoteContent() { return getActiveContext().getComponent().getContent(); } function onNoteChange(func) { return getActiveContext().getComponent().onNoteChange(func); } async function saveNotesIfChanged() { for (const ctx of noteContexts) { await ctx.saveNoteIfChanged(); } // make sure indicator is visible in a case there was some race condition. $savedIndicator.fadeIn(); } /** @type {NoteContext[]} */ let noteContexts = []; /** @returns {NoteContext} */ function getActiveContext() { for (const ctx of noteContexts) { if (ctx.$":visible")) { return ctx; } } } function showTab(tabId) { tabId = parseInt(tabId); for (const ctx of noteContexts) { ctx.$noteTabContent.toggle(ctx.tabId === tabId); } } /** * @param {NoteContext} ctx * @param {NoteFull} note */ async function loadNoteDetailToContext(ctx, note) { ctx.setNote(note); if (utils.isDesktop()) { // needs to happen after loading the note itself because it references active noteId ctx.attributes.refreshAttributes(); } else { // mobile usually doesn't need attributes so we just invalidate ctx.attributes.invalidateAttributes(); } ctx.noteChangeDisabled = true; try { ctx.$noteTitle.val(ctx.note.title); if (utils.isDesktop()) { ctx.noteType.type(ctx.note.type); ctx.noteType.mime(ctx.note.mime); } for (const componentType in ctx.components) { if (componentType !== ctx.note.type) { ctx.components[componentType].cleanup(); } } ctx.$noteDetailComponents.hide(); ctx.$noteTitle.removeAttr("readonly"); // this can be set by protected session service await ctx.getComponent().show(ctx); } finally { ctx.noteChangeDisabled = false; } treeService.setBranchBackgroundBasedOnProtectedStatus(note.noteId); // after loading new note make sure editor is scrolled to the top ctx.getComponent().scrollToTop(); fireDetailLoaded(); ctx.$scriptArea.empty(); await bundleService.executeRelationBundles(ctx.note, 'runOnNoteView'); if (utils.isDesktop()) { await ctx.attributes.showAttributes(); await ctx.showChildrenOverview(); } } async function loadNoteDetail(noteId, newTab = false) { const loadedNote = await loadNote(noteId); let ctx; if (noteContexts.length === 0 || newTab) { // if it's a new tab explicitly by user then it's in background ctx = new NoteContext(chromeTabs, newTab); noteContexts.push(ctx); if (!newTab) { showTab(ctx.tabId); } } else { ctx = getActiveContext(); } // we will try to render the new note only if it's still the active one in the tree // this is useful when user quickly switches notes (by e.g. holding down arrow) so that we don't // try to render all those loaded notes one after each other. This only guarantees that correct note // will be displayed independent of timing const currentTreeNode = treeService.getActiveNode(); if (!newTab && currentTreeNode && !== loadedNote.noteId) { return; } await loadNoteDetailToContext(ctx, loadedNote); } async function loadNote(noteId) { const row = await server.get('notes/' + noteId); return new NoteFull(treeCache, row); } function focusOnTitle() { getActiveContext().$noteTitle.focus(); } function focusAndSelectTitle() { getActiveContext().$noteTitle.focus().select(); } /** * Since detail loading may take some time and user might just browse through the notes using UP-DOWN keys, * we intentionally decouple activation of the note in the tree and full load of the note so just avaiting on * fancytree's activate() won't wait for the full load. * * This causes an issue where in some cases you want to do some action after detail is loaded. For this reason * we provide the listeners here which will be triggered after the detail is loaded and if the loaded note * is the one registered in the listener. */ function addDetailLoadedListener(noteId, callback) { detailLoadedListeners.push({ noteId, callback }); } function fireDetailLoaded() { for (const {noteId, callback} of detailLoadedListeners) { if (noteId === getActiveNoteId()) { callback(); } } // all the listeners are one time only detailLoadedListeners = []; } messagingService.subscribeToSyncMessages(syncData => { if (syncData.some(sync => sync.entityName === 'notes' && sync.entityId === getActiveNoteId())) { infoService.showMessage('Reloading note because of background changes'); reload(); } }); $noteTabContentsContainer.on("dragover", e => e.preventDefault()); $noteTabContentsContainer.on("dragleave", e => e.preventDefault()); $noteTabContentsContainer.on("drop", e => { importDialog.uploadFiles(getActiveNoteId(), e.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files, { safeImport: true, shrinkImages: true, textImportedAsText: true, codeImportedAsCode: true, explodeArchives: true }); }); chromeTabsEl.addEventListener('activeTabChange', ({ detail }) => { const tabId = detail.tabEl.getAttribute('data-tab-id'); showTab(tabId); console.log(`Activated tab ${tabId}`); }); chromeTabsEl.addEventListener('tabRemove', ({ detail }) => { const tabId = parseInt(detail.tabEl.getAttribute('data-tab-id')); noteContexts = noteContexts.filter(nc => nc.tabId !== tabId); console.log(`Removed tab ${tabId}`); }); $(chromeTabsEl).on('contextmenu', '.chrome-tab', e => { const tab = $(".chrome-tab"); contextMenuService.initContextMenu(e, { getContextMenuItems: () => { return [ {title: "Close all tabs except for this", cmd: "removeAllTabsExceptForThis", uiIcon: "empty"} ]; }, selectContextMenuItem: (e, cmd) => { if (cmd === 'removeAllTabsExceptForThis') { chromeTabs.removeAllTabsExceptForThis(tab[0]); } } }); }); if (utils.isElectron()) { utils.bindShortcut('ctrl+w', () => { if (noteContexts.length === 1) { // at least one tab must be present return; } chromeTabs.removeTab(chromeTabs.activeTabEl); }); utils.bindShortcut('ctrl+tab', () => { const nextTab = chromeTabs.nextTabEl; if (nextTab) { chromeTabs.setCurrentTab(nextTab); } }); utils.bindShortcut('ctrl+shift+tab', () => { const prevTab = chromeTabs.previousTabEl; if (prevTab) { chromeTabs.setCurrentTab(prevTab); } }); } // this makes sure that when user e.g. reloads the page or navigates away from the page, the note's content is saved // this sends the request asynchronously and doesn't wait for result $(window).on('beforeunload', () => { saveNotesIfChanged(); }); // don't convert to short form, handler doesn't like returned promise setInterval(saveNotesIfChanged, 3000); export default { reload, reloadAllTabs, openInTab, switchToNote, loadNote, getActiveNote, getActiveNoteContent, getActiveNoteType, getActiveNoteId, focusOnTitle, focusAndSelectTitle, saveNotesIfChanged, onNoteChange, addDetailLoadedListener, getActiveContext };