"use strict"; const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const sql = require('../../services/sql'); const options = require('../../services/options'); const utils = require('../../services/utils'); const auth = require('../../services/auth'); const protected_session = require('../../services/protected_session'); const data_encryption = require('../../services/data_encryption'); const notes = require('../../services/notes'); const sync_table = require('../../services/sync_table'); router.get('/', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const notes = await sql.getResults("SELECT " + "notes_tree.*, " + "notes.note_title, " + "notes.is_protected " + "FROM notes_tree " + "JOIN notes ON notes.note_id = notes_tree.note_id " + "WHERE notes.is_deleted = 0 AND notes_tree.is_deleted = 0 " + "ORDER BY note_position"); const dataKey = protected_session.getDataKey(req); for (const note of notes) { if (note.is_protected) { note.note_title = data_encryption.decryptString(dataKey, data_encryption.noteTitleIv(note.note_id), note.note_title); } } res.send({ notes: notes, start_note_path: await options.getOption('start_note_path') }); }); router.put('/:noteId/protect-sub-tree/:isProtected', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const noteId = req.params.noteId; const isProtected = !!parseInt(req.params.isProtected); const dataKey = protected_session.getDataKey(req); const sourceId = req.headers.source_id; await sql.doInTransaction(async () => { await notes.protectNoteRecursively(noteId, dataKey, isProtected, sourceId); }); res.send({}); }); router.put('/:noteTreeId/set-prefix', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => { const noteTreeId = req.params.noteTreeId; const sourceId = req.headers.source_id; const prefix = utils.isEmptyOrWhitespace(req.body.prefix) ? null : req.body.prefix; await sql.doInTransaction(async () => { await sql.execute("UPDATE notes_tree SET prefix = ?, date_modified = ? WHERE note_tree_id = ?", [prefix, utils.nowDate(), noteTreeId]); await sync_table.addNoteTreeSync(noteTreeId, sourceId); }); res.send({}); }); module.exports = router;