import treeService from '../services/tree.js'; import server from '../services/server.js'; const $dialog = $("#recent-notes-dialog"); const $searchInput = $('#recent-notes-search-input'); function addRecentNote(branchId, notePath) { setTimeout(async () => { // we include the note into recent list only if the user stayed on the note at least 5 seconds if (notePath && notePath === treeService.getCurrentNotePath()) { const result = await server.put('recent-notes/' + branchId + '/' + encodeURIComponent(notePath)); } }, 1500); } async function showDialog() { glob.activeDialog = $dialog; $dialog.dialog({ modal: true, width: 800, height: 100, position: { my: "center top+100", at: "top", of: window } }); $searchInput.val(''); const result = await server.get('recent-notes'); // remove the current note const recNotes = result.filter(note => note.notePath !== treeService.getCurrentNotePath()); const items = => { return { label: rn.title, value: rn.notePath }; }); $searchInput.autocomplete({ source: items, minLength: 0, autoFocus: true, select: function (event, ui) { treeService.activateNode(ui.item.value); $searchInput.autocomplete('destroy'); $dialog.dialog('close'); }, focus: function (event, ui) { event.preventDefault(); }, close: function (event, ui) { if (event.keyCode === 27) { // escape closes dialog $searchInput.autocomplete('destroy'); $dialog.dialog('close'); } else { // keep autocomplete open // we're kind of abusing autocomplete to work in a way which it's not designed for $searchInput.autocomplete("search", ""); } }, create: () => $searchInput.autocomplete("search", ""), classes: { "ui-autocomplete": "recent-notes-autocomplete" } }); } export default { showDialog, addRecentNote };