"use strict"; const recentNotes = (function() { const dialogEl = $("#recent-notes-dialog"); const selectBoxEl = $('#recent-notes-select-box'); const jumpToButtonEl = $('#recent-notes-jump-to'); const addLinkButtonEl = $('#recent-notes-add-link'); const addCurrentAsChildEl = $("#recent-notes-add-current-as-child"); const addRecentAsChildEl = $("#recent-notes-add-recent-as-child"); const noteDetailEl = $('#note-detail'); // list of recent note paths let list = []; async function reload() { const result = await server.get('recent-notes'); list = result.map(r => r.notePath); } function addRecentNote(noteTreeId, notePath) { setTimeout(async () => { // we include the note into recent list only if the user stayed on the note at least 5 seconds if (notePath && notePath === noteTree.getCurrentNotePath()) { const result = await server.put('recent-notes/' + noteTreeId + '/' + encodeURIComponent(notePath)); list = result.map(r => r.notePath); } }, 1500); } function showDialog() { glob.activeDialog = dialogEl; dialogEl.dialog({ modal: true, width: 800 }); selectBoxEl.find('option').remove(); // remove the current note const recNotes = list.filter(note => note !== noteTree.getCurrentNotePath()); $.each(recNotes, (key, valueNotePath) => { const noteTitle = noteTree.getNotePathTitle(valueNotePath); const option = $("") .attr("value", valueNotePath) .text(noteTitle); // select the first one (most recent one) by default if (key === 0) { option.attr("selected", "selected"); } selectBoxEl.append(option); }); } function getSelectedNotePath() { return selectBoxEl.find("option:selected").val(); } function getSelectedNoteId() { const notePath = getSelectedNotePath(); return treeUtils.getNoteIdFromNotePath(notePath); } function setActiveNoteBasedOnRecentNotes() { const notePath = getSelectedNotePath(); noteTree.activateNode(notePath); dialogEl.dialog('close'); } function addLinkBasedOnRecentNotes() { const notePath = getSelectedNotePath(); const noteId = treeUtils.getNoteIdFromNotePath(notePath); const linkTitle = noteTree.getNoteTitle(noteId); dialogEl.dialog("close"); link.addLinkToEditor(linkTitle, '#' + notePath); } async function addCurrentAsChild() { await cloning.cloneNoteTo(noteEditor.getCurrentNoteId(), getSelectedNoteId()); dialogEl.dialog("close"); } async function addRecentAsChild() { await cloning.cloneNoteTo(getSelectedNoteId(), noteEditor.getCurrentNoteId()); dialogEl.dialog("close"); } selectBoxEl.keydown(e => { const key = e.which; // to get keycodes use http://keycode.info/ if (key === 13)// the enter key code { setActiveNoteBasedOnRecentNotes(); } else if (key === 76 /* l */) { addLinkBasedOnRecentNotes(); } else if (key === 67 /* c */) { addCurrentAsChild(); } else if (key === 82 /* r */) { addRecentAsChild() } else { return; // avoid prevent default } e.preventDefault(); }); reload(); $(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+e', e => { showDialog(); e.preventDefault(); }); selectBoxEl.dblclick(e => { setActiveNoteBasedOnRecentNotes(); }); jumpToButtonEl.click(setActiveNoteBasedOnRecentNotes); addLinkButtonEl.click(addLinkBasedOnRecentNotes); addCurrentAsChildEl.click(addCurrentAsChild); addRecentAsChildEl.click(addRecentAsChild); return { showDialog, addRecentNote, reload }; })();