DROP TABLE migrations; -- Sync CREATE TABLE `sync_mig` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `entity_name` TEXT NOT NULL, `entity_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `source_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `sync_date` TEXT NOT NULL); INSERT INTO sync_mig (id, entity_name, entity_id, source_id, sync_date) SELECT id, entity_name, entity_id, source_id, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', sync_date, 'unixepoch') FROM sync; DROP TABLE sync; ALTER TABLE sync_mig RENAME TO sync; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX `IDX_sync_entity_name_id` ON `sync` ( `entity_name`, `entity_id` ); CREATE INDEX `IDX_sync_sync_date` ON `sync` ( `sync_date` ); -- Options UPDATE options SET opt_value = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', opt_value, 'unixepoch') WHERE opt_name IN ('last_backup_date'); UPDATE options SET date_modified = strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', date_modified, 'unixepoch'); -- Event log CREATE TABLE `event_log_mig` ( `id` INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `note_id` TEXT, `comment` TEXT, `date_added` TEXT NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO event_log_mig (id, note_id, comment, date_added) SELECT id, note_id, comment, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', date_added, 'unixepoch') FROM event_log; DROP TABLE event_log; ALTER TABLE event_log_mig RENAME TO event_log; CREATE INDEX `IDX_event_log_date_added` ON `event_log` ( `date_added` ); -- Notes CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "notes_mig" ( `note_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `note_title` TEXT, `note_text` TEXT, `is_protected` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `is_deleted` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `date_created` TEXT NOT NULL, `date_modified` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`note_id`) ); INSERT INTO notes_mig (note_id, note_title, note_text, is_protected, is_deleted, date_created, date_modified) SELECT note_id, note_title, note_text, is_protected, is_deleted, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', date_created, 'unixepoch'), strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', date_modified, 'unixepoch') FROM notes; DROP TABLE notes; ALTER TABLE notes_mig RENAME TO notes; CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_is_deleted` ON `notes` ( `is_deleted` ); -- note history CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "notes_history_mig" ( `note_history_id` TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `note_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `note_title` TEXT, `note_text` TEXT, `is_protected` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `date_modified_from` TEXT NOT NULL, `date_modified_to` TEXT NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO notes_history_mig (note_history_id, note_id, note_title, note_text, is_protected, date_modified_from, date_modified_to) SELECT note_history_id, note_id, note_title, note_text, is_protected, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', date_modified_from, 'unixepoch'), strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', date_modified_to, 'unixepoch') FROM notes_history; DROP TABLE notes_history; ALTER TABLE notes_history_mig RENAME TO notes_history; CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_history_note_id` ON `notes_history` ( `note_id` ); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_history_note_date_modified_from` ON `notes_history` ( `date_modified_from` ); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_history_note_date_modified_to` ON `notes_history` ( `date_modified_to` ); -- Source IDs DROP TABLE source_ids; CREATE TABLE `source_ids` ( `source_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `date_created` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`source_id`) ); -- Recent notes DROP TABLE recent_notes; CREATE TABLE `recent_notes` ( 'note_tree_id'TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, `note_path` TEXT NOT NULL, `date_accessed` TEXT NOT NULL, is_deleted INT ); -- Notes tree CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "notes_tree_mig" ( `note_tree_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `note_id` TEXT NOT NULL, `note_pid` TEXT NOT NULL, `note_pos` INTEGER NOT NULL, `prefix` TEXT, `is_expanded` BOOLEAN, `is_deleted` INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `date_modified` TEXT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(`note_tree_id`) ); INSERT INTO notes_tree_mig (note_tree_id, note_id, note_pid, note_pos, prefix, is_expanded, is_deleted, date_modified) SELECT note_tree_id, note_id, note_pid, note_pos, prefix, is_expanded, is_deleted, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000Z', date_modified, 'unixepoch') FROM notes_tree; DROP TABLE notes_tree; ALTER TABLE notes_tree_mig RENAME TO notes_tree; CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_tree_note_tree_id` ON `notes_tree` ( `note_tree_id` ); CREATE INDEX `IDX_notes_tree_note_id_note_pid` ON `notes_tree` ( `note_id`, `note_pid` );