import treeService from './tree.js'; import noteDetailText from './note_detail_text.js'; import treeUtils from './tree_utils.js'; function getNotePathFromLink(url) { const notePathMatch = /#([A-Za-z0-9/]+)$/.exec(url); if (notePathMatch === null) { return null; } else { return notePathMatch[1]; } } function getNodePathFromLabel(label) { const notePathMatch = / \(([A-Za-z0-9/]+)\)/.exec(label); if (notePathMatch !== null) { return notePathMatch[1]; } return null; } function createNoteLink(notePath, noteTitle) { if (!noteTitle) { const noteId = treeUtils.getNoteIdFromNotePath(notePath); noteTitle = treeUtils.getNoteTitle(noteId); } const noteLink = $("", { href: 'javascript:', text: noteTitle }).attr('action', 'note') .attr('note-path', notePath); return noteLink; } function goToLink(e) { e.preventDefault(); const $link = $(; let notePath = $link.attr("note-path"); if (!notePath) { const address = $link.attr("note-path") ? $link.attr("note-path") : $link.attr('href'); if (!address) { return; } if (address.startsWith('http')) {, '_blank'); return; } notePath = getNotePathFromLink(address); } treeService.activateNode(notePath); // this is quite ugly hack, but it seems like we can't close the tooltip otherwise $("[role='tooltip']").remove(); if (glob.activeDialog) { try { glob.activeDialog.dialog('close'); } catch (e) {} } } function addLinkToEditor(linkTitle, linkHref) { const editor = noteDetailText.getEditor(); editor.model.change( writer => { const insertPosition = editor.model.document.selection.getFirstPosition(); writer.insertText(linkTitle, { linkHref: linkHref }, insertPosition); }); } function addTextToEditor(text) { const editor = noteDetailText.getEditor(); const doc = editor.document; doc.enqueueChanges(() =>, doc.selection); } // when click on link popup, in case of internal link, just go the the referenced note instead of default behavior // of opening the link in new window/tab $(document).on('click', "a[action='note']", goToLink); $(document).on('click', 'div.popover-content a, div.ui-tooltip-content a', goToLink); $(document).on('dblclick', '#note-detail-text a', goToLink); export default { getNodePathFromLabel, getNotePathFromLink, createNoteLink, addLinkToEditor, addTextToEditor };