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    <h1 class="page-title">Source: services/sql.js</h1>


            <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>"use strict";

 * @module sql

const log = require('./log');
const Database = require('better-sqlite3');
const dataDir = require('./data_dir');
const cls = require('./cls');
const fs = require("fs-extra");

const dbConnection = new Database(dataDir.DOCUMENT_PATH);
dbConnection.pragma('journal_mode = WAL');

const LOG_ALL_QUERIES = false;

[`exit`, `SIGINT`, `SIGUSR1`, `SIGUSR2`, `SIGTERM`].forEach(eventType => {
    process.on(eventType, () => {
        if (dbConnection) {
            // closing connection is especially important to fold -wal file into the main DB file
            // (see https://sqlite.org/tempfiles.html for details)

function insert(tableName, rec, replace = false) {
    const keys = Object.keys(rec);
    if (keys.length === 0) {
        log.error("Can't insert empty object into table " + tableName);

    const columns = keys.join(", ");
    const questionMarks = keys.map(p => "?").join(", ");

    const query = "INSERT " + (replace ? "OR REPLACE" : "") + " INTO " + tableName + "(" + columns + ") VALUES (" + questionMarks + ")";

    const res = execute(query, Object.values(rec));

    return res ? res.lastInsertRowid : null;

function replace(tableName, rec) {
    return insert(tableName, rec, true);

function upsert(tableName, primaryKey, rec) {
    const keys = Object.keys(rec);
    if (keys.length === 0) {
        log.error("Can't upsert empty object into table " + tableName);

    const columns = keys.join(", ");

    const questionMarks = keys.map(colName => "@" + colName).join(", ");

    const updateMarks = keys.map(colName => `${colName} = @${colName}`).join(", ");

    const query = `INSERT INTO ${tableName} (${columns}) VALUES (${questionMarks}) 
                   ON CONFLICT (${primaryKey}) DO UPDATE SET ${updateMarks}`;

    for (const idx in rec) {
        if (rec[idx] === true || rec[idx] === false) {
            rec[idx] = rec[idx] ? 1 : 0;

    execute(query, rec);

const statementCache = {};

function stmt(sql) {
    if (!(sql in statementCache)) {
        statementCache[sql] = dbConnection.prepare(sql);

    return statementCache[sql];

function getRow(query, params = []) {
    return wrap(query, s => s.get(params));

function getRowOrNull(query, params = []) {
    const all = getRows(query, params);

    return all.length > 0 ? all[0] : null;

function getValue(query, params = []) {
    return wrap(query, s => s.pluck().get(params));

// smaller values can result in better performance due to better usage of statement cache
const PARAM_LIMIT = 100;

function getManyRows(query, params) {
    let results = [];

    while (params.length > 0) {
        const curParams = params.slice(0, Math.min(params.length, PARAM_LIMIT));
        params = params.slice(curParams.length);

        const curParamsObj = {};

        let j = 1;
        for (const param of curParams) {
            curParamsObj['param' + j++] = param;

        let i = 1;
        const questionMarks = curParams.map(() => ":param" + i++).join(",");
        const curQuery = query.replace(/\?\?\?/g, questionMarks);

        const statement = curParams.length === PARAM_LIMIT
            ? stmt(curQuery)
            : dbConnection.prepare(curQuery);

        const subResults = statement.all(curParamsObj);
        results = results.concat(subResults);

    return results;

function getRows(query, params = []) {
    return wrap(query, s => s.all(params));

function getRawRows(query, params = []) {
    return wrap(query, s => s.raw().all(params));

function iterateRows(query, params = []) {
    if (LOG_ALL_QUERIES) {

    return stmt(query).iterate(params);

function getMap(query, params = []) {
    const map = {};
    const results = getRawRows(query, params);

    for (const row of results) {
        map[row[0]] = row[1];

    return map;

function getColumn(query, params = []) {
    return wrap(query, s => s.pluck().all(params));

function execute(query, params = []) {
    return wrap(query, s => s.run(params));

function executeMany(query, params) {
    if (LOG_ALL_QUERIES) {

    while (params.length > 0) {
        const curParams = params.slice(0, Math.min(params.length, PARAM_LIMIT));
        params = params.slice(curParams.length);

        const curParamsObj = {};

        let j = 1;
        for (const param of curParams) {
            curParamsObj['param' + j++] = param;

        let i = 1;
        const questionMarks = curParams.map(() => ":param" + i++).join(",");
        const curQuery = query.replace(/\?\?\?/g, questionMarks);


function executeScript(query) {
    if (LOG_ALL_QUERIES) {

    return dbConnection.exec(query);

function wrap(query, func) {
    const startTimestamp = Date.now();
    let result;

    if (LOG_ALL_QUERIES) {

    try {
        result = func(stmt(query));
    catch (e) {
        if (e.message.includes("The database connection is not open")) {
            // this often happens on killing the app which puts these alerts in front of user
            // in these cases error should be simply ignored.

            return null

        throw e;

    const milliseconds = Date.now() - startTimestamp;

    if (milliseconds >= 20) {
        if (query.includes("WITH RECURSIVE")) {
            log.info(`Slow recursive query took ${milliseconds}ms.`);
        else {
            log.info(`Slow query took ${milliseconds}ms: ${query.trim().replace(/\s+/g, " ")}`);

    return result;

function transactional(func) {
    try {
        const ret = dbConnection.transaction(func).deferred();

        if (!dbConnection.inTransaction) { // i.e. transaction was really committed (and not just savepoint released)

        return ret;
    catch (e) {
        const entityChangeIds = cls.getAndClearEntityChangeIds();

        if (entityChangeIds.length > 0) {
            log.info("Transaction rollback dirtied the becca, forcing reload.");


        throw e;

function fillParamList(paramIds, truncate = true) {
    if (paramIds.length === 0) {

    if (truncate) {
        execute("DELETE FROM param_list");

    paramIds = Array.from(new Set(paramIds));

    if (paramIds.length > 30000) {
        fillParamList(paramIds.slice(30000), false);

        paramIds = paramIds.slice(0, 30000);

    // doing it manually to avoid this showing up on the sloq query list
    const s = stmt(`INSERT INTO param_list VALUES ` + paramIds.map(paramId => `(?)`).join(','), paramIds);


async function copyDatabase(targetFilePath) {
    try {
    } catch (e) {
    } // unlink throws exception if the file did not exist

    await dbConnection.backup(targetFilePath);

module.exports = {

     * Get single value from the given query - first column from first returned row.
     * @method
     * @param {string} query - SQL query with ? used as parameter placeholder
     * @param {object[]} [params] - array of params if needed
     * @return [object] - single value

     * Get first returned row.
     * @method
     * @param {string} query - SQL query with ? used as parameter placeholder
     * @param {object[]} [params] - array of params if needed
     * @return {object} - map of column name to column value

     * Get all returned rows.
     * @method
     * @param {string} query - SQL query with ? used as parameter placeholder
     * @param {object[]} [params] - array of params if needed
     * @return {object[]} - array of all rows, each row is a map of column name to column value

     * Get a map of first column mapping to second column.
     * @method
     * @param {string} query - SQL query with ? used as parameter placeholder
     * @param {object[]} [params] - array of params if needed
     * @return {object} - map of first column to second column

     * Get a first column in an array.
     * @method
     * @param {string} query - SQL query with ? used as parameter placeholder
     * @param {object[]} [params] - array of params if needed
     * @return {object[]} - array of first column of all returned rows

     * Execute SQL
     * @method
     * @param {string} query - SQL query with ? used as parameter placeholder
     * @param {object[]} [params] - array of params if needed


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