"use strict"; const noteService = require('../../services/notes'); const parseString = require('xml2js').parseString; /** * @param {ImportContext} importContext * @param {Buffer} fileBuffer * @param {Note} parentNote * @return {Promise<*[]|*>} */ async function importOpml(importContext, fileBuffer, parentNote) { const xml = await new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { parseString(fileBuffer, function (err, result) { if (err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(result); } }); }); if (!['1.0', '1.1', '2.0'].includes(xml.opml.$.version)) { return [400, 'Unsupported OPML version ' + xml.opml.$.version + ', 1.0, 1.1 or 2.0 expected instead.']; } const opmlVersion = parseInt(xml.opml.$.version); async function importOutline(outline, parentNoteId) { let title, content; if (opmlVersion === 1) { title = outline.$.title; content = toHtml(outline.$.text); } else if (opmlVersion === 2) { title = outline.$.text; content = outline.$._note; // _note is already HTML } else { throw new Error("Unrecognized OPML version " + opmlVersion); } const {note} = await noteService.createNote(parentNoteId, title, content); importContext.increaseProgressCount(); for (const childOutline of (outline.outline || [])) { await importOutline(childOutline, note.noteId); } return note; } const outlines = xml.opml.body[0].outline || []; let returnNote = null; for (const outline of outlines) { const note = await importOutline(outline, parentNote.noteId); // first created note will be activated after import returnNote = returnNote || note; } return returnNote; } function toHtml(text) { if (!text) { return ''; } return '
' + text.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '
') + '
'; } module.exports = { importOpml };