const sql = require('./sql'); const source_id = require('./source_id'); const utils = require('./utils'); const sync_setup = require('./sync_setup'); const log = require('./log'); async function addNoteSync(noteId, sourceId) { await addEntitySync("notes", noteId, sourceId) } async function addNoteTreeSync(noteTreeId, sourceId) { await addEntitySync("notes_tree", noteTreeId, sourceId) } async function addNoteReorderingSync(parentNoteTreeId, sourceId) { await addEntitySync("notes_reordering", parentNoteTreeId, sourceId) } async function addNoteHistorySync(noteHistoryId, sourceId) { await addEntitySync("notes_history", noteHistoryId, sourceId); } async function addOptionsSync(optName, sourceId) { await addEntitySync("options", optName, sourceId); } async function addRecentNoteSync(notePath, sourceId) { await addEntitySync("recent_notes", notePath, sourceId); } async function addEntitySync(entityName, entityId, sourceId) { await sql.replace("sync", { entity_name: entityName, entity_id: entityId, sync_date: utils.nowDate(), source_id: sourceId || source_id.getCurrentSourceId() }); if (!sync_setup.isSyncSetup) { // this is because the "server" instances shouldn't have outstanding pushes // useful when you fork the DB for new "client" instance, it won't try to sync the whole DB await sql.execute("UPDATE options SET opt_value = (SELECT MAX(id) FROM sync) WHERE opt_name IN('last_synced_push', 'last_synced_pull')"); } } async function cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities(entityName, entityKey) { await sql.execute(` DELETE FROM sync WHERE sync.entity_name = '${entityName}' AND sync.entity_id NOT IN (SELECT ${entityKey} FROM ${entityName})`); } async function fillSyncRows(entityName, entityKey) { await cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities(entityName, entityKey); const entityIds = await sql.getFirstColumn(`SELECT ${entityKey} FROM ${entityName}`); for (const entityId of entityIds) { const existingRows = await sql.getFirstValue("SELECT COUNT(id) FROM sync WHERE entity_name = ? AND entity_id = ?", [entityName, entityId]); // we don't want to replace existing entities (which would effectively cause full resync) if (existingRows === 0) {`Creating missing sync record for ${entityName} ${entityId}`); await sql.insert("sync", { entity_name: entityName, entity_id: entityId, source_id: "SYNC_FILL", sync_date: utils.nowDate() }); } } } async function fillAllSyncRows() { await fillSyncRows("notes", "note_id"); await fillSyncRows("notes_tree", "note_tree_id"); await fillSyncRows("notes_history", "note_history_id"); await fillSyncRows("recent_notes", "note_tree_id"); } module.exports = { addNoteSync, addNoteTreeSync, addNoteReorderingSync, addNoteHistorySync, addOptionsSync, addRecentNoteSync, cleanupSyncRowsForMissingEntities, fillAllSyncRows };