const lexerSpec = require('../src/services/search/lexer.js'); describe("Lexer", function() { it("simple lexing", () => { expect(lexerSpec("hello world").fulltextTokens) .toEqual(["hello", "world"]); }); it("use quotes to keep words together", () => { expect(lexerSpec("'hello world' my friend").fulltextTokens) .toEqual(["hello world", "my", "friend"]); expect(lexerSpec('"hello world" my friend').fulltextTokens) .toEqual(["hello world", "my", "friend"]); expect(lexerSpec('`hello world` my friend').fulltextTokens) .toEqual(["hello world", "my", "friend"]); }); it("you can use different quotes and other special characters inside quotes", () => { expect(lexerSpec("'I can use \" or ` or #@=*' without problem").fulltextTokens) .toEqual(["I can use \" or ` or #@=*", "without", "problem"]); }); it("if quote is not ended then it's just one long token", () => { expect(lexerSpec("'unfinished quote").fulltextTokens) .toEqual(["unfinished quote"]); }); });