"use strict"; const repository = require('./repository'); const log = require('./log'); const protectedSessionService = require('./protected_session'); const noteService = require('./notes'); const imagemin = require('imagemin'); const imageminMozJpeg = require('imagemin-mozjpeg'); const imageminPngQuant = require('imagemin-pngquant'); const imageminGifLossy = require('imagemin-giflossy'); const jimp = require('jimp'); const imageType = require('image-type'); const sanitizeFilename = require('sanitize-filename'); async function saveImage(buffer, originalName, parentNoteId, shrinkImageSwitch) { const origImageFormat = imageType(buffer); if (origImageFormat.ext === "webp") { // JIMP does not support webp at the moment: https://github.com/oliver-moran/jimp/issues/144 shrinkImageSwitch = false; } const finalImageBuffer = shrinkImageSwitch ? await shrinkImage(buffer, originalName) : buffer; const imageFormat = imageType(finalImageBuffer); const parentNote = await repository.getNote(parentNoteId); const fileNameWithoutExtension = originalName.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, ""); const fileName = sanitizeFilename(fileNameWithoutExtension + "." + imageFormat.ext); const {note} = await noteService.createNote(parentNoteId, fileName, finalImageBuffer, { target: 'into', type: 'image', isProtected: parentNote.isProtected && protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable(), mime: 'image/' + imageFormat.ext.toLowerCase(), attributes: [ { type: 'label', name: 'originalFileName', value: originalName }, { type: 'label', name: 'fileSize', value: finalImageBuffer.byteLength } ] }); return { fileName, note, noteId: note.noteId, url: `api/images/${note.noteId}/${fileName}` }; } async function shrinkImage(buffer, originalName) { const resizedImage = await resize(buffer); let finalImageBuffer; try { finalImageBuffer = await optimize(resizedImage); } catch (e) { log.error("Failed to optimize image '" + originalName + "'\nStack: " + e.stack); finalImageBuffer = resizedImage; } // if resizing & shrinking did not help with size then save the original // (can happen when e.g. resizing PNG into JPEG) if (finalImageBuffer.byteLength >= buffer.byteLength) { finalImageBuffer = buffer; } return finalImageBuffer; } const MAX_SIZE = 1000; const MAX_BYTE_SIZE = 200000; // images should have under 100 KBs async function resize(buffer) { const image = await jimp.read(buffer); if (image.bitmap.width > image.bitmap.height && image.bitmap.width > MAX_SIZE) { image.resize(MAX_SIZE, jimp.AUTO); } else if (image.bitmap.height > MAX_SIZE) { image.resize(jimp.AUTO, MAX_SIZE); } else if (buffer.byteLength <= MAX_BYTE_SIZE) { return buffer; } // we do resizing with max quality which will be trimmed during optimization step next image.quality(100); // when converting PNG to JPG we lose alpha channel, this is replaced by white to match Trilium white background image.background(0xFFFFFFFF); return image.getBufferAsync(jimp.MIME_JPEG); } async function optimize(buffer) { return await imagemin.buffer(buffer, { plugins: [ imageminMozJpeg({ quality: 50 }), imageminPngQuant({ quality: [0, 0.7] }), imageminGifLossy({ lossy: 80, optimize: '3' // needs to be string }) ] }); } module.exports = { saveImage };