import ws from './ws.js'; import utils from './utils.js'; import server from './server.js'; import treeCache from './tree_cache.js'; import hoistedNoteService from '../services/hoisted_note.js'; import appContext from "./app_context.js"; /** * @return {string|null} */ async function resolveNotePath(notePath) { const runPath = await resolveNotePathToSegments(notePath); return runPath ? runPath.join("/") : null; } /** * Accepts notePath which might or might not be valid and returns an existing path as close to the original * notePath as possible. Part of the path might not be valid because of note moving (which causes * path change) or other corruption, in that case this will try to get some other valid path to the correct note. * * @return {string[]} */ async function resolveNotePathToSegments(notePath, logErrors = true) { utils.assertArguments(notePath); // we might get notePath with the tabId suffix, remove it if present notePath = notePath.split("-")[0].trim(); if (notePath.length === 0) { return; } const path = notePath.split("/").reverse(); if (!path.includes("root")) { path.push('root'); } const hoistedNoteId = hoistedNoteService.getHoistedNoteId(); const effectivePath = []; let childNoteId = null; let i = 0; while (true) { if (i >= path.length) { break; } const parentNoteId = path[i++]; if (childNoteId !== null) { const child = await treeCache.getNote(childNoteId); if (!child) { console.log(`Can't find note ${childNoteId}`); return; } const parents = child.getParentNotes(); if (!parents.length) { if (logErrors) { ws.logError(`No parents found for ${childNoteId}`); } return; } if (!parents.some(p => p.noteId === parentNoteId)) { if (logErrors) { console.log(, `Did not find parent ${parentNoteId} for child ${childNoteId}, available parents: ${ => p.noteId)}`); } const someNotePath = getSomeNotePath(parents[0]); if (someNotePath) { // in case it's root the path may be empty const pathToRoot = someNotePath.split("/").reverse(); for (const noteId of pathToRoot) { effectivePath.push(noteId); } effectivePath.push('root'); } break; } } effectivePath.push(parentNoteId); childNoteId = parentNoteId; if (parentNoteId === hoistedNoteId) { break; } } return effectivePath.reverse(); } function getSomeNotePath(note) { utils.assertArguments(note); const path = []; let cur = note; while (cur.noteId !== 'root') { path.push(cur.noteId); const parents = cur.getParentNotes(); if (!parents.length) { console.error(`Can't find parents for note ${cur.noteId}`); return; } cur = parents[0]; } path.push('root'); return path.reverse().join('/'); } async function sortAlphabetically(noteId) { await server.put(`notes/${noteId}/sort`); } ws.subscribeToMessages(message => { if (message.type === 'open-note') { appContext.tabManager.activateOrOpenNote(message.noteId); if (utils.isElectron()) { const currentWindow = utils.dynamicRequire("electron").remote.getCurrentWindow();; } } }); function getParentProtectedStatus(node) { return hoistedNoteService.isRootNode(node) ? 0 : node.getParent().data.isProtected; } function getNoteIdFromNotePath(notePath) { if (!notePath) { return null; } const path = notePath.split("/"); const lastSegment = path[path.length - 1]; // path could have also tabId suffix return lastSegment.split("-")[0]; } function getNoteIdAndParentIdFromNotePath(notePath) { if (notePath === 'root') { return { noteId: 'root', parentNoteId: 'none' }; } let parentNoteId = 'root'; let noteId = ''; if (notePath) { const path = notePath.split("/"); const lastSegment = path[path.length - 1]; // path could have also tabId suffix noteId = lastSegment.split("-")[0]; if (path.length > 1) { parentNoteId = path[path.length - 2]; } } return { parentNoteId, noteId } } function getNotePath(node) { if (!node) { console.error("Node is null"); return ""; } const path = []; while (node && !hoistedNoteService.isRootNode(node)) { if ( { path.push(; } node = node.getParent(); } if (node) { // null node can happen directly after unhoisting when tree is still hoisted but option has been changed already path.push(; // root or hoisted noteId } return path.reverse().join("/"); } async function getNoteTitle(noteId, parentNoteId = null) { utils.assertArguments(noteId); const note = await treeCache.getNote(noteId); if (!note) { return "[not found]"; } let {title} = note; if (parentNoteId !== null) { const branchId = note.parentToBranch[parentNoteId]; if (branchId) { const branch = treeCache.getBranch(branchId); if (branch && branch.prefix) { title = `${branch.prefix} - ${title}`; } } } return title; } async function getNotePathTitle(notePath) { utils.assertArguments(notePath); const titlePath = []; if (notePath.startsWith('root/')) { notePath = notePath.substr(5); } // special case when we want just root's title if (notePath === 'root') { return await getNoteTitle(notePath); } let parentNoteId = 'root'; for (const noteId of notePath.split('/')) { titlePath.push(await getNoteTitle(noteId, parentNoteId)); parentNoteId = noteId; } return titlePath.join(' / '); } function getHashValueFromAddress() { const str = document.location.hash ? document.location.hash.substr(1) : ""; // strip initial # return str.split("-"); } function parseNotePath(notePath) { let noteIds = notePath.split('/'); if (noteIds[0] !== 'root') { noteIds = ['root'].concat(noteIds); } return noteIds; } export default { sortAlphabetically, resolveNotePath, resolveNotePathToSegments, getSomeNotePath, getParentProtectedStatus, getNotePath, getNoteIdFromNotePath, getNoteIdAndParentIdFromNotePath, getNoteTitle, getNotePathTitle, getHashValueFromAddress, parseNotePath };