"use strict"; const sql = require('../services/sql'); const notes = require('../services/notes'); const axios = require('axios'); const log = require('../services/log'); const utils = require('../services/utils'); const unescape = require('unescape'); const attributes = require('../services/attributes'); const sync_mutex = require('../services/sync_mutex'); const config = require('../services/config'); const CALENDAR_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE = 'calendar_root'; const YEAR_ATTRIBUTE = 'year_note'; const MONTH_ATTRIBUTE = 'month_note'; const DATE_ATTRIBUTE = 'date_note'; // "reddit" date note is subnote of date note which contains all reddit comments from that date const REDDIT_DATE_ATTRIBUTE = 'reddit_date_note'; async function createNote(parentNoteId, noteTitle, noteText) { return (await notes.createNewNote(parentNoteId, { note_title: noteTitle, note_text: noteText, target: 'into', is_protected: false })).noteId; } function redditId(kind, id) { return kind + "_" + id; } async function getNoteStartingWith(parentNoteId, startsWith) { return await sql.getFirstValue(`SELECT note_id FROM notes JOIN notes_tree USING(note_id) WHERE parent_note_id = ? AND note_title LIKE '${startsWith}%' AND notes.is_deleted = 0 AND is_protected = 0 AND notes_tree.is_deleted = 0`, [parentNoteId]); } async function getRootNoteId() { let rootNoteId = await sql.getFirstValue(`SELECT notes.note_id FROM notes JOIN attributes USING(note_id) WHERE attributes.name = '${CALENDAR_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE}' AND notes.is_deleted = 0`); if (!rootNoteId) { rootNoteId = (await notes.createNewNote('root', { note_title: 'Calendar', target: 'into', is_protected: false })).noteId; await attributes.createAttribute(rootNoteId, CALENDAR_ROOT_ATTRIBUTE); } return rootNoteId; } async function getYearNoteId(dateTimeStr, rootNoteId) { const yearStr = dateTimeStr.substr(0, 4); let yearNoteId = await attributes.getNoteIdWithAttribute(YEAR_ATTRIBUTE, yearStr); if (!yearNoteId) { yearNoteId = await getNoteStartingWith(rootNoteId, yearStr); if (!yearNoteId) { yearNoteId = await createNote(rootNoteId, yearStr); } await attributes.createAttribute(yearNoteId, YEAR_ATTRIBUTE, yearStr); } return yearNoteId; } async function getMonthNoteId(dateTimeStr, rootNoteId) { const monthStr = dateTimeStr.substr(0, 7); const monthNumber = dateTimeStr.substr(5, 2); let monthNoteId = await attributes.getNoteIdWithAttribute(MONTH_ATTRIBUTE, monthStr); if (!monthNoteId) { const yearNoteId = await getYearNoteId(dateTimeStr, rootNoteId); monthNoteId = await getNoteStartingWith(yearNoteId, monthNumber); if (!monthNoteId) { monthNoteId = await createNote(yearNoteId, monthNumber); } await attributes.createAttribute(monthNoteId, MONTH_ATTRIBUTE, monthStr); } return monthNoteId; } async function getDateNoteId(dateTimeStr, rootNoteId) { const dateStr = dateTimeStr.substr(0, 10); const dayNumber = dateTimeStr.substr(8, 2); let dateNoteId = await attributes.getNoteIdWithAttribute(DATE_ATTRIBUTE, dateStr); if (!dateNoteId) { const monthNoteId = await getMonthNoteId(dateTimeStr, rootNoteId); dateNoteId = await getNoteStartingWith(monthNoteId, dayNumber); if (!dateNoteId) { dateNoteId = await createNote(monthNoteId, dayNumber); } await attributes.createAttribute(dateNoteId, DATE_ATTRIBUTE, dateStr); } return dateNoteId; } async function getDateNoteIdForReddit(dateTimeStr, rootNoteId) { const dateStr = dateTimeStr.substr(0, 10); let redditDateNoteId = await attributes.getNoteIdWithAttribute(REDDIT_DATE_ATTRIBUTE, dateStr); if (!redditDateNoteId) { const dateNoteId = await getDateNoteId(dateTimeStr, rootNoteId); redditDateNoteId = await createNote(dateNoteId, "Reddit"); await attributes.createAttribute(redditDateNoteId, REDDIT_DATE_ATTRIBUTE, dateStr); } return redditDateNoteId; } async function importComments(rootNoteId, accountName, afterId = null) { let url = `https://www.reddit.com/user/${accountName}.json`; if (afterId) { url += "?after=" + afterId; } const response = await axios.get(url); const listing = response.data; if (listing.kind !== 'Listing') { log.info(`Reddit: Unknown object kind ${listing.kind}`); return; } const children = listing.data.children; let importedComments = 0; for (const child of children) { const comment = child.data; let commentNoteId = await attributes.getNoteIdWithAttribute('reddit_id', redditId(child.kind, comment.id)); if (commentNoteId) { continue; } const dateTimeStr = utils.dateStr(new Date(comment.created_utc * 1000)); const permaLink = 'https://reddit.com' + comment.permalink; const noteText = `
author: ${comment.author}, subreddit: ${comment.subreddit}, karma: ${comment.score}, created at ${dateTimeStr}
` + unescape(comment.body_html); let parentNoteId = await getDateNoteIdForReddit(dateTimeStr, rootNoteId); commentNoteId = await createNote(parentNoteId, comment.link_title, noteText); log.info("Reddit: Imported comment to note " + commentNoteId); importedComments++; await sql.doInTransaction(async () => { await attributes.createAttribute(commentNoteId, "reddit_kind", child.kind); await attributes.createAttribute(commentNoteId, "reddit_id", redditId(child.kind, comment.id)); await attributes.createAttribute(commentNoteId, "reddit_created_utc", comment.created_utc); }); } // if there have been no imported comments on this page, there shouldn't be any to import // on the next page since those are older if (listing.data.after && importedComments > 0) { importedComments += await importComments(rootNoteId, accountName, listing.data.after); } return importedComments; } let redditAccounts = []; async function runImport() { const rootNoteId = await getRootNoteId(); // technically mutex shouldn't be necessary but we want to avoid doing potentially expensive import // concurrently with sync await sync_mutex.doExclusively(async () => { let importedComments = 0; for (const account of redditAccounts) { importedComments += await importComments(rootNoteId, account); } log.info(`Reddit: Imported ${importedComments} comments.`); }); } sql.dbReady.then(async () => { if (!config['Reddit'] || config['Reddit']['enabled'] !== true) { return; } const redditAccountsStr = config['Reddit']['accounts']; if (!redditAccountsStr) { log.info("Reddit: No reddit accounts defined in option 'reddit_accounts'"); } redditAccounts = redditAccountsStr.split(",").map(s => s.trim()); const pollingIntervalInSeconds = config['Reddit']['pollingIntervalInSeconds'] || (4 * 3600); setInterval(runImport, pollingIntervalInSeconds * 1000); setTimeout(runImport, 10000); // 10 seconds after startup - intentionally after initial sync });