"use strict"; const sql = require('../../services/sql'); const attributeService = require('../../services/attributes'); const repository = require('../../services/repository'); const Attribute = require('../../entities/attribute'); async function getNoteAttributes(req) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; return await repository.getEntities("SELECT * FROM attributes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND noteId = ? ORDER BY position, dateCreated", [noteId]); } async function updateNoteAttributes(req) { const noteId = req.params.noteId; const attributes = req.body; for (const attribute of attributes) { let attributeEntity; if (attribute.attributeId) { attributeEntity = await repository.getAttribute(attribute.attributeId); } else { // if it was "created" and then immediatelly deleted, we just don't create it at all if (attribute.isDeleted) { continue; } attributeEntity = new Attribute(); attributeEntity.noteId = noteId; } attributeEntity.name = attribute.name; attributeEntity.value = attribute.value; attributeEntity.position = attribute.position; attributeEntity.isDeleted = attribute.isDeleted; await attributeEntity.save(); } return await repository.getEntities("SELECT * FROM attributes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND noteId = ? ORDER BY position, dateCreated", [noteId]); } async function getAttributeNames(req) { const type = req.query.type; const query = req.query.query; return attributeService.getAttributeNames(type, query); } async function getValuesForAttribute(req) { const attributeName = req.params.attributeName; return await sql.getColumn("SELECT DISTINCT value FROM attributes WHERE isDeleted = 0 AND name = ? AND value != '' ORDER BY value", [attributeName]); } module.exports = { getNoteAttributes, updateNoteAttributes, getAttributeNames, getValuesForAttribute };