2017-11-02 22:55:22 -04:00

100 lines
3.9 KiB

"use strict";
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const sql = require('../../services/sql');
const utils = require('../../services/utils');
const audit_category = require('../../services/audit_category');
const auth = require('../../services/auth');
router.put('/:noteId/moveTo/:parentId', auth.checkApiAuth, async (req, res, next) => {
let noteId = req.params.noteId;
let parentId = req.params.parentId;
const row = await sql.getSingleResult('select max(note_pos) as max_note_pos from notes_tree where note_pid = ? and is_deleted = 0', [parentId]);
const maxNotePos = row['max_note_pos'];
let newNotePos = 0;
if (maxNotePos === null) // no children yet
newNotePos = 0;
newNotePos = maxNotePos + 1;
const now = utils.nowTimestamp();
await sql.doInTransaction(async () => {
await sql.execute("update notes_tree set note_pid = ?, note_pos = ?, date_modified = ? where note_id = ?",
[parentId, newNotePos, now, noteId]);
await sql.addNoteTreeSync(noteId);
await sql.addAudit(audit_category.CHANGE_PARENT, req, noteId, null, parentId);
router.put('/:noteId/moveBefore/:beforeNoteId', async (req, res, next) => {
let noteId = req.params.noteId;
let beforeNoteId = req.params.beforeNoteId;
const beforeNote = await sql.getSingleResult("select * from notes_tree where note_id = ?", [beforeNoteId]);
if (beforeNote) {
await sql.doInTransaction(async () => {
// we don't change date_modified so other changes are prioritized in case of conflict
await sql.execute("update notes_tree set note_pos = note_pos + 1 where note_pid = ? and note_pos >= ? and is_deleted = 0",
[beforeNote['note_pid'], beforeNote['note_pos']]);
await sql.execute("update notes_tree set note_pid = ?, note_pos = ? where note_id = ?",
[beforeNote['note_pid'], beforeNote['note_pos'], noteId]);
await sql.addNoteTreeSync(noteId);
await sql.addNoteReorderingSync(beforeNote['note_pid']);
await sql.addAudit(audit_category.CHANGE_POSITION, req, beforeNote['note_pid']);
router.put('/:noteId/moveAfter/:afterNoteId', async (req, res, next) => {
let noteId = req.params.noteId;
let afterNoteId = req.params.afterNoteId;
const afterNote = await sql.getSingleResult("select * from notes_tree where note_id = ?", [afterNoteId]);
if (afterNote) {
await sql.doInTransaction(async () => {
// we don't change date_modified so other changes are prioritized in case of conflict
await sql.execute("update notes_tree set note_pos = note_pos + 1 where note_pid = ? and note_pos > ? and is_deleted = 0",
[afterNote['note_pid'], afterNote['note_pos']]);
await sql.execute("update notes_tree set note_pid = ?, note_pos = ? where note_id = ?",
[afterNote['note_pid'], afterNote['note_pos'] + 1, noteId]);
await sql.addNoteTreeSync(noteId);
await sql.addNoteReorderingSync(afterNote['note_pid']);
await sql.addAudit(audit_category.CHANGE_POSITION, req, afterNote['note_pid']);
router.put('/:noteId/expanded/:expanded', async (req, res, next) => {
const noteId = req.params.noteId;
const expanded = req.params.expanded;
const now = utils.nowTimestamp();
await sql.doInTransaction(async () => {
// we don't change date_modified so other changes are prioritized in case of conflict
await sql.execute("update notes_tree set is_expanded = ? where note_id = ?", [expanded, noteId]);
await sql.addNoteTreeSync(noteId);
await sql.addAudit(audit_category.CHANGE_EXPANDED, req, noteId, null, expanded);
module.exports = router;