2020-02-10 20:57:56 +01:00

89 lines
2.9 KiB

import hoistedNoteService from "./hoisted_note.js";
import appContext from "./app_context.js";
import utils from "./utils.js";
import protectedSessionHolder from "./protected_session_holder.js";
import server from "./server.js";
import ws from "./ws.js";
import treeCache from "./tree_cache.js";
import toastService from "./toast.js";
async function createNewTopLevelNote() {
const hoistedNoteId = hoistedNoteService.getHoistedNoteId();
await createNote(hoistedNoteId);
async function createNote(parentNoteId, options = {}) {
options = Object.assign({
activate: true,
target: 'into'
}, options);
// if isProtected isn't available (user didn't enter password yet), then note is created as unencrypted
// but this is quite weird since user doesn't see WHERE the note is being created so it shouldn't occur often
if (!options.isProtected || !protectedSessionHolder.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
options.isProtected = false;
if (appContext.tabManager.getActiveTabNoteType() !== 'text') {
options.saveSelection = false;
if (options.saveSelection && utils.isCKEditorInitialized()) {
[options.title, options.content] = parseSelectedHtml(window.cutToNote.getSelectedHtml());
const newNoteName = options.title || "new note";
const {note, branch} = await`notes/${parentNoteId}/children?target=${}&targetBranchId=${options.targetBranchId}`, {
title: newNoteName,
content: options.content || "",
isProtected: options.isProtected,
type: options.type
if (options.saveSelection && utils.isCKEditorInitialized()) {
// we remove the selection only after it was saved to server to make sure we don't lose anything
if (options.activate) {
const activeTabContext = appContext.tabManager.getActiveTabContext();
return {note, branch};
/* If first element is heading, parse it out and use it as a new heading. */
function parseSelectedHtml(selectedHtml) {
const dom = $.parseHTML(selectedHtml);
if (dom.length > 0 && dom[0].tagName && dom[0].tagName.match(/h[1-6]/i)) {
const title = $(dom[0]).text();
// remove the title from content (only first occurence)
const content = selectedHtml.replace(dom[0].outerHTML, "");
return [title, content];
else {
return [null, selectedHtml];
async function duplicateNote(noteId, parentNoteId) {
const {note} = await`notes/${noteId}/duplicate/${parentNoteId}`);
await ws.waitForMaxKnownSyncId();
await appContext.tabManager.activateOrOpenNote(note.noteId);
const origNote = await treeCache.getNote(noteId);
toastService.showMessage(`Note "${origNote.title}" has been duplicated`);
export default {