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<h1 class="page-title">Source: entities/link.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>"use strict";
const Entity = require('./entity');
const repository = require('../services/repository');
const dateUtils = require('../services/date_utils');
* This class represents link from one note to another in the form of hyperlink or image reference. Note that
* this is different concept than attribute/relation.
* @param {string} linkId
* @param {string} noteId
* @param {string} targetNoteId
* @param {string} type
* @param {boolean} isDeleted
* @param {string} dateModified
* @param {string} dateCreated
* @extends Entity
class Link extends Entity {
static get entityName() { return "links"; }
static get primaryKeyName() { return "linkId"; }
static get hashedProperties() { return ["linkId", "noteId", "targetNoteId", "type", "isDeleted", "dateCreated", "dateModified"]; }
async getNote() {
return await repository.getEntity("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE noteId = ?", [this.noteId]);
async getTargetNote() {
return await repository.getEntity("SELECT * FROM notes WHERE noteId = ?", [this.targetNoteId]);
beforeSaving() {
if (!this.isDeleted) {
this.isDeleted = false;
if (!this.dateCreated) {
this.dateCreated = dateUtils.nowDate();
if (this.isChanged) {
this.dateModified = dateUtils.nowDate();
module.exports = Link;</code></pre>
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