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<h1 class="page-title">Source: becca/entities/note.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>"use strict";
const protectedSessionService = require('../../services/protected_session');
const log = require('../../services/log');
const sql = require('../../services/sql');
const utils = require('../../services/utils');
const dateUtils = require('../../services/date_utils');
const entityChangesService = require('../../services/entity_changes');
const AbstractEntity = require("./abstract_entity.js");
const NoteRevision = require("./note_revision.js");
const LABEL = 'label';
const RELATION = 'relation';
class Note extends AbstractEntity {
static get entityName() { return "notes"; }
static get primaryKeyName() { return "noteId"; }
static get hashedProperties() { return ["noteId", "title", "isProtected", "type", "mime"]; }
constructor(row) {
if (!row) {
updateFromRow(row) {
update([noteId, title, type, mime, isProtected, dateCreated, dateModified, utcDateCreated, utcDateModified]) {
// ------ Database persisted attributes ------
/** @param {string} */
this.noteId = noteId;
/** @param {string} */
this.title = title;
/** @param {boolean} */
this.isProtected = !!isProtected;
/** @param {string} */
this.type = type;
/** @param {string} */
this.mime = mime;
/** @param {string} */
this.dateCreated = dateCreated || dateUtils.localNowDateTime();
/** @param {string} */
this.dateModified = dateModified;
/** @param {string} */
this.utcDateCreated = utcDateCreated || dateUtils.utcNowDateTime();
/** @param {string} */
this.utcDateModified = utcDateModified;
// ------ Derived attributes ------
/** @param {boolean} */
this.isDecrypted = !this.isProtected;
/** @param {string|null} */
this.flatTextCache = null;
return this;
init() {
/** @param {Branch[]} */
this.parentBranches = [];
/** @param {Note[]} */
this.parents = [];
/** @param {Note[]} */
this.children = [];
/** @param {Attribute[]} */
this.ownedAttributes = [];
/** @param {Attribute[]|null} */
this.__attributeCache = null;
/** @param {Attribute[]|null} */
this.inheritableAttributeCache = null;
/** @param {Attribute[]} */
this.targetRelations = [];
this.becca.notes[this.noteId] = this;
/** @param {Note[]|null} */
this.ancestorCache = null;
// following attributes are filled during searching from database
/** @param {int} size of the content in bytes */
this.contentSize = null;
/** @param {int} size of the content and note revision contents in bytes */
this.noteSize = null;
/** @param {int} number of note revisions for this note */
this.revisionCount = null;
isContentAvailable() {
return !this.noteId // new note which was not encrypted yet
|| !this.isProtected
|| protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()
getParentBranches() {
return this.parentBranches;
getBranches() {
return this.parentBranches;
getParentNotes() {
return this.parents;
getChildNotes() {
return this.children;
hasChildren() {
return this.children && this.children.length > 0;
getChildBranches() {
return this.children.map(childNote => this.becca.getBranchFromChildAndParent(childNote.noteId, this.noteId));
* Note content has quite special handling - it's not a separate entity, but a lazily loaded
* part of Note entity with it's own sync. Reasons behind this hybrid design has been:
* - content can be quite large and it's not necessary to load it / fill memory for any note access even if we don't need a content, especially for bulk operations like search
* - changes in the note metadata or title should not trigger note content sync (so we keep separate utcDateModified and entity changes records)
* - but to the user note content and title changes are one and the same - single dateModified (so all changes must go through Note and content is not a separate entity)
/** @returns {*} */
getContent(silentNotFoundError = false) {
const row = sql.getRow(`SELECT content FROM note_contents WHERE noteId = ?`, [this.noteId]);
if (!row) {
if (silentNotFoundError) {
return undefined;
else {
throw new Error("Cannot find note content for noteId=" + this.noteId);
let content = row.content;
if (this.isProtected) {
if (protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
content = content === null ? null : protectedSessionService.decrypt(content);
else {
content = "";
if (this.isStringNote()) {
return content === null
? ""
: content.toString("UTF-8");
else {
return content;
/** @returns {{contentLength, dateModified, utcDateModified}} */
getContentMetadata() {
return sql.getRow(`
LENGTH(content) AS contentLength,
FROM note_contents
WHERE noteId = ?`, [this.noteId]);
/** @returns {*} */
getJsonContent() {
const content = this.getContent();
if (!content || !content.trim()) {
return null;
return JSON.parse(content);
setContent(content, ignoreMissingProtectedSession = false) {
if (content === null || content === undefined) {
throw new Error(`Cannot set null content to note ${this.noteId}`);
if (this.isStringNote()) {
content = content.toString();
else {
content = Buffer.isBuffer(content) ? content : Buffer.from(content);
const pojo = {
noteId: this.noteId,
content: content,
dateModified: dateUtils.localNowDateTime(),
utcDateModified: dateUtils.utcNowDateTime()
if (this.isProtected) {
if (protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
pojo.content = protectedSessionService.encrypt(pojo.content);
else if (!ignoreMissingProtectedSession) {
throw new Error(`Cannot update content of noteId=${this.noteId} since we're out of protected session.`);
sql.upsert("note_contents", "noteId", pojo);
const hash = utils.hash(this.noteId + "|" + pojo.content.toString());
entityName: 'note_contents',
entityId: this.noteId,
hash: hash,
isErased: false,
utcDateChanged: pojo.utcDateModified,
isSynced: true
setJsonContent(content) {
this.setContent(JSON.stringify(content, null, '\t'));
/** @returns {boolean} true if this note is the root of the note tree. Root note has "root" noteId */
isRoot() {
return this.noteId === 'root';
/** @returns {boolean} true if this note is of application/json content type */
isJson() {
return this.mime === "application/json";
/** @returns {boolean} true if this note is JavaScript (code or attachment) */
isJavaScript() {
return (this.type === "code" || this.type === "file")
&& (this.mime.startsWith("application/javascript")
|| this.mime === "application/x-javascript"
|| this.mime === "text/javascript");
/** @returns {boolean} true if this note is HTML */
isHtml() {
return ["code", "file", "render"].includes(this.type)
&& this.mime === "text/html";
/** @returns {boolean} true if the note has string content (not binary) */
isStringNote() {
return utils.isStringNote(this.type, this.mime);
/** @returns {string|null} JS script environment - either "frontend" or "backend" */
getScriptEnv() {
if (this.isHtml() || (this.isJavaScript() && this.mime.endsWith('env=frontend'))) {
return "frontend";
if (this.type === 'render') {
return "frontend";
if (this.isJavaScript() && this.mime.endsWith('env=backend')) {
return "backend";
return null;
* @param {string} [type] - (optional) attribute type to filter
* @param {string} [name] - (optional) attribute name to filter
* @returns {Attribute[]} all note's attributes, including inherited ones
getAttributes(type, name) {
if (type && name) {
return this.__attributeCache.filter(attr => attr.type === type && attr.name === name);
else if (type) {
return this.__attributeCache.filter(attr => attr.type === type);
else if (name) {
return this.__attributeCache.filter(attr => attr.name === name);
else {
return this.__attributeCache.slice();
__getAttributes(path) {
if (path.includes(this.noteId)) {
return [];
if (!this.__attributeCache) {
const parentAttributes = this.ownedAttributes.slice();
const newPath = [...path, this.noteId];
if (this.noteId !== 'root') {
for (const parentNote of this.parents) {
const templateAttributes = [];
for (const ownedAttr of parentAttributes) { // parentAttributes so we process also inherited templates
if (ownedAttr.type === 'relation' && ownedAttr.name === 'template') {
const templateNote = this.becca.notes[ownedAttr.value];
if (templateNote) {
this.__attributeCache = [];
const addedAttributeIds = new Set();
for (const attr of parentAttributes.concat(templateAttributes)) {
if (!addedAttributeIds.has(attr.attributeId)) {
this.inheritableAttributeCache = [];
for (const attr of this.__attributeCache) {
if (attr.isInheritable) {
return this.__attributeCache;
/** @return {Attribute[]} */
__getInheritableAttributes(path) {
if (path.includes(this.noteId)) {
return [];
if (!this.inheritableAttributeCache) {
this.__getAttributes(path); // will refresh also this.inheritableAttributeCache
return this.inheritableAttributeCache;
hasAttribute(type, name) {
return !!this.getAttributes().find(attr => attr.type === type && attr.name === name);
getAttributeCaseInsensitive(type, name, value) {
name = name.toLowerCase();
value = value ? value.toLowerCase() : null;
return this.getAttributes().find(
attr => attr.type === type
&& attr.name.toLowerCase() === name
&& (!value || attr.value.toLowerCase() === value));
getRelationTarget(name) {
const relation = this.getAttributes().find(attr => attr.type === 'relation' && attr.name === name);
return relation ? relation.targetNote : null;
* @param {string} name - label name
* @returns {boolean} true if label exists (including inherited)
hasLabel(name) { return this.hasAttribute(LABEL, name); }
* @param {string} name - label name
* @returns {boolean} true if label exists (excluding inherited)
hasOwnedLabel(name) { return this.hasOwnedAttribute(LABEL, name); }
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @returns {boolean} true if relation exists (including inherited)
hasRelation(name) { return this.hasAttribute(RELATION, name); }
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @returns {boolean} true if relation exists (excluding inherited)
hasOwnedRelation(name) { return this.hasOwnedAttribute(RELATION, name); }
* @param {string} name - label name
* @returns {Attribute|null} label if it exists, null otherwise
getLabel(name) { return this.getAttribute(LABEL, name); }
* @param {string} name - label name
* @returns {Attribute|null} label if it exists, null otherwise
getOwnedLabel(name) { return this.getOwnedAttribute(LABEL, name); }
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @returns {Attribute|null} relation if it exists, null otherwise
getRelation(name) { return this.getAttribute(RELATION, name); }
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @returns {Attribute|null} relation if it exists, null otherwise
getOwnedRelation(name) { return this.getOwnedAttribute(RELATION, name); }
* @param {string} name - label name
* @returns {string|null} label value if label exists, null otherwise
getLabelValue(name) { return this.getAttributeValue(LABEL, name); }
* @param {string} name - label name
* @returns {string|null} label value if label exists, null otherwise
getOwnedLabelValue(name) { return this.getOwnedAttributeValue(LABEL, name); }
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @returns {string|null} relation value if relation exists, null otherwise
getRelationValue(name) { return this.getAttributeValue(RELATION, name); }
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @returns {string|null} relation value if relation exists, null otherwise
getOwnedRelationValue(name) { return this.getOwnedAttributeValue(RELATION, name); }
* @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
* @param {string} name - attribute name
* @returns {boolean} true if note has an attribute with given type and name (excluding inherited)
hasOwnedAttribute(type, name) {
return !!this.getOwnedAttribute(type, name);
* @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
* @param {string} name - attribute name
* @returns {Attribute} attribute of given type and name. If there's more such attributes, first is returned. Returns null if there's no such attribute belonging to this note.
getAttribute(type, name) {
const attributes = this.getAttributes();
return attributes.find(attr => attr.type === type && attr.name === name);
* @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
* @param {string} name - attribute name
* @returns {string|null} attribute value of given type and name or null if no such attribute exists.
getAttributeValue(type, name) {
const attr = this.getAttribute(type, name);
return attr ? attr.value : null;
* @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
* @param {string} name - attribute name
* @returns {string|null} attribute value of given type and name or null if no such attribute exists.
getOwnedAttributeValue(type, name) {
const attr = this.getOwnedAttribute(type, name);
return attr ? attr.value : null;
* @param {string} [name] - label name to filter
* @returns {Attribute[]} all note's labels (attributes with type label), including inherited ones
getLabels(name) {
return this.getAttributes(LABEL, name);
* @param {string} [name] - label name to filter
* @returns {string[]} all note's label values, including inherited ones
getLabelValues(name) {
return this.getLabels(name).map(l => l.value);
* @param {string} [name] - label name to filter
* @returns {Attribute[]} all note's labels (attributes with type label), excluding inherited ones
getOwnedLabels(name) {
return this.getOwnedAttributes(LABEL, name);
* @param {string} [name] - label name to filter
* @returns {string[]} all note's label values, excluding inherited ones
getOwnedLabelValues(name) {
return this.getOwnedAttributes(LABEL, name).map(l => l.value);
* @param {string} [name] - relation name to filter
* @returns {Attribute[]} all note's relations (attributes with type relation), including inherited ones
getRelations(name) {
return this.getAttributes(RELATION, name);
* @param {string} [name] - relation name to filter
* @returns {Attribute[]} all note's relations (attributes with type relation), excluding inherited ones
getOwnedRelations(name) {
return this.getOwnedAttributes(RELATION, name);
* @param {string} [type] - (optional) attribute type to filter
* @param {string} [name] - (optional) attribute name to filter
* @returns {Attribute[]} note's "owned" attributes - excluding inherited ones
getOwnedAttributes(type, name) {
// it's a common mistake to include # or ~ into attribute name
if (name && ["#", "~"].includes(name[0])) {
name = name.substr(1);
if (type && name) {
return this.ownedAttributes.filter(attr => attr.type === type && attr.name === name);
else if (type) {
return this.ownedAttributes.filter(attr => attr.type === type);
else if (name) {
return this.ownedAttributes.filter(attr => attr.name === name);
else {
return this.ownedAttributes.slice();
* @returns {Attribute} attribute belonging to this specific note (excludes inherited attributes)
* This method can be significantly faster than the getAttribute()
getOwnedAttribute(type, name) {
const attrs = this.getOwnedAttributes(type, name);
return attrs.length > 0 ? attrs[0] : null;
get isArchived() {
return this.hasAttribute('label', 'archived');
hasInheritableOwnedArchivedLabel() {
return !!this.ownedAttributes.find(attr => attr.type === 'label' && attr.name === 'archived' && attr.isInheritable);
// will sort the parents so that non-search & non-archived are first and archived at the end
// this is done so that non-search & non-archived paths are always explored as first when looking for note path
resortParents() {
this.parentBranches.sort((a, b) =>
|| a.parentNote.hasInheritableOwnedArchivedLabel() ? 1 : -1);
this.parents = this.parentBranches.map(branch => branch.parentNote);
* This is used for:
* - fast searching
* - note similarity evaluation
* @return {string} - returns flattened textual representation of note, prefixes and attributes
getFlatText() {
if (!this.flatTextCache) {
this.flatTextCache = this.noteId + ' ' + this.type + ' ' + this.mime + ' ';
for (const branch of this.parentBranches) {
if (branch.prefix) {
this.flatTextCache += branch.prefix + ' ';
this.flatTextCache += this.title + ' ';
for (const attr of this.getAttributes()) {
// it's best to use space as separator since spaces are filtered from the search string by the tokenization into words
this.flatTextCache += (attr.type === 'label' ? '#' : '~') + attr.name;
if (attr.value) {
this.flatTextCache += '=' + attr.value;
this.flatTextCache += ' ';
this.flatTextCache = utils.normalize(this.flatTextCache);
return this.flatTextCache;
invalidateThisCache() {
this.flatTextCache = null;
this.__attributeCache = null;
this.inheritableAttributeCache = null;
this.ancestorCache = null;
invalidateSubTree(path = []) {
if (path.includes(this.noteId)) {
if (this.children.length || this.targetRelations.length) {
path = [...path, this.noteId];
for (const childNote of this.children) {
for (const targetRelation of this.targetRelations) {
if (targetRelation.name === 'template') {
const note = targetRelation.note;
if (note) {
invalidateSubtreeFlatText() {
this.flatTextCache = null;
for (const childNote of this.children) {
for (const targetRelation of this.targetRelations) {
if (targetRelation.name === 'template') {
const note = targetRelation.note;
if (note) {
getRelationDefinitions() {
return this.getLabels()
.filter(l => l.name.startsWith("relation:"));
getLabelDefinitions() {
return this.getLabels()
.filter(l => l.name.startsWith("relation:"));
isTemplate() {
return !!this.targetRelations.find(rel => rel.name === 'template');
/** @return {Note[]} */
getSubtreeNotesIncludingTemplated() {
const arr = [[this]];
for (const childNote of this.children) {
for (const targetRelation of this.targetRelations) {
if (targetRelation.name === 'template') {
const note = targetRelation.note;
if (note) {
return arr.flat();
/** @return {Note[]} */
getSubtreeNotes(includeArchived = true) {
const noteSet = new Set();
function addSubtreeNotesInner(note) {
if (!includeArchived && note.isArchived) {
for (const childNote of note.children) {
return Array.from(noteSet);
/** @return {String[]} */
getSubtreeNoteIds() {
return this.getSubtreeNotes().map(note => note.noteId);
getDescendantNoteIds() {
return this.getSubtreeNoteIds();
get parentCount() {
return this.parents.length;
get childrenCount() {
return this.children.length;
get labelCount() {
return this.getAttributes().filter(attr => attr.type === 'label').length;
get ownedLabelCount() {
return this.ownedAttributes.filter(attr => attr.type === 'label').length;
get relationCount() {
return this.getAttributes().filter(attr => attr.type === 'relation' && !attr.isAutoLink()).length;
get relationCountIncludingLinks() {
return this.getAttributes().filter(attr => attr.type === 'relation').length;
get ownedRelationCount() {
return this.ownedAttributes.filter(attr => attr.type === 'relation' && !attr.isAutoLink()).length;
get ownedRelationCountIncludingLinks() {
return this.ownedAttributes.filter(attr => attr.type === 'relation').length;
get targetRelationCount() {
return this.targetRelations.filter(attr => !attr.isAutoLink()).length;
get targetRelationCountIncludingLinks() {
return this.targetRelations.length;
get attributeCount() {
return this.getAttributes().length;
get ownedAttributeCount() {
return this.getAttributes().length;
getAncestors() {
if (!this.ancestorCache) {
const noteIds = new Set();
this.ancestorCache = [];
for (const parent of this.parents) {
if (!noteIds.has(parent.noteId)) {
for (const ancestorNote of parent.getAncestors()) {
if (!noteIds.has(ancestorNote.noteId)) {
return this.ancestorCache;
getTargetRelations() {
return this.targetRelations;
/** @return {Note[]} - returns only notes which are templated, does not include their subtrees
* in effect returns notes which are influenced by note's non-inheritable attributes */
getTemplatedNotes() {
const arr = [this];
for (const targetRelation of this.targetRelations) {
if (targetRelation.name === 'template') {
const note = targetRelation.note;
if (note) {
return arr;
getDistanceToAncestor(ancestorNoteId) {
if (this.noteId === ancestorNoteId) {
return 0;
let minDistance = 999999;
for (const parent of this.parents) {
minDistance = Math.min(minDistance, parent.getDistanceToAncestor(ancestorNoteId) + 1);
return minDistance;
getNoteRevisions() {
return sql.getRows("SELECT * FROM note_revisions WHERE noteId = ?", [this.noteId])
.map(row => new NoteRevision(row));
* @return {string[][]} - array of notePaths (each represented by array of noteIds constituting the particular note path)
getAllNotePaths() {
if (this.noteId === 'root') {
return [['root']];
const notePaths = [];
for (const parentNote of this.getParentNotes()) {
for (const parentPath of parentNote.getAllNotePaths()) {
return notePaths;
* @param ancestorNoteId
* @return {boolean} - true if ancestorNoteId occurs in at least one of the note's paths
isDescendantOfNote(ancestorNoteId) {
const notePaths = this.getAllNotePaths();
return notePaths.some(path => path.includes(ancestorNoteId));
* Update's given attribute's value or creates it if it doesn't exist
* @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
* @param {string} name - attribute name
* @param {string} [value] - attribute value (optional)
setAttribute(type, name, value) {
const attributes = this.getOwnedAttributes();
const attr = attributes.find(attr => attr.type === type && attr.name === name);
value = value !== null && value !== undefined ? value.toString() : "";
if (attr) {
if (attr.value !== value) {
attr.value = value;
else {
const Attribute = require("./attribute.js");
new Attribute({
noteId: this.noteId,
type: type,
name: name,
value: value
* Removes given attribute name-value pair if it exists.
* @param {string} type - attribute type (label, relation, etc.)
* @param {string} name - attribute name
* @param {string} [value] - attribute value (optional)
removeAttribute(type, name, value) {
const attributes = this.getOwnedAttributes();
for (const attribute of attributes) {
if (attribute.type === type && attribute.name === name && (value === undefined || value === attribute.value)) {
* @return {Attribute}
addAttribute(type, name, value = "", isInheritable = false, position = 1000) {
const Attribute = require("./attribute.js");
return new Attribute({
noteId: this.noteId,
type: type,
name: name,
value: value,
isInheritable: isInheritable,
position: position
addLabel(name, value = "", isInheritable = false) {
return this.addAttribute(LABEL, name, value, isInheritable);
addRelation(name, targetNoteId, isInheritable = false) {
return this.addAttribute(RELATION, name, targetNoteId, isInheritable);
* Based on enabled, attribute is either set or removed.
* @param {string} type - attribute type ('relation', 'label' etc.)
* @param {boolean} enabled - toggle On or Off
* @param {string} name - attribute name
* @param {string} [value] - attribute value (optional)
toggleAttribute(type, enabled, name, value) {
if (enabled) {
this.setAttribute(type, name, value);
else {
this.removeAttribute(type, name, value);
* Based on enabled, label is either set or removed.
* @param {boolean} enabled - toggle On or Off
* @param {string} name - label name
* @param {string} [value] - label value (optional)
toggleLabel(enabled, name, value) { return this.toggleAttribute(LABEL, enabled, name, value); }
* Based on enabled, relation is either set or removed.
* @param {boolean} enabled - toggle On or Off
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @param {string} [value] - relation value (noteId)
toggleRelation(enabled, name, value) { return this.toggleAttribute(RELATION, enabled, name, value); }
* Update's given label's value or creates it if it doesn't exist
* @param {string} name - label name
* @param {string} [value] - label value
setLabel(name, value) { return this.setAttribute(LABEL, name, value); }
* Update's given relation's value or creates it if it doesn't exist
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @param {string} value - relation value (noteId)
setRelation(name, value) { return this.setAttribute(RELATION, name, value); }
* Remove label name-value pair, if it exists.
* @param {string} name - label name
* @param {string} [value] - label value
removeLabel(name, value) { return this.removeAttribute(LABEL, name, value); }
* Remove relation name-value pair, if it exists.
* @param {string} name - relation name
* @param {string} [value] - relation value (noteId)
removeRelation(name, value) { return this.removeAttribute(RELATION, name, value); }
searchNotesInSubtree(searchString) {
const searchService = require("../../services/search/services/search");
return searchService.searchNotes(searchString);
searchNoteInSubtree(searchString) {
return this.searchNotesInSubtree(searchString)[0];
cloneTo(parentNoteId) {
const cloningService = require("../../services/cloning");
const branch = this.becca.getNote(parentNoteId).getParentBranches()[0];
return cloningService.cloneNoteToParent(this.noteId, branch.branchId);
decrypt() {
if (this.isProtected && !this.isDecrypted && protectedSessionService.isProtectedSessionAvailable()) {
try {
this.title = protectedSessionService.decryptString(this.title);
this.isDecrypted = true;
catch (e) {
log.error(`Could not decrypt note ${this.noteId}: ${e.message} ${e.stack}`);
beforeSaving() {
this.becca.notes[this.noteId] = this;
this.dateModified = dateUtils.localNowDateTime();
this.utcDateModified = dateUtils.utcNowDateTime();
getPojo() {
return {
noteId: this.noteId,
title: this.title,
isProtected: this.isProtected,
type: this.type,
mime: this.mime,
isDeleted: false,
dateCreated: this.dateCreated,
dateModified: this.dateModified,
utcDateCreated: this.utcDateCreated,
utcDateModified: this.utcDateModified
getPojoToSave() {
const pojo = this.getPojo();
if (pojo.isProtected) {
if (this.isDecrypted) {
pojo.title = protectedSessionService.encrypt(pojo.title);
else {
// updating protected note outside of protected session means we will keep original ciphertexts
delete pojo.title;
return pojo;
module.exports = Note;
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