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import treeService from './tree.js';
import server from './server.js';
import utils from './utils.js';
import infoService from './info.js';
import linkService from './link.js';
import treeCache from './tree_cache.js';
import noteDetailService from './note_detail.js';
import noteTypeService from './note_type.js';
import noteTooltipService from './note_tooltip.js';
* This is the main frontend API interface for scripts. It's published in the local "api" object.
* @constructor
* @hideconstructor
function FrontendScriptApi(startNote, currentNote, originEntity = null) {
const $pluginButtons = $("#plugin-buttons");
/** @property {object} note where script started executing */
this.startNote = startNote;
/** @property {object} note where script is currently executing */
this.currentNote = currentNote;
/** @property {object|null} entity whose event triggered this execution */
this.originEntity = originEntity;
* Activates note in the tree and in the note detail.
* @method
* @param {string} notePath (or noteId)
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.activateNote = treeService.activateNote;
* Activates newly created note. Compared to this.activateNote() also refreshes tree.
* @param {string} notePath (or noteId)
* @return {Promise<void>}
this.activateNewNote = async notePath => {
await treeService.reload();
await treeService.activateNote(notePath, true);
* @typedef {Object} ToolbarButtonOptions
* @property {string} title
* @property {string} [icon] - name of the JAM icon to be used (e.g. "clock" for "jam-clock" icon)
* @property {function} action - callback handling the click on the button
* @property {string} [shortcut] - keyboard shortcut for the button, e.g. "alt+t"
* Adds new button the the plugin area.
* @param {ToolbarButtonOptions} opts
this.addButtonToToolbar = opts => {
const buttonId = "toolbar-button-" + opts.title.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "-");
const button = $('<button>')
.addClass("btn btn-sm")
if (opts.icon) {
button.append($("<span>").addClass("jam jam-" + opts.icon))
.append(" ");
button.attr('id', buttonId);
if ($("#" + buttonId).replaceWith(button).length === 0) {
if (opts.shortcut) {
$(document).bind('keydown', opts.shortcut, opts.action);
button.attr("title", "Shortcut " + opts.shortcut);
function prepareParams(params) {
if (!params) {
return params;
return params.map(p => {
if (typeof p === "function") {
return "!@#Function: " + p.toString();
else {
return p;
* Executes given anonymous function on the server.
* Internally this serializes the anonymous function into string and sends it to backend via AJAX.
* @param {string} script - script to be executed on the backend
* @param {Array.<?>} params - list of parameters to the anonymous function to be send to backend
* @return {Promise<*>} return value of the executed function on the backend
this.runOnServer = async (script, params = []) => {
if (typeof script === "function") {
script = script.toString();
const ret = await server.post('script/exec', {
script: script,
params: prepareParams(params),
startNoteId: startNote.noteId,
currentNoteId: currentNote.noteId,
originEntityName: "notes", // currently there's no other entity on frontend which can trigger event
originEntityId: originEntity ? originEntity.noteId : null
if (ret.success) {
return ret.executionResult;
else {
throw new Error("server error: " + ret.error);
* Returns list of notes. If note is missing from cache, it's loaded.
* This is often used to bulk-fill the cache with notes which would have to be picked one by one
* otherwise (by e.g. createNoteLink())
* @param {string[]} noteIds
* @param {boolean} [silentNotFoundError] - don't report error if the note is not found
* @return {Promise<NoteShort[]>}
this.getNotes = async (noteIds, silentNotFoundError = false) => await treeCache.getNotes(noteIds, silentNotFoundError);
* Instance name identifies particular Trilium instance. It can be useful for scripts
* if some action needs to happen on only one specific instance.
* @return {string}
this.getInstanceName = () => window.glob.instanceName;
* @method
* @param {Date} date
* @returns {string} date in YYYY-MM-DD format
this.formatDateISO = utils.formatDateISO;
* @method
* @param {string} str
* @returns {Date} parsed object
this.parseDate = utils.parseDate;
* Show info message to the user.
* @method
* @param {string} message
this.showMessage = infoService.showMessage;
* Show error message to the user.
* @method
* @param {string} message
this.showError = infoService.showError;
* Refresh tree
* @method
* @returns {Promise<void>}
this.refreshTree = treeService.reload;
* Create note link (jQuery object) for given note.
* @method
* @param {string} notePath (or noteId)
* @param {string} [noteTitle] - if not present we'll use note title
this.createNoteLink = linkService.createNoteLink;
* @method
* @returns {string} content of currently loaded note in the editor (HTML, code etc.)
this.getCurrentNoteContent = noteDetailService.getCurrentNoteContent;
* @method
* @param {function} func - callback called on note change as user is typing (not necessarily tied to save event)
this.onNoteChange = noteDetailService.onNoteChange;
* @method
* @returns {array} list of default code mime types
this.getDefaultCodeMimeTypes = noteTypeService.getDefaultCodeMimeTypes;
* @method
* @returns {array} list of currently used code mime types
this.getCodeMimeTypes = noteTypeService.getCodeMimeTypes;
* @method
* @param {array} types - list of mime types to be used
this.setCodeMimeTypes = noteTypeService.setCodeMimeTypes;
* @method
* @param {object} $el - jquery object on which to setup the tooltip
this.setupElementTooltip = noteTooltipService.setupElementTooltip
export default FrontendScriptApi; |