Retrieve online status from mailsync workers, remove is-online and it’s 56 (🤭) internal deps #1357, #1731, #1123

This commit is contained in:
Ben Gotow 2020-02-17 00:22:49 -06:00
parent a252d8aa53
commit 7c0cb4e6fc
95 changed files with 152 additions and 635 deletions

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@ -1,38 +1,33 @@
import React from 'react';
import { localized, OnlineStatusStore, PropTypes, Actions } from 'mailspring-exports';
import { localized, OnlineStatusStore, PropTypes } from 'mailspring-exports';
import { Notification, ListensToFluxStore } from 'mailspring-component-kit';
function OfflineNotification({ isOnline, retryingInSeconds }) {
function OfflineNotification({ isOnline }) {
if (isOnline) {
return false;
const subtitle = retryingInSeconds
? retryingInSeconds > 1
? localized(`Retrying in %@ seconds`, retryingInSeconds)
: localized(`Retrying in 1 second`)
: localized(`Retrying now...`);
return (
title={localized('Mailspring is offline')}
title={localized('One or more accounts are having connection issues.')}
id: 'try_now',
label: localized('Try now'),
fn: () => Actions.checkOnlineStatus(),
fn: () => AppEnv.mailsyncBridge.sendSyncMailNow(),
OfflineNotification.displayName = 'OfflineNotification';
OfflineNotification.propTypes = {
isOnline: PropTypes.bool,
retryingInSeconds: PropTypes.number,
export default ListensToFluxStore(OfflineNotification, {
@ -40,7 +35,6 @@ export default ListensToFluxStore(OfflineNotification, {
getStateFromStores() {
return {
isOnline: OnlineStatusStore.isOnline(),
retryingInSeconds: OnlineStatusStore.retryingInSeconds(),

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring het foute ondervind met die sinkronisering van hierdie rekening. Crash verslae is gestuur na die Mailspring span en ons sal werk om hierdie foute op te los in die volgende uitgawe.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring is die skoonmaak van die kas vir %@. Afhangende van die grootte van die posbus, kan dit 'n paar sekondes of 'n paar minute duur. 'N Waarskuwing sal verskyn wanneer opruiming voltooi is.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring is onafhanklike %@ sagteware, en inskrywingsinkomste laat ons toe om die tyd te handhaaf en te verbeter.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring is offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "One or more accounts are having connection issues.",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring loop in dev-modus en kan stadiger wees!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sinkroniseer hierdie draad en dit is aanhangsels aan die wolk. Vir lang drade kan dit 'n rukkie neem.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring kan nie sinkroniseer nie %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ከዚህ መለያ ጋር በማመሳሰል ስህተት አጋጥሞታል. የብልሽት ሪፖርቶች ወደ Mailspring ቡድን ተልከዋል, እናም እነዚህን ስህተቶች በሚቀጥለው ቅጂ ላይ ለማስተካከል እንሰራለን.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring ለ %@ መሸጎጫ እያጸዳ ነው. በመሌእክት ሳጥኑ መጠን መሰረት ይሄ ጥቂት ሰከንዶችን ወይም ጥቂት ደቂቃዎችን ሊወስድ ይችላል. ማጽዳት ሲጠናቀቅ ማንቂያ ይመጣል.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring ገለልተኛ የሆነ %@ ሶፍትዌር ነው, እና የደንበኝነት ምዝገባ ገቢም ምርቱን ለማቆምና ለማሻሻል ያስችላል.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring ከመስመር ውጭ ነው",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring ከመስመር ውጭ ነው",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring በ devility ውስጥ እያሄደ ሲሆን ቀስ እያለ ሊሆን ይችላል!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring ይህን ክር ማመሳሰል እና ከደመናው ጋር አባሪነት ነው. ለረጅም ተከታታዮች ይህ ትንሽ ጊዜ ሊወስድ ይችላል.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ማመሳሰል አልቻለም %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "واجهت Mailspring أخطاء في مزامنة هذا الحساب. تم إرسال تقارير الأعطال إلى فريق Mailspring وسنعمل على إصلاح هذه الأخطاء في الإصدار التالي.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "تقوم Mailspring بمسح ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت لـ %@. استنادًا إلى حجم صندوق البريد ، قد يستغرق هذا بضع ثوانٍ أو بضع دقائق. سيظهر تنبيه عند اكتمال عملية التنظيف.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "إن Mailspring عبارة عن برنامج %@ مستقل ، وتتيح لنا عائدات الاشتراك قضاء بعض الوقت في الحفاظ على المنتج وتحسينه.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring غير متصل",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring غير متصل",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring قيد التشغيل في وضع مطور وقد يكون أبطأ!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "تقوم Mailspring بمزامنة هذا الموضوع ومرفقاته مع السحابة. لخيوط طويلة ، قد يستغرق هذا لحظة.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring غير قادر على المزامنة %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring bu hesabı sinxronizasiya edən səhvlər ilə qarşılaşdı. Crash hesabatları Mailspring qrupuna göndərilib və biz növbəti səhvlərdə bu səhvləri düzəltməyə çalışacağıq.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring %@ üçün önbelleğini təmizləyir. Poçt qutusunun ölçüsündən asılı olaraq bu, bir neçə saniyə və ya bir neçə dəqiqə çəkə bilər. Təmizləmə tamamlandıqda bir xəbərdarlıq görünür.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring müstəqil %@ proqramdır və abunə gəliri məhsulun saxlanılması və təkmilləşdirilməsi üçün vaxt sərf etməyə imkan verir.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dev rejimi ilə işləyir və yavaş ola bilər!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring bu mövzuya sinxronizasiya edir və bulud üçün əlavə edir. Uzun məsafələr üçün bu bir an çəkə bilər.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring sinxronizasiya edə bilmir %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring паўсталі памылкі пры сінхранізацыі гэтага рахунку. Справаздачы пра памылкі былі адпраўленыя ў каманду Mailspring, і мы будзем працаваць, каб выправіць гэтыя памылкі ў наступным выпуску.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring расчышчае гэта кэш %@. У залежнасці ад памеру паштовага скрыні, гэта можа заняць некалькі секунд або некалькі хвілін. Папярэджанне з'яўляецца, калі ачыстка завершана.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring незалежны %@ праграмнае забеспячэнне, а даход падпіскі дазваляе марнаваць час на падтрыманне і паляпшэнне прадукту.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring па-за форуму",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring па-за форуму",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring працуе ў рэжыме распрацоўніка і можа быць павольней!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring сінхранізуе гэтую нітку, і гэта ўкладанне ў воблака. Для доўгіх нітак, гэта можа заняць некаторы час.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring не можа сінхранізаваць %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring срещна грешки при синхронизирането на този профил. Съобщенията за сривове бяха изпратени до екипа на Mailspring и ние ще работим, за да отстраним тези грешки в следващото издание.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring изчиства кеша си за %@. В зависимост от размера на пощенската кутия това може да отнеме няколко секунди или няколко минути. След приключване на почистването ще се появи предупреждение.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring е независим %@ софтуер, а приходите от абонамент ни позволяват да прекарваме време в поддържането и подобряването на продукта.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring е офлайн",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring е офлайн",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring работи в режим dev и може да е по-бавен!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring синхронизира тази нишка и е прикачен файл към облака. За дълги нишки това може да отнеме известно време.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring не може да синхронизира %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring এই অ্যাকাউন্ট সিঙ্কিং ত্রুটি সম্মুখীন। ক্র্যাশ প্রতিবেদনগুলি Mailspring টিমকে পাঠানো হয়েছে এবং আমরা পরবর্তী রিলিজে এই ত্রুটিগুলির সমাধান করতে কাজ করব।",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring তার ক্যাশে %@ জন্য সাফ করা হয়। মেইলবক্সের আকারের উপর নির্ভর করে, এটি কয়েক সেকেন্ড বা কয়েক মিনিট সময় নিতে পারে। পরিষ্কার করার সময় একটি সতর্কতা প্রদর্শিত হবে।",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "মেলসপ্রিং স্বাধীন %@ সফটওয়্যার, এবং সাবস্ক্রিপশন আয় আমাদের পণ্য বজায় রাখার এবং উন্নতির সময় ব্যয় করতে দেয়।",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring অফলাইন",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring অফলাইন",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dev মোড চলমান এবং ধীর হতে পারে!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring মেঘে এই থ্রেড এবং এর সংযুক্তি সিঙ্ক করছে। দীর্ঘ থ্রেড জন্য, এই একটি মুহূর্ত নিতে পারে।",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "মেলস্রিং সিঙ্ক করতে অক্ষম %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring je naišao na greške u sinhronizaciji ovog naloga. Izveštaji o oštećenjima su poslati timu Mailspring i radićemo da ispravimo ove greške u sledećem izdanju.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring čisti keš za %@. U zavisnosti od veličine poštanskog sandučeta, ovo može potrajati nekoliko sekundi ili nekoliko minuta. Kada se završi čišćenje, pojavit će se upozorenje.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring je nezavisni %@ softver, a prihodi od pretplate omogućavaju nam da provedemo vrijeme održavanja i poboljšanja proizvoda.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring je offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring je offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring radi u dev modu i može biti sporiji!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sinhronizuje ovu nit i to je prilog na oblaku. Za dugačke niti, ovo može potrajati.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ne može da sinhronizuje %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ha detectat errors en sincronitzar aquest compte. S'han enviat informes d'error a l'equip de Mailspring i treballarem per corregir aquests errors en el pròxim llançament.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring està buidant la vostra memòria cau per a %@. Depenent de la mida de la bústia, això pot trigar uns segons o uns minuts. Es mostrarà una alerta quan es completa la neteja.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring és un programari independent %@, i els ingressos de subscripció ens permeten passar temps mantenint i millorant el producte.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring no està connectat",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring no està connectat",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring s'executa en mode dev i pot ser més lent!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring està sincronitzant aquesta cadena i és adjunts al núvol. Per als fils llargs, això pot trigar un moment.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring no pot sincronitzar %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Nakatagbo ang Mailspring mga kasaypanan sa pag-sync niini nga asoy. Ang mga taho sa Crash gipadala ngadto sa team sa Mailspring ug kami magtrabaho aron ayuhon kini nga mga sayop sa sunod nga pagpagawas.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Ang Mailspring mao ang paglimpyo niini nga cache alang sa %@. Depende sa gidak-on sa mailbox, mahimo kini nga pipila ka segundo o pipila ka minuto. Ang usa ka alerto makita sa panahon sa paglimpyo.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Ang Mailspring usa ka independente nga software, ug ang kita sa subskripsyon nagtugot kanato nga mogahin og panahon sa pagpadayon ug pagpalambo sa produkto.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring na offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring na offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Ang Mailspring nagdagan sa dev mode ug mahimo nga hinayhinay!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Ang Mailspring naghiusa sa kini nga hilo ug kini mga panagang sa panganod. Alang sa taas nga mga thread, mahimo kini nga usa ka gutlo.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Ang Mailspring dili maka-sync %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring hà scontri erruri chì si syncing stu cuntu. Crash hè statu mandatu à u parcru Mailspring è avemu travagliatu per riparà quelli errori in u prossime liberu.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring hè chjarificatu u cache per %@. Sicondu a dimensione di u cartulare, pudete piglià parechji sicondi o pocu minuti. Una alerta parearà quandu a nucera hè completa.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring hè un prugramma indipendenti %@, è l'ingaghjamentu di sottolineu permette a passà tempu di mantenimentu è di migliurà u pruduttu.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring hè offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring hè offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring hè in corruzzione in modu di devu è pò esse più lento!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring hè syncing stu filu è hè anche à u nulu. Per i filamenti longi, questu pò piglià un mumentu.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring hè incapaz à sync %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Při spuštění služby Mailspring došlo k chybám při synchronizaci tohoto účtu. Zprávy o selhání byly odeslány do týmu Mailspring a my se budeme snažit opravit tyto chyby v příštím vydání.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring vyčistí cache pro %@. V závislosti na velikosti poštovní schránky to může trvat několik sekund nebo několik minut. Po dokončení vyčištění se zobrazí upozornění.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring je nezávislý %@ software a výnosy z předplatného nám umožňují věnovat čas údržbě a vylepšování produktu.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring je offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring je offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring běží v režimu dev a může být pomalejší!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synchronizuje tento podproces a jejich přílohy do cloudu. U dlouhých vláken to může chvíli trvat.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring nelze synchronizovat %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Gwelodd Mailspring wallau sy'n synci'r cyfrif hwn. Anfonwyd adroddiadau cras i dîm Mailspring a byddwn yn gweithio i osod y gwallau hyn yn y datganiad nesaf.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mae Mailspring yn clirio ei fod yn cache ar gyfer %@. Gan ddibynnu ar faint y blwch post, gall hyn gymryd ychydig eiliadau neu ychydig funudau. Bydd rhybudd yn ymddangos pan fydd y gwaith glanhau wedi'i gwblhau.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mae Mailspring yn feddalwedd annibynnol %@, ac mae refeniw tanysgrifiad yn ein galluogi i dreulio amser yn cynnal a gwella'r cynnyrch.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring yn offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring yn offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mae Mailspring yn rhedeg mewn modd dev a gall fod yn arafach!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mae Mailspring yn syncing yr edau hwn ac mae'n atodiadau i'r cwmwl. Ar gyfer edau hir, gall hyn gymryd eiliad.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Ni all Mailspring sync %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring fandt fejl ved at synkronisere denne konto. Crash-rapporter er blevet sendt til Mailspring-teamet, og vi vil arbejde for at rette disse fejl i den næste udgave.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring rydder det cache for %@. Afhængigt af postkassens størrelse kan det tage et par sekunder eller et par minutter. Der vises en advarsel, når oprydning er færdig.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring er uafhængig %@ software, og abonnementsindtægter giver os mulighed for at bruge tid til at opretholde og forbedre produktet.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring er offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring er offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring kører i dev-tilstand og kan være langsommere!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synkroniserer denne tråd, og det er vedhæftede filer til skyen. For lange tråde kan det tage et øjeblik.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring kan ikke synkronisere %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring hat Fehler bei der Synchronisierung dieses Kontos festgestellt. Absturzberichte wurden an das Mailspring-Team gesendet und wir werden daran arbeiten, diese Fehler in der nächsten Version zu beheben.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring löscht seinen Cache für %@. Je nach Größe des Postfachs kann dies einige Sekunden oder einige Minuten dauern. Eine Benachrichtigung wird angezeigt, wenn die Bereinigung abgeschlossen ist.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring ist eine unabhängige %@ Software und der Umsatz durch Abonnements ermöglicht es uns, das Produkt zu pflegen und zu verbessern.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring ist offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring ist offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring läuft im Dev-Modus und kann langsamer sein!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synchronisiert diesen Thread und seine Anhänge mit der Cloud. Bei langen Threads kann dies einen Moment dauern.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring kann nicht synchronisieren %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Το Mailspring αντιμετώπισε σφάλματα κατά τη συγχρονισμό αυτού του λογαριασμού. Οι αναφορές σφαλμάτων έχουν σταλεί στην ομάδα Mailspring και θα προσπαθήσουμε να διορθώσουμε αυτά τα σφάλματα στην επόμενη έκδοση.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Το Mailspring καθαρίζει την κρυφή μνήμη του για το %@. Ανάλογα με το μέγεθος του γραμματοκιβωτίου, αυτό μπορεί να διαρκέσει μερικά δευτερόλεπτα ή λίγα λεπτά. Θα εμφανιστεί μια ειδοποίηση όταν ολοκληρωθεί ο καθαρισμός.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Το Mailspring είναι ανεξάρτητο %@ λογισμικό και τα έσοδα από συνδρομές μας επιτρέπουν να ξοδεύουμε χρόνο για τη συντήρηση και τη βελτίωση του προϊόντος.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Ο χρήστης Mailspring είναι εκτός σύνδεσης",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Ο χρήστης Mailspring είναι εκτός σύνδεσης",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Το Mailspring εκτελείται σε λειτουργία dev και μπορεί να είναι πιο αργή!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Το Mailspring συγχρονίζει αυτό το νήμα και είναι συνημμένα στο σύννεφο. Για μακρά θέματα, μπορεί να διαρκέσει μια στιγμή.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Το Mailspring δεν μπορεί να συγχρονίσει %@",

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@ -361,7 +361,7 @@
"Mailspring has translated this message into %@.": "Mailspring has translated this message into %@.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring is offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "One or more accounts are having connection issues.",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring is unable to sync %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring renkontis erarojn sinkronigante ĉi tiun konton. Malfruaj raportoj estis senditaj al la Mailspring-teamo kaj ni laboros por ripari tiujn erarojn en la sekva eldono.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring liberigas la kaŝmemoron por %@. Depende de la grandeco de la leterkesto, tio eble daŭros kelkajn sekundojn aŭ kelkajn minutojn. Garde aperos kiam la purigo estas kompleta.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring estas sendependa %@ programaro, kaj abono-enspezoj permesas al ni pasigi tempon konservante kaj plibonigante la produkton.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring estas senkonekta",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring estas senkonekta",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring kuras en dev mode kaj povas esti pli malrapida!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sinkrocias ĉi tiun fadenon kaj ĝi estas ligiloj al la nubo. Dum longaj fadenoj, tio eble prenos momenton.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ne povas sinkronigi %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring encontró errores al sincronizar esta cuenta. Se han enviado informes de errores al equipo de Mailspring y trabajaremos para corregir estos errores en la próxima versión.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring está borrando su caché para %@. Dependiendo del tamaño del buzón, esto puede tardar unos segundos o unos minutos. Aparecerá una alerta cuando se complete la limpieza.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring es un software independiente %@, y los ingresos por suscripción nos permiten dedicar tiempo a mantener y mejorar el producto.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring está desconectado",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring está desconectado",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring se ejecuta en modo dev y puede ser más lento!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring está sincronizando este hilo y sus archivos adjuntos a la nube. Para hilos largos, esto puede tomar un momento.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring no puede sincronizar %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring tekkis vigu selle konto sünkroonimisel. Crash-aruanded on saadetud mailspringi meeskonnale ja me töötame selle vea parandamiseks järgmises väljaandes.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Palliprojekt kustutab selle %@ jaoks vahemälu. Sõltuvalt postkasti suurusest võib see võtta paar sekundit või paar minutit. Kui puhastamine on lõpetatud, ilmub märguanne.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring on sõltumatu %@ tarkvara ja tellimustoode võimaldab meil kulutada aega toote hooldamiseks ja täiustamiseks.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring on võrguühenduseta",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring on võrguühenduseta",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mässirull töötab dev-režiimis ja võib olla aeglasem!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sünkroonib seda lõime ja see on piltide lisamine. Pika lõngaga võib see võtta aega.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ei saa sünkroonida %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring-ek akatsak kontu hau sinkronizatu du. Crash txostenak Mailspring taldera bidali dira eta hurrengo bertsioan erroreak konponduko ditugu.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring-k cachea garbitzen du %@. Postontziaren tamainaren arabera, segundo batzuk edo minutu batzuk behar izan ditzake. Alerta bat agertuko da garbiketa amaitutakoan.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring independentea da %@ softwarea, eta harpidetza-sarrerak produktua mantendu eta hobetzeko denbora ematen digu.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring konexiorik gabe dago",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring konexiorik gabe dago",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dev modutik exekutatzen ari da eta motelagoa izan daiteke!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring haria honela sinkronizatzen ari da eta hodeirako eranskinak ditu. Hari luzeak, une batez hartu ahal izango dira.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ezin da sinkronizatu %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring با خطاهای همگام سازی این حساب مواجه شد. گزارش های خرابی به تیم Mailspring ارسال شده است و ما برای رفع این خطاها در نسخه بعدی کار خواهیم کرد.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring این حافظه را برای %@ پاکسازی می کند. بسته به اندازه صندوق پستی، ممکن است چند ثانیه یا چند دقیقه طول بکشد. هنگام پاکسازی کامل، یک هشدار ظاهر می شود.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring مستقل %@ نرم افزار است، و درآمد اشتراک به ما اجازه می دهد زمان صرف شده و نگهداری و بهبود محصول.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring آنلاین نیست",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring آنلاین نیست",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring در حالت dev اجرا می شود و ممکن است کندتر باشد!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring این موضوع را همگام سازی می کند و آن فایل ها به ابر است. برای موضوعات طولانی، این ممکن است یک لحظه برسد.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring قادر به همگام سازی %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring kohdisti virheitä tämän tilin synkronointiin. Crash-raportit on lähetetty Mailspring-tiimiin ja pyrimme korjaamaan nämä virheet seuraavassa julkaisussa.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring tyhjentää sen välimuistin %@. Postilaatikon koosta riippuen tämä voi kestää muutaman sekunnin tai muutaman minuutin. Varoitus tulee näkyviin, kun puhdistus on valmis.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring on itsenäinen %@ ohjelmisto, ja tilaustulot antavat meille mahdollisuuden viettää aikaa tuotteen ylläpitämiseen ja parantamiseen.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring on offline-tilassa",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring on offline-tilassa",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring on käynnissä dev-tilassa ja voi olla hitaampi!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synkronoi tämän säiettä ja se liitetään pilviin. Pitkillä kierteillä tämä voi kestää hetken.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ei pysty synkronoimaan %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring a rencontré des erreurs lors de la synchronisation de ce compte. Des rapports d'incident ont été envoyés à l'équipe Mailspring et nous nous efforcerons de corriger ces erreurs dans la prochaine version.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring nettoie son cache pour %@. Selon la taille de la boîte aux lettres, cela peut prendre quelques secondes ou quelques minutes. Une alerte apparaîtra une fois le nettoyage terminé.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring est un logiciel indépendant %@ et les revenus des abonnements nous permettent de passer du temps à entretenir et à améliorer le produit.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring est déconnecté",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring est déconnecté",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring s'exécute en mode de développement et peut être plus lent !",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synchronise cette conversation et ses pièces jointes en ligne. Pour les longues conversations, cela peut prendre un moment.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring est incapable de synchroniser %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring joech fouten dy't dit akkount synsysteem syngronisearje. Untwerpberjochten binne stjoerd nei it Mailspringteam en wy sille wurkje om dizze flater yn 'e folgjende release te beheinen.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring is dúdlik dat it cache is foar %@. Ofhinklik fan de grutte fan it postfak, kin dit in pear sekonden of inkele minuten nimme. In warskôging sil ferskine as it skjinwurk folslein is.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring is ûnôfhinklik %@ software, en abonnemintferliening soarget foar ús tiid te hâlden en ferbetterjen fan it produkt.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring is offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "One or more accounts are having connection issues.",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring rint yn devmodus en kin slimmer wêze!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sil dizze thread syntaktisearje en it is oanfollingen oan 'e wolk. Foar lange triedden kin dit in momint nimme.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring kin net syncene %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Tháinig mailspring ar earráidí a raibh an cuntas seo ann. Cuireadh tuairiscí céimnithe chuig an bhfoireann Mailspring agus oibreoimid na hearráidí seo a shocrú sa chéad scaoileadh eile.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Tá Mailspring ag teastáil go bhfuil sé taisce le haghaidh %@. Ag brath ar mhéid an bhosca poist, féadfaidh sé cúpla soicind nó cúpla nóiméad a thógáil. Feicfear foláireamh nuair a bhíonn an glanadh críochnaithe.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Is bogearraí neamhspleách %@ é Mailspring, agus ligeann ioncam suibscríobh dúinn am a chaitheamh agus an táirge a fheabhsú.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Tá Mailspring as líne",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Tá Mailspring as líne",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Tá Mailspring ag rith i mód dev agus d'fhéadfadh sé a bheith níos moille!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Tá Mailspring ag smaoineamh ar an snáithe seo agus tá sé ceangailte leis an scamall. Le snáitheanna fada, féadfaidh sé seo nóiméad a ghlacadh.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Ní féidir le Mailspring info %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Choinnich Mailspring ri mearachdan a bha a 'freagairt air a' chunntas seo. Chaidh aithisgean crash a chur gu sgioba Mailspring agus obraichidh sinn gus na mearachdan sin a rèiteachadh san ath fhoillseachadh.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Tha Mailspring a 'glanadh gur e cache a tha ann airson %@. A rèir meud a 'bhogsa puist, faodaidh gun toir seo beagan dhiog no beagan mhionaidean. Nochdaidh rabhadh nuair a bhios an glanadh deiseil.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Is e bathar-bog neo-eisimeileach %@ a th 'ann am Mailspring, agus tha teachd-a-steach subscription a' leigeil leinn ùine a chaitheamh a 'cumail suas agus a' leasachadh an toraidh",
"Mailspring is offline": "Tha Mailspring offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Tha Mailspring offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Tha Mailspring a 'ruith ann am modh dev agus' s dòcha gum bi e nas slaodaiche!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Tha Mailspring a 'co-chriochnachadh an snàthainn seo agus tha e ceangailte ris an neul. Airson snàithleanan fada, is dòcha gun gabh seo greis.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Chan urrainn dha Mailspring sin a shioncriochadh %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring atopou erros que sincronizan esta conta. Os informes de fallos foron enviados ao equipo de Mailspring e traballaremos para solucionar estes erros no próximo lanzamento.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring está a limpar a súa caché para %@. Dependendo do tamaño da caixa de correo, isto pode levar uns segundos ou uns minutos. Aparecerá unha alerta cando se complete a limpeza.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring é un software independente %@ e a receita de subscrición permítenos gastar tempo mantendo e mellorando o produto.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring está fóra de liña",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring está fóra de liña",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring está a ser executado en modo dev e pode ser máis lento.",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring está sincronizando este fío e son anexos á nube. Para fíos longos, isto pode levar un momento.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring non pode sincronizar %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ને આ એકાઉન્ટને સમન્વયિત કરવામાં ભૂલ આવી. ક્રેશ રિપોર્ટ્સ મેલસ્પ્રિંગ ટીમને મોકલવામાં આવી છે અને અમે આ ભૂલોને આગલી રીલીઝમાં ઠીક કરવા માટે કાર્ય કરીશું.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring તેના કેશને %@ માટે સાફ કરી રહ્યું છે. મેલબોક્સના કદના આધારે, આમાં થોડો સેકંડ અથવા થોડો સમય લાગી શકે છે. સફાઈ પૂર્ણ થાય ત્યારે ચેતવણી દેખાશે.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "મેલ્સપ્રિગ એ સ્વતંત્ર %@ સૉફ્ટવેર છે અને સબ્સ્ક્રિપ્શન આવક અમને ઉત્પાદનને જાળવવા અને સુધારવામાં સમય પસાર કરે છે.",
"Mailspring is offline": "મેલસ્પ્રિંગ ઑફલાઇન છે",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "મેલસ્પ્રિંગ ઑફલાઇન છે",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dev મોડમાં ચાલી રહ્યું છે અને ધીમું થઈ શકે છે!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "મેલ્સપ્રિગ આ થ્રેડને સમન્વયિત કરે છે અને તે મેઘમાં જોડાણ ધરાવે છે. લાંબા થ્રેડો માટે, આમાં થોડો સમય લાગી શકે છે.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "મેઇલસ્પ્રિંગ સમન્વયિત કરવામાં અસમર્થ છે %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ci karo da kurakurai daidaita wannan asusun. An aika rahoto crash zuwa tawagar Mailspring kuma za muyi aiki don gyara wadannan kurakurai a cikin saki na gaba.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Kuskuren yana share shi cache don %@. Dangane da girman akwatin gidan waya, wannan na iya ɗaukar 'yan kaɗan ko mintoci kaɗan. Za a bayyana faɗakarwa lokacin da tsabtacewa ta cika.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Shirye-shiryen shi ne software mai zaman kanta %@, kuma biyan kuɗin kuɗin yana ba mu damar yin amfani da lokaci don inganta kayan aiki.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring yana da layi",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring yana da layi",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Kusawa yana gudana cikin yanayin karkatawa kuma yana iya kasancewa hankali!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring yana daidaita wannan zane kuma yana da haɗe-haɗe zuwa girgije. Don dogon lokaci, wannan zai dauki lokaci.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ba zai iya daidaitawa %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Hoʻomaopopoʻo Mailspring i nā hewa e hana ana i kēia pūʻulu. Ua hoʻounaʻia nā leka uila i ka hui Mailspring a e hana mākou e hoʻoponopono i kēia mau hewa i ka hoʻopuka hou.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Ke wehe neiʻo Mailspring i kahi hūnā no %@. Ma muli o ka nui o ka pahu leta, hiki ke lawe i kekahi mau kekona a iʻole mau minuke. Eʻikeʻia kahiʻike ma ka pauʻana o ka holoi.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Loaʻa nā mailspring %@ pūnaewele, a me ka loaʻa kālā e loaʻa iā mākou ka mālama manawa a me ka hoʻomaikaʻiʻana i ka huahana.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Kuhi 'ole ka mailspring",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Kuhi 'ole ka mailspring",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Ke holo nei ka mailspring i ke mode dev a hiki paha ke hoʻonui.",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Hoʻopiliʻia ka mailspring i kēia pae aʻo kāna mau mea pili i ke ao. No ka wā lōʻihi, hiki ke lawe i kekahi manawa.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "ʻAʻole i hiki i Mailspring ke hoʻokomo i %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "मेलस्प्रिंग में इस खाते को समन्वयित करने में त्रुटियों का सामना करना पड़ा। क्रैश रिपोर्ट मेलस्प्रिंग टीम को भेजी गई है और हम अगली रिलीज में इन त्रुटियों को ठीक करने के लिए काम करेंगे।",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "मेलस्प्रिंग %@ के लिए कैश साफ़ कर रहा है। मेलबॉक्स के आकार के आधार पर, इसमें कुछ सेकंड या कुछ मिनट लग सकते हैं। सफाई पूर्ण होने पर एक चेतावनी दिखाई देगी।",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "मेलस्प्रिंग स्वतंत्र %@ सॉफ्टवेयर है, और सदस्यता राजस्व हमें उत्पाद को बनाए रखने और सुधारने में समय बिताने में मदद करता है।",
"Mailspring is offline": "मेलस्प्रिंग ऑफ़लाइन है",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "मेलस्प्रिंग ऑफ़लाइन है",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "मेल मोडिंग देव मोड में चल रही है और धीमी हो सकती है!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring इस धागे को समन्वयित कर रहा है और यह क्लाउड पर अनुलग्नक है। लंबे धागे के लिए, यह एक पल ले सकता है।",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "मेलस्प्रिंग सिंक करने में असमर्थ है %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ntsib yuam kev syncing cov nyiaj no. Cov ntaub ntawv sib tsoo tau raug xa mus rau Mailspring pab neeg thiab peb yuav ua haujlwm los txhim kho cov teeb meem no tom ntej tso.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring yog clearing nws tus cache rau %@. Nyob ntawm qhov loj ntawm lub thawv ntawv, qhov no yuav siv li ob peb feeb lossis ob peb feeb. Kev ceeb toom yuav tshwm sim thaum qhov kev ntxuav tu tiav.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring yog ywj siab %@ software, thiab cov nyiaj tau txais txiaj ntsig pub rau peb siv sij hawm tswj thiab txhim kho cov khoom.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring yog offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring yog offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring khiav hauv hom dev thiab tej zaum yuav qeeb qeeb!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring syncing cov xov no thiab nws cov attachments rau huab. Rau ntev threads, qhov no yuav siv sij hawm ib pliag.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring yog tsis tau sync %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring naišao je na pogreške u sinkroniziranju ovog računa. Izvješća o rušenju slanja poslana su ekipi Mailspring i radit ćemo u rješavanju ovih pogrešaka u sljedećem izdanju.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring čisti njegovu predmemoriju za %@. Ovisno o veličini spremnika, to može potrajati nekoliko sekundi ili nekoliko minuta. Kada se čišćenje dovrši, pojavit će se upozorenje.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring je neovisni %@ softver, a prihod od pretplate daje nam vremena da zadržimo vrijeme održavanja i poboljšanja proizvoda.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring je odsutan trenutno",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring je odsutan trenutno",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring se izvodi u dev načinu rada i može biti sporiji!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sinkronizira tu nit i to je privitke na oblak. Za dugačke teme to može potrajati.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ne može sinkronizirati %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring rankontre erè senkronize kont sa a. Rapò aksidan yo te voye nan ekip la Mailspring epi nou pral travay ranje erè sa yo nan lage nan pwochen an.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring se netwaye kachèt li pou %@. Tou depan de gwosè a nan bwat lèt la, sa a ka pran yon kèk segond oswa kèk minit. Yon alèt ap parèt lè netwayaj la fini.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring se endepandan %@ lojisyèl, ak revni abònman pèmèt nou pase tan kenbe ak amelyore pwodwi a.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring se offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring se offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring ap kouri nan mòd dev epi yo ka pi dousman!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring se senkronize fil sa a ak atachman li nan nwaj la. Pou fil long, sa ka pran yon moman.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring se kapab senkronize %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "A Mailspring hibát észlelt a fiók szinkronizálásával kapcsolatban. A balesetekről szóló jelentéseket elküldtük a Mailspring csapatnak, és megpróbáljuk megoldani ezeket a hibákat a következő kiadásban.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "A Mailspring törli a %@ gyorsítótárát. A postafiók méretétől függően ez néhány másodpercig vagy néhány percig tarthat. A tisztítás befejezésekor riasztás jelenik meg.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "A Mailspring független %@ szoftver, és az előfizetési bevétel lehetővé teszi számunkra, hogy időt takarítsunk meg és javítsunk a terméken.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring offline állapotban",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring offline állapotban",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "A Mailspring dev módban fut, és lassabb lehet!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "A Mailspring szinkronizálja ezt a szálat és csatolmányai a felhőhöz. Hosszú szálak esetén ez egy pillanatig eltarthat.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "A Mailspring nem képes szinkronizálni %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring- ը հանդիպեց այս հաշվի համաժամացման սխալների հետ: Crash Reports- ը ուղարկվել է Mailspring թիմին եւ մենք կփորձենք ամրագրել այս սխալները հաջորդ թողարկումում:",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring- ը քլիրինգ է անում %@ - ի համար: Կախված փոստարկղի չափից, դա կարող է տեւել մի քանի վայրկյան կամ մի քանի րոպե: Մաքրման ավարտը կհայտնվի ահազանգ:",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring- ը անկախ %@ ծրագրակազմ է, եւ բաժանորդագրության եկամուտը թույլ է տալիս ծախսել ժամանակի պահպանումը եւ բարելավումը:",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring- ը անցանց է",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring- ը անցանց է",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring- ը աշխատում է հսկայի ռեժիմում եւ կարող է դանդաղ:",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring- ը համաժամեցվում է այս թեմային, եւ դա կցորդներ է ամպին: Երկար տողերի համար դա կարող է տեւել մի պահ:",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring- ը չի կարողանում համաժամեցնել %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring mengalami kesalahan menyinkronkan akun ini. Laporan kerusakan telah dikirim ke tim Mailspring dan kami akan berusaha memperbaiki kesalahan ini di rilis berikutnya.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring membersihkan cache-nya untuk %@. Tergantung pada ukuran kotak surat, ini mungkin memerlukan beberapa detik atau beberapa menit. Peringatan akan muncul saat pembersihan selesai.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring adalah perangkat lunak %@ independen, dan pendapatan berlangganan memungkinkan kita menghabiskan waktu untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan produk.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring sedang offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring sedang offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring berjalan dalam mode dev dan mungkin lebih lambat!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring menyinkronkan utas ini dan lampiran ke cloud. Untuk utas panjang, ini mungkin memerlukan beberapa saat.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Keturunan tidak dapat disinkronkan %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring zutere njehie na-ejikọta akaụntụ a. E zigara ndị ọrụ Mailspring ozi akụkọ mberede na anyị ga-arụ ọrụ iji dozie njehie ndị a na ntọhapụ ọzọ.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring na-ekpochapụ ya oghere maka %@. Dabere n'ụdị igbe igbe, nke a nwere ike were sekọnd ole na ole ma ọ bụ minit ole na ole. A njikere ga-apụta mgbe cleanup zuru ezu.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring bụ software nke onwe %@, na ego ntinye aha na-enyere anyị aka iwepụta oge na-arụ ọrụ ma melite ngwaahịa ahụ.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring bụ offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring bụ offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring na-agba ọsọ na mode dev ma nwee ike ịdị nwayọọ.",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring na-arụkọ ọrụ a ma ọ bụ ihe mgbakwunye na ígwé ojii. Maka ogologo oge, nke a nwere ike iwe oge.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring enweghị ike ịmekọrịta %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring lenti í villum sem samstilltu þennan reikning. Hrunskýrslur hafa verið sendar til Mailspring liðsins og við munum vinna að því að laga þessar villur í næstu útgáfu.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring er að hreinsa skyndiminni fyrir %@. Það fer eftir stærð pósthólfsins, það getur tekið nokkrar sekúndur eða nokkrar mínútur. Viðvörun birtist þegar hreinsun er lokið.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring er sjálfstæður %@ hugbúnaður og áskriftartekjur leyfa okkur að eyða tíma til að viðhalda og bæta vöruna.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring er ótengdur",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring er ótengdur",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring er í gangi í dev ham og getur verið hægari!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring er að samstilla þessa þráð og það er viðhengi við skýið. Fyrir langa þræði getur þetta tekið smá stund.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring er ekki hægt að samstilla %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ha riscontrato errori nella sincronizzazione di questo account. I rapporti sugli arresti anomali sono stati inviati al team di Mailspring e lavoreremo per correggere questi errori nella prossima versione.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring sta svuotando la cache per %@. A seconda delle dimensioni della casella di posta, potrebbero essere necessari alcuni secondi o alcuni minuti. Un avviso apparirà al termine della pulizia.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring è un software indipendente %@ e le entrate in abbonamento ci consentono di trascorrere del tempo a mantenere e migliorare il prodotto.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring è offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring è offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring è in esecuzione in modalità sviluppatore e potrebbe essere più lento!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sta sincronizzando questa discussione e i suoi allegati al cloud. Per le discussioni lunghe, questo potrebbe richiedere un momento.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring non è in grado di sincronizzare %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspringがこのアカウントを同期する際にエラーが発生しました。クラッシュレポートはMailspringチームに送信されており、次のリリースでこれらのエラーを修正するよう努めます。",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspringは%@のキャッシュをクリアしています。メールボックスのサイズによっては、数秒または数分かかることがあります。クリーンアップが完了すると、警告が表示されます。",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspringは独立したソフトウェアであり、サブスクリプションの収入は私達が製品を維持し改良するために使用されます。",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspringはオフラインです",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspringはオフラインです",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspringは開発者モードで動作しており、速度が遅くなる可能性があります。",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspringはこのスレッドとそれをクラウドに添付しています。長いスレッドの場合、これには時間がかかることがあります。",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspringは%@を同期できません",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "ამ ანგარიშის სინქრონიზაციისას შეცდომები შეექმნა. Crash ანგარიშები გაიგზავნა Mailspring გუნდი და ჩვენ ვიმუშავებთ დაფიქსირება ამ შეცდომების მომდევნო გათავისუფლებას.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring გადის მისი ქეში %@. საფოსტო ყუთის ზომაზე დამოკიდებულია რამდენიმე წამი ან რამდენიმე წუთი. გაფრთხილება გამოჩნდება, როდესაც გასუფთავება დასრულებულია.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring დამოუკიდებელია %@ პროგრამული უზრუნველყოფა, და სააბონენტო შემოსავლები საშუალებას გვაძლევს დროის გატარება და გაუმჯობესება პროდუქტი.",
"Mailspring is offline": "ფოსტა არ არის ფორუმზე",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "ფოსტა არ არის ფორუმზე",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring გაშვებულია dev რეჟიმში და შეიძლება იყოს ნელი!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring- ი ამ თემის სინქრონიზაციას ახდენს და ის ღრუბლებს ანიჭებს. ხანგრძლივი ნიშნების გამო, შეიძლება მომენტში.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring- ს არ შეუძლია სინქრონიზაცია %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Поштада осы есептік жазбаны синхрондаған қателер кездеседі. Бұзушылық туралы есептер «Пресс-хроника» командасына жіберілді және келесі қателерді түзетуге тырысамыз.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring %@ үшін оның кэшін тазалайды. Пошта жәшігінің өлшеміне байланысты бұл бірнеше секунд немесе бірнеше минут кетуі мүмкін. Тазалау аяқталған кезде ескерту пайда болады.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring тәуелсіз %@ бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету болып табылады және жазылымды табыстары уақытты үнемдеуге және жақсартуға мүмкіндік береді.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring офлайн",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring офлайн",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Пошта жәшігі үлкен режимде жұмыс істейді және баяу болуы мүмкін!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring бұл ағынды синхрондайды және бұл бұлтқа тіркемелер. Ұзын жіптер үшін бұл бір сәтке созылуы мүмкін.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring синхрондау мүмкін емес %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring មានកំហុសដែលធ្វើសមកាលកម្មគណនីនេះ។ របាយការណ៍គាំងត្រូវបានបញ្ជូនទៅក្រុម Mailspring ហើយយើងនឹងធ្វើការដោះស្រាយកំហុសទាំងនេះនៅក្នុងការចេញផ្សាយបន្ទាប់។",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring កំពុងសំអាតឃ្លាំងសម្ងាត់របស់វាសម្រាប់ %@ ។ អាស្រ័យលើទំហំនៃប្រអប់សំបុត្រវាអាចចំណាយពេលពីរបីនាទីឬពីរបីនាទី។ ការជូនដំណឹងនឹងបង្ហាញនៅពេលសម្អាតបញ្ចប់។",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring គឺជាឯករាជ្យ %@ ផ្នែកទន់ហើយចំណូលពីការជាវអនុញ្ញាតឱ្យយើងចំណាយពេលវេលាថែរក្សានិងកែលម្អផលិតផល។",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring គឺនៅក្រៅបណ្ដាញ",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring គឺនៅក្រៅបណ្ដាញ",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring កំពុងដំណើរការនៅក្នុងរបៀប dev ហើយអាចនឹងយឺតជាង!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring កំពុងធ្វើសមកាលកម្មខ្សែស្រឡាយនេះហើយវាជាឯកសារភ្ជាប់ទៅពពក។ សម្រាប់ខ្សែស្រឡាយវែងវាអាចប្រើពេលបន្តិច។",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring មិនអាចធ្វើសមកាលកម្ម %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "ಈ ಖಾತೆಯನ್ನು ಸಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡುವಲ್ಲಿ ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಎದುರಿಸಿದೆ. ಕ್ರ್ಯಾಶ್ ವರದಿಗಳನ್ನು ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ತಂಡಕ್ಕೆ ಕಳುಹಿಸಲಾಗಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಮುಂದಿನ ಬಿಡುಗಡೆಗಳಲ್ಲಿ ಈ ದೋಷಗಳನ್ನು ಸರಿಪಡಿಸಲು ನಾವು ಕೆಲಸ ಮಾಡುತ್ತೇವೆ.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಇದು %@ ಗಾಗಿ ಅದರ ಸಂಗ್ರಹವನ್ನು ತೆರವುಗೊಳಿಸುತ್ತದೆ. ಮೇಲ್ಬಾಕ್ಸ್ನ ಗಾತ್ರವನ್ನು ಅವಲಂಬಿಸಿ, ಇದು ಕೆಲವು ಸೆಕೆಂಡುಗಳು ಅಥವಾ ಕೆಲವು ನಿಮಿಷಗಳನ್ನು ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು. ಸ್ವಚ್ಛಗೊಳಿಸುವಿಕೆ ಪೂರ್ಣಗೊಂಡಾಗ ಎಚ್ಚರಿಕೆಯನ್ನು ಕಾಣಿಸಿಕೊಳ್ಳುತ್ತದೆ.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಎಂಬುದು ಸ್ವತಂತ್ರ %@ ಸಾಫ್ಟ್ವೇರ್ ಆಗಿದೆ, ಮತ್ತು ಚಂದಾದಾರಿಕೆ ಆದಾಯವು ಉತ್ಪನ್ನವನ್ನು ನಿರ್ವಹಿಸಲು ಮತ್ತು ಸುಧಾರಿಸಲು ಸಮಯವನ್ನು ಕಳೆಯಲು ಅನುಮತಿಸುತ್ತದೆ.",
"Mailspring is offline": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಆಫ್ಲೈನ್ ​​ಆಗಿದೆ",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಆಫ್ಲೈನ್ ​​ಆಗಿದೆ",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ದೇವ್ ಮೋಡ್ನಲ್ಲಿ ಚಾಲನೆಯಾಗುತ್ತಿದೆ ಮತ್ತು ನಿಧಾನವಾಗಿರಬಹುದು!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ ಈ ಥ್ರೆಡ್ ಅನ್ನು ಸಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡುತ್ತದೆ ಮತ್ತು ಇದು ಕ್ಲೌಡ್ಗೆ ಲಗತ್ತುಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದೆ. ದೀರ್ಘ ಎಳೆಗಳಿಗೆ, ಇದು ಸ್ವಲ್ಪ ಸಮಯ ತೆಗೆದುಕೊಳ್ಳಬಹುದು.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "ಮೇಲ್ಸ್ಪ್ರಿಂಗ್ಗೆ ಸಿಂಕ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಸಾಧ್ಯವಾಗುವುದಿಲ್ಲ %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring에서이 계정을 동기화하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 충돌 보고서는 Mailspring 팀에 보내졌으며 우리는 다음 릴리스에서 이러한 오류를 수정하기 위해 노력할 것입니다.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring이 %@에 대한 캐시를 지우고 있습니다. 메일함의 크기에 따라 몇 초 또는 몇 분이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 정리가 완료되면 경고가 나타납니다.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring은 독립적 인 소프트웨어이며 가입 수익을 통해 제품을 유지 관리하고 개선하는 데 많은 시간을 할애 할 수 있습니다.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring은 오프라인 상태입니다.",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring은 오프라인 상태입니다.",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring이 현재 개발자 모드에서 실행 중입니다. 성능이 떨어질 수 있습니다.",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring은이 스레드와 클라우드에 첨부 파일을 동기화합니다. 긴 스레드의 경우이 작업에는 약간의 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring이 %@을 (를) 동기화 할 수 없습니다.",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring di vê hesabê de çewtî çewtiyên xist. Raportên krîza hatine tîpa Mailspring şandin û em ê xebitin ku di van serbestberdana paşê de paşê çareser bikin.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring cache ev e ku ji bo %@. Li ser pîvana mailboxê, ev dikare çend-sê-an-çend çend deqeyan bistînin. Wê hişyar dê dema ku paqijkirina temamî pêk tê.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring bernameyeke serbixwe %@, û dahatiya endamê we destnîşan dike ku wext û wextê hilberîna hilberînê dema we derbas dikin.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring niha negirêdayî ye",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring niha negirêdayî ye",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring di modê dev de dimeşîne û dibe ku bibe!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring ev mijar bişkojk e û ew eşîrên biharê ye. Ji bo dirêjên dirêj, ev dibe ku demek dirêj bikin.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring nikare sync %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring Бул эсепти шайкештирип ката кетти. Crash отчеттор Mailspring командасы жиберилген жана кийинки бул каталарды чечүү үчүн иштей аласыз.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring ал %@ үчүн кэш клиринг жатат. кутусуна өлчөмүнө жараша, ал бир нече секунд же бир нече минут талап кылынышы мүмкүн. тазалоо бүткөндөн кийин сергек пайда болот.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring %@ программалык көз карандысыз болуп, абоненттик киреше бизге сактоо жана өнүмдү жакшыртуу убакыт бөлүүгө шарт түзөт.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring сырткары",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring сырткары",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring иштеп чыгуучунун режиминде иштеп жана жай болушу мүмкүн эмес!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring бул жип шайкештирип, аны булут үчүн тиркемелер бар. узун жип Анткени, бул бир аз убакыт талап кылынышы мүмкүн.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring шайкештештире албай турат %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring hu Problemer mat der Synchronisatioun vun dësem Kont behandelen. Crashreporten ginn un de Mailspring-Team geschéckt a mir schaffen fir dës Fehler an der nächster Verëffentlechung ze fixéieren.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring ass ofgeschaaft dat ass Cache fir %@. Ofhängeg vun der Gréisst vun der Mailbox kann dëst e puer Sekonnen oder e puer Minutten daueren. E Warnunge erscheint wann d'Botzmëttelen komplett sinn.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring ass onofhängeg %@ Software, an de Abonnementer erlaben eis Zäit fir d'Erhaalung an d'Verbesserung vum Produkt ze verbréngen.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring ass offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring ass offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring läuft am Dev Modus a kann méi lues méi sinn!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synchroniséiert dës Fënster an et ass Uschlëss an d'Wollek. Bei laang Gewënn ass dëst e Moment.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring kann net %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ພົບຂໍ້ຜິດພາດທີ່ຊິງຕໍ່ບັນຊີນີ້. ບົດລາຍງານ Crash ໄດ້ຖືກສົ່ງໄປຫາທີມງານ Mailspring ແລະພວກເຮົາຈະເຮັດວຽກເພື່ອແກ້ໄຂຂໍ້ຜິດພາດເຫຼົ່ານີ້ໃນການປ່ອຍຕໍ່ໄປ.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring ກໍາລັງຟາດມັນສໍາລັບ %@. ອີງຕາມຂະຫນາດຂອງກ່ອງຈົດຫມາຍ, ນີ້ອາດໃຊ້ເວລາສອງສາມວິນາທີຫຼືສອງສາມນາທີ. ການແຈ້ງເຕືອນຈະປາກົດໃນເວລາທີ່ເຮັດຄວາມສະອາດແລ້ວ.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring ເປັນເອກະລາດ %@ ຊອບແວ, ແລະລາຍຮັບການເຂົ້າເຖິງອະນຸຍາດໃຫ້ພວກເຮົາໃຊ້ເວລາຮັກສາແລະປັບປຸງຜະລິດຕະພັນ.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring is offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "One or more accounts are having connection issues.",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring ແມ່ນໃຊ້ໃນໂຫມດ dev ແລະອາດຈະຊ້າ!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring ກໍາລັງ sync ກະທູ້ນີ້ແລະມັນເປັນໄຟລ໌ແນບກັບເມຄ. ສໍາລັບຫົວຂໍ້ຍາວ, ນີ້ອາດຈະໃຊ້ເວລາບາງ.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ບໍ່ສາມາດທີ່ຈະ sync %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "\"Mailspring\" susidūrė su šios sąskaitos sinchronizavimu. Bandymų ataskaitos buvo išsiųstos \"Mailspring\" komandai, o mes atliksime darbą, kad ištaisytume šias klaidas kitame leidime.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring išvalo talpyklą %@. Atsižvelgiant į pašto dėžutės dydį, tai gali užtrukti kelias sekundes ar kelias minutes. Pasibaigus valymui bus rodomas perspėjimas.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "\"Mailspring\" yra nepriklausoma %@ programinė įranga, o pajamos iš abonemento leidžia mums praleisti laiką išlaikant ir tobulinant produktą.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring yra neprisijungęs",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring yra neprisijungęs",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "\"Mailspring\" veikia dev režimu ir gali būti lėtesnis!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "\"Mailspring\" sinchronizuoja šią temą ir jos priedus prie debesies. Dėl ilgų siūlų tai gali užtrukti.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "\"Mailspring\" negali sinchronizuoti %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring radās kļūdas, sinhronizējot šo kontu. Avāriju pārskati ir nosūtīti Mailspring komandai, un mēs strādāsim, lai novērstu šīs kļūdas nākamajā laidienā.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Pasta foršs tiek notīrīts par %@. Atkarībā no pastkastes lieluma tas var ilgt dažas sekundes vai dažas minūtes. Kad tīrīšana ir pabeigta, parādīsies brīdinājums.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring ir neatkarīga %@ programmatūra, un abonēšanas ieņēmumi ļauj mums pavadīt laiku, saglabājot un uzlabojot produktu.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring ir bezsaistē",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring ir bezsaistē",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring darbojas dev režīmā un var būt lēnāks!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sinhronizē šo pavedienu, un tas ir pielikumi mākonim. Gariem pavedieniem tas var aizņemt kādu brīdi.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring nevar sinhronizēt %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring dia nahita fahadisoana nanitsy ity kaonty ity. Tatitra an-dalambe no nalefa tany amin'ny ekipan'ny Mailspring ary hiasa hamaha ireo fahadisoana amin'ny famoahana manaraka isika.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring dia manazava izany fa ny cache dia ho an'ny %@. Mety hila segondra vitsy na minitra vitsivitsy ianao, arakaraka ny haben'ny mailaka. Hisy fanairana iray rehefa tapitra ny fanadiovana.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring dia sehatra mahaleotena %@, ary ny fidiram-bola dia ahafahantsika mandany fotoana hihazonana sy hanatsarana ny vokatra.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring dia offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring dia offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dia mihazakazaka amin'ny dev mode ary mety ho mora kokoa!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring dia manitsy ity kofehy ity ary ny fidirana amin'ny rahona. Ho an'ny filalaovana lava dia mety haka fotoana kely izany.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring dia tsy afaka manova %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "I tutuki nga hapa i te haukoti i tenei kaute. Kua tukuna nga ripoata crash ki te kapa Mailspring, a ka mahi matou ki te whakatika i enei hapa i roto i te tuku atu.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Kei te taraihia e te mailspring he huna mo %@. I runga i te rahi o te pouaka-pouaka, ka tango pea i etahi hēkona ranei i etahi meneti. Ka puta he mataaratanga ka oti te horoi.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "He mea motuhake te mahi a te Mailspring, a, ka taea e nga moni ohauru te uru ki te pupuri me te whakapai ake i te hua.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Kua tuimotu te Mailspring",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Kua tuimotu te Mailspring",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Kei te rere te mowpring i te aratau taunoa, a ka neke ake pea!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "E hono ana te mailspring i tenei miro, a ko nga tapiritanga ki te kapua. Mo te roa o nga aho, ka tango pea tenei i tetahi wa.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Kaore e taea e te Mailspring te tukutahi %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring наиде на грешки во синхронизирањето на оваа сметка. Извештаите за падови беа испратени до тимот на Mailspring и ние ќе работиме да ги исправиме овие грешки во следното издание.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring го отстранува кешот за %@. Во зависност од големината на поштенското сандаче, ова може да потрае неколку секунди или неколку минути. Ќе се појави предупредување кога ќе заврши расчистувањето.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring е независен %@ софтвер, а приходите за претплата ни овозможуваат да го трошиме времето за одржување и подобрување на производот.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring е офлајн",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring е офлајн",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring работи во Dev режим и може да биде побавно!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring ја синхронизира оваа нишка и е приврзаност кон облакот. За долги теми, ова може да потрае.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring не може да синхронизира %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring энэ дансыг синк хийхэд алдаа гарсан. Сүйрлийн тайланг Mailspring баг руу илгээсэн бөгөөд дараагийн хувилбарт эдгээр алдааг засахын тулд ажиллах болно.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring нь [cга] -ийн кэшийг цэвэрлэж байна. Захианы хайрцагны хэмжээнээс хамаараад хэдэн секунд эсвэл хэдэн минут болно. Цэвэрлэх үед анхааруулга гарч ирнэ.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring нь бие даасан [еф] програм хангамж бөгөөд захиалгын орлого нь бүтээгдэхүүнийг арчлан сайжруулахад цаг зарцуулах боломжийг олгодог.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring офлайн байна",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring офлайн байна",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring нь dev горимд ажиллаж байгаа бөгөөд илүү удаан байж болох юм!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring энэ утаснуудыг синхрончлох бөгөөд энэ нь үүл рүү хавсаргадаг. Урт утаснуудад энэ нь түр зуур болно.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring синхрончилж чадахгүй байна [зн]",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring menemui ralat menyegerakkan akaun ini. Laporan kemalangan telah dihantar ke pasukan Mailspring dan kami akan berusaha untuk membetulkan kesilapan ini dalam pembebasan seterusnya.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring membersihkan cache untuk %@. Bergantung pada saiz peti mel, ini mungkin mengambil masa beberapa saat atau beberapa minit. Amaran akan muncul apabila pembersihan selesai.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring adalah perisian bebas, dan pendapatan langganan membolehkan kami meluangkan masa mengekalkan dan meningkatkan produk.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring sedang di luar talian",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring sedang di luar talian",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring sedang berjalan dalam mod dev dan mungkin lebih perlahan!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring menyegerakkan thread ini dan ia lampiran kepada awan. Untuk benang panjang, ini mungkin mengambil masa seketika.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring tidak dapat menyegerakkan %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ltaqa 'ma' żbalji li jissinkronizzaw dan il-kont. Ir-rapporti tal-ħbit ġew mibgħuta lit-tim ta 'Mailspring u aħna ser naħdmu biex niffissaw dawn l-iżbalji fir-rilaxx li jmiss.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring qed jikklerja l-cache għal %@. Skont id-daqs tal-kaxxa tal-posta, dan jista 'jieħu ftit sekondi jew ftit minuti. Twissija tidher meta t-tindif ikun komplut.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring huwa software indipendenti %@, u d-dħul tas-sottoskrizzjoni jippermettilna nqattgħu ħin iż-żamma u t-titjib tal-prodott.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring huwa offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring huwa offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring qed jaħdem fil-mod dev u jista 'jkun aktar bil-mod!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring huwa syncing dan il-ħajt u huwa annessi mal-sħaba. Għal ħjut twal, dan jista 'jieħu mument.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ma jistax jissinkronizza %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ဒီ account ကိုထပ်တူပြုခြင်းအမှားများကြုံတွေ့။ လေယာဉ်ပျက်ကျအစီရင်ခံစာများ Mailspring အဖွဲ့ကိုစေလွှတ်ပါပြီကျနော်တို့လာမယ့်ဖြန့်ချိတွင်ဤအမှားများကို fix မှအလုပ်လုပ်ပါလိမ့်မယ်။",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring က %@ ကို cache ကိုဖွင့်ရှင်းလင်းရေးဖြစ်ပါတယ်။ အဆိုပါစာတိုက်ပုံး၏အရွယ်အစားပေါ်တွင် မူတည်. ဒီစက္ကန့်အနည်းငယ်သို့မဟုတ်မိနစ်အနည်းငယ်ကြာနိုင်ပါသည်။ cleanup ပြီးဆုံးသောအခါသတိပေးချက်တစ်ခုပေါ်လာပါလိမ့်မယ်။",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring လွတ်လပ်သော %@ software ကိုဖြစ်ပြီး, ကြေးပေးသွင်းဝင်ငွေကိုထုတ်ကုန်ထိန်းသိမ်းခြင်းနှင့်တိုးတက်ကောင်းမွန်ရေးအချိန်ဖြုန်းခွင့်ပြုပါတယ်။",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring အော့ဖ်လိုင်းဖြစ်ပါသည်",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring အော့ဖ်လိုင်းဖြစ်ပါသည်",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dev mode မှာလည်ပတ်နေနှင့်နှေးကွေးစေခြင်းငှါ,",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring ဒီချည်ထပ်တူပြုခြင်းနှင့်ကမိုဃ်းတိမ်ကိုမှ attachment များကိုပါပဲ။ ရှည်လျားသောချည်အဘို့, ဒီခဏယူနိုငျသညျ။",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring %@ တိုက်ဆိုင်ညှိယူနိုင်ခြင်းဖြစ်ပါသည်",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring यो खाता समक्रमण गर्दा त्रुटिहरू सामना गर्यो। क्र्यास रिपोर्टहरू Mailspring टीममा पठाइएको छ र हामी अर्को त्रुटिमा यी त्रुटिहरू ठीक गर्न काम गर्नेछौं।",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring ले यो %@ को लागि क्यास खाली गर्दै छ। मेलबक्सको आकारमा निर्भर गर्दछ, यसले केहि सेकेन्ड वा केहि मिनेट लिन सक्छ। सफाई पूरा भएपछि एक सतर्कता देखा पर्नेछ।",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring स्वत: %@ सफ्टवेयर हो, र सदस्यता राजस्वले हामीलाई समयको कायम राख्ने र उत्पादन सुधार गर्न अनुमति दिन्छ।",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring अफलाइन छ",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring अफलाइन छ",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring देव मोडमा दौडिरहेको छ र ढिलो हुन सक्छ!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring यस थ्रेड सिङ्क गर्दै छ र यो क्लाउडमा संलग्नहरू छन्। लामो थ्रेडको लागि, यसले एक क्षण लिन सक्छ।",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring सिङ्क गर्न असमर्थ छ %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ondervond fouten bij het synchroniseren van dit account. Er zijn crashrapporten verzonden naar het Mailspring-team en we zullen werken aan het oplossen van deze fouten in de volgende release.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring ruimt zijn cache op voor %@. Afhankelijk van de grootte van het postvak kan dit enkele seconden of enkele minuten duren. Een waarschuwing verschijnt als het opruimen is voltooid.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring is onafhankelijke %@ software en dankzij abonnementsinkomsten besteden we tijd aan het onderhouden en verbeteren van het product.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring is offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "One or more accounts are having connection issues.",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring draait in de dev-modus en kan langzamer zijn!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synchroniseert deze conversatie en zijn bijlagen naar de cloud. Voor lange conversaties kan dit even duren.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring kan %@ niet synchroniseren",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ਨੇ ਇਹ ਖਾਤਾ ਸਮਕਾਲੀ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸ਼ੁੱਧੀ ਮਹਿਸੂਸ ਕੀਤੀ. ਕ੍ਰੈਸ਼ ਰਿਪੋਰਟਾਂ ਨੂੰ Mailspring ਟੀਮ ਨੂੰ ਭੇਜਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਅਸੀਂ ਅਗਲੀ ਰਿਲੀਜ ਵਿੱਚ ਇਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਗਲਤੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਠੀਕ ਕਰਨ ਲਈ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਾਂਗੇ.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring %@ ਲਈ ਇਸ ਦੀ ਕੈਸ਼ ਨੂੰ ਸਾਫ਼ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਮੇਲਬਾਕਸ ਦੇ ਆਕਾਰ ਤੇ ਨਿਰਭਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋਏ, ਇਸ ਵਿੱਚ ਕੁਝ ਸਕਿੰਟ ਜਾਂ ਕੁਝ ਮਿੰਟ ਲੱਗ ਸਕਦੇ ਹਨ ਜਦੋਂ ਸਫਾਈ ਮੁਕੰਮਲ ਹੋ ਜਾਂਦੀ ਹੈ ਤਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਚਿਤਾਵਨੀ ਪ੍ਰਗਟ ਹੋਵੇਗੀ.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "ਮੇਲਸਿੰਸਿੰਗ ਸੁਤੰਤਰ ਹੈ %@ ਸੌਫਟਵੇਅਰ ਅਤੇ ਸਬਸਕ੍ਰਿਪਸ਼ਨ ਮਾਲੀਆ ਸਾਨੂੰ ਉਤਪਾਦ ਨੂੰ ਬਣਾਏ ਰੱਖਣ ਅਤੇ ਸੁਧਾਰਨ ਲਈ ਸਮਾਂ ਬਤੀਤ ਕਰਨ ਦੀ ਇਜਾਜ਼ਤ ਦਿੰਦਾ ਹੈ.",
"Mailspring is offline": "ਮੇਲਸਪਰਿੰਗ ਔਫਲਾਈਨ ਹੈ",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "ਮੇਲਸਪਰਿੰਗ ਔਫਲਾਈਨ ਹੈ",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dev ਮੋਡ ਵਿੱਚ ਚੱਲ ਰਹੀ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਹੌਲੀ ਹੋ ਸਕਦੀ ਹੈ!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring ਇਹ ਥ੍ਰੈਡ ਨੂੰ ਸਿੰਕ ਕਰ ਰਿਹਾ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਕਲਾਉਡ ਨਾਲ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਗਿਆ ਹੈ. ਲੰਬੇ ਥਰਿੱਡ ਲਈ, ਇਹ ਇੱਕ ਪਲ ਲੈ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ਸਿੰਕ ਕਰਨ ਵਿੱਚ ਅਸਮਰੱਥ ਹੈ %@",

View file

@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "W programie Mailspring wystąpiły błędy synchronizujące to konto. Raporty o awariach zostały wysłane do zespołu Mailspring; spróbujemy naprawić te błędy w następnej wersji.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring wyczyści pamięć podręczną dla %@. W zależności od rozmiaru skrzynki pocztowej może to potrwać kilka sekund lub kilka minut. Alarm zostanie wyświetlony po zakończeniu czyszczenia.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring to niezależne oprogramowanie %@, a przychody z subskrypcji pozwalają nam spędzać czas na utrzymaniu i ulepszaniu produktu.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring jest w trybie offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring jest w trybie offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring działa w trybie deweloperskim i może działać wolniej!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synchronizuje ten wątek i załączniki do chmury. W przypadku długich wątków może to chwilę potrwać.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring nie może zsynchronizować %@",

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@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
"O Mailspring está limpando seu cache para %@. Dependendo do tamanho da caixa de correio, isso pode levar alguns segundos ou alguns minutos. Um alerta aparecerá quando a limpeza estiver concluída.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.":
"A Mailspring é um software independente %@, e a receita de assinaturas nos permite gastar tempo mantendo e melhorando o produto.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring está offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring está offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!":
"Mailspring está sendo executado no modo dev e pode ser mais lento!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.":

View file

@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "A Mailspring encontrou erros ao sincronizar essa conta. Os relatórios de falhas foram enviados para a equipe do Mailspring e trabalharemos para corrigir esses erros na próxima versão.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "O Mailspring está limpando seu cache para %@. Dependendo do tamanho da caixa de correio, isso pode levar alguns segundos ou alguns minutos. Um alerta aparecerá quando a limpeza estiver concluída.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "A Mailspring é um software independente %@, e a receita de assinaturas nos permite gastar tempo mantendo e melhorando o produto.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring está offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring está offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring está sendo executado no modo dev e pode ser mais lento!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring está sincronizando esse segmento e seus anexos para a nuvem. Para longos segmentos, isso pode demorar um pouco.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring é incapaz de sincronizar %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring a întâmpinat erori la sincronizarea acestui cont. Rapoartele de eroare au fost trimise echipei Mailspring și vom rezolva aceste erori în următoarea versiune.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring clarifică cache-ul pentru %@. În funcție de dimensiunea căsuței poștale, aceasta poate dura câteva secunde sau câteva minute. O alertă va apărea când curățarea este completă.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring este software independent, iar veniturile din abonament ne permit să petrecem timpul menținând și îmbunătățind produsul.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring este offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring este offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring rulează în modul dev și poate fi mai lent!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sincronizează acest thread și este atașamentele la cloud. Pentru fire lungi, poate dura un moment.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring nu poate sincroniza %@",

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@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring обнаружил ошибки во время синхронизации учетной запись. Отчеты о сбоях были отправлены команде Mailspring, и мы исправим эти ошибки в следующей версии.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring очищает кеш для %@. В зависимости от размера почтового ящика это может занять несколько секунд или несколько минут. При завершении очистки появится оповещение.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring - это независимое программное обеспечение %@, а доход от подписки позволяет нам тратить время на поддержание и улучшение продукта.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring не в сети",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring не в сети",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring работает в dev режиме, могут быть проблемы с производительностью!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring синхронизирует эту цепочку, и это приложения к облаку. Для длинных цепочек это может занять некоторое время.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring не может синхронизировать %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "මෙම ගිණුම සමමුහුර්තකරණය කිරීමේදී Mailspring අසමත් විය. මිස්ස්පිං කණ්ඩායම වෙත කඩා වැටීම් වාර්තා යවා ඇති අතර ඊළඟ නිකුතුවේදී මෙම දෝෂ නිවැරදි කිරීමට අපි කටයුතු කරමු.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring %@ සඳහා එය කෑෂ් ඉවත් කර ඇත. තැපැල් පෙට්ටියේ විශාලත්වය අනුව මෙය තත්පර කිහිපයක් හෝ මිනිත්තු කිහිපයක් ගතවිය හැක. පිරිසිදු කිරීම සම්පූර්ණ වූ විට අවදි වන්නේය.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring ස්වාධීන %@ මෘදුකාංගය වන අතර, දායකත්ව ආදායම අපට නිශ්පාදනය නඩත්තු කිරීම හා වැඩිදියුණු කිරීම සඳහා වැය කරයි.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring නොබැදී ඇත",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring නොබැදී ඇත",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring dev හි මාදිලිය තුල ක්රියාත්මක වන අතර එය මන්දගාමී විය හැක!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring මෙම නූල් සමමුහුර්ත කර එය වලාකාවේ ඇමුණුම් වේ. දිගු නූල් මේ සඳහා මොහොතක් ගත වේ.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring සමමුහුර්ත කිරීමට නොහැකි විය හැක",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Služba Mailspring zaznamenala chyby pri synchronizácii tohto účtu. Správy o zlyhaní boli odoslané do tímu Mailspring a my sa budeme snažiť opraviť tieto chyby v ďalšej verzii.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring vyčistí, že je to cache pre %@. V závislosti od veľkosti poštovej schránky to môže trvať niekoľko sekúnd alebo niekoľko minút. Po dokončení vyčistenia sa zobrazí upozornenie.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring je nezávislý %@ softvér a výnosy z predplatného nám umožňujú tráviť čas údržbou a zdokonaľovaním produktu.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring je offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring je offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring beží v režime dev a môže byť pomalší!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synchronizuje túto vlákno a jej prílohy do cloudu. Pri dlhých vláknach to môže chvíľu trvať.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring nie je schopný synchronizovať %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring je naletel na napake, ki sinhronizirajo ta račun. Poročila o zrušitvah so bila poslana ekipi programa Mailspring in v naslednjih izdajah bomo odpravili te napake.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring očisti predpomnilnik za %@. Odvisno od velikosti nabiralnika lahko traja nekaj sekund ali nekaj minut. Ko bo čiščenje končano, se prikaže opozorilo.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring je neodvisna %@ programska oprema, naročniški prihod pa nam omogoča, da preživimo in izboljšujemo izdelek.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring je brez povezave",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring je brez povezave",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring deluje v dev načinu in je morda počasnejši!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring sinhronizira to nit in je priloge oblaku. Za dolge niti, to lahko traja nekaj trenutkov.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ne more sinhronizirati %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Na maua e le mailspring mea sese na faʻaogaina ai lenei tala. Ua tuʻuina atu ripoti faʻafuaseʻi i le Mailspring ma o le a matou galulue e faʻafetaui nei mea sese i le isi faʻasalaga.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "O loʻo faʻapipiʻi e le mails le cache mo %@. E faʻatatau i le tele o le pusameli, atonu e ono faia ni nai sekone po o ni nai minute. O le a aliali mai pe a maeʻa.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "O le faʻaaogaina o le tautoʻatasi o se polokalama tutoatasi %@, ma tupe maua o faʻasalaga e mafai ai ona faʻaalu le taimi e tausia ma faʻaleleia le oloa.",
"Mailspring is offline": "E le tuusao le mailspring",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "E le tuusao le mailspring",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "O loʻo taʻavale le mailspring i le dev mode ma e mafai ona faʻagesegese!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "O loʻo faʻapipiʻiina le filosolo i lenei filo ma o ni mea faʻapipiʻi i le ao. Mo ni uumi uumi, atonu e manaʻomia sina taimi.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "E le mafai e le mailspring ona faʻatautaia %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring ayaa la kulmay khaladaad isku-dhafan xisaabtan. Warbixinnada gawaarida ayaa loo diray kooxda Mailspring waxaanan ku shaqeyn doonnaa si aan u xalino khaladaadahan soo socda ee soo socda.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Codsiyada ayaa cadeeynaya xuduudda %@. Iyada oo ku xiran xajmiga sanduuqa boosta, tani waxay qaadan kartaa dhowr ilbiriqsi ama dhowr daqiiqadood. Feejignaan ayaa soo baxaya marka nadiifinta la dhammeeyo.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring waa mid madaxbannaan %@ software, iyo dakhliga rukunka wuxuu noo ogolaanayaa in aan ku qaadno wakhti sii joogteynta iyo hagaajinta alaabta.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring waa offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring waa offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Codsiyada ayaa ku dhexjiraya habka dabiiciga ah oo laga yaabo in ay noqdaan kuwo gaabis ah!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring waa isku dhejinta mawduucan iyo lifaaqyada daruuraha. Wixii qadado dheer, tani waxay qaadan kartaa daqiiqad.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ma awoodi karo in la isku xoqo %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailedpring hasur gabime syncing këtë llogari. Raportet e Crash janë dërguar në ekipin e Mailedpring dhe ne do të punojmë për të rregulluar këto gabime në lirimin e ardhshëm.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring po pastron cache-in e tij për %@. Në varësi të madhësisë së kutisë postare, kjo mund të marrë disa sekonda ose disa minuta. Një alarm do të shfaqet kur pastrimi është i plotë.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring është softuer i pavarur %@, dhe të ardhurat nga abonimi na lejojnë të shpenzojmë kohë për ruajtjen dhe përmirësimin e produktit.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring nuk është në linjë",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring nuk është në linjë",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring po kandidon në mënyrë të dev dhe mund të jetë më i ngadalshëm!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailedpring po sinkronizon këtë thread dhe është bashkëngjitjet e tij në re. Për temat e gjata, kjo mund të marrë një moment.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring nuk mund të sinkronizojë %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Маилспринг је наишао на грешке у синхронизацији овог налога. Извештаји о оштећењима су послати тиму Маилспринг и радићемо да исправимо ове грешке у следећем издању.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Маилспринг чисти кеш за %@. У зависности од величине поштанског сандучета, ово може потрајати неколико секунди или неколико минута. Када се заврши чишћење, појавит ће се упозорење.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Маилспринг је независни %@ софтвер, а приходи од претплате омогућавају нам да проведемо време одржавања и побољшања производа.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Маилспринг је оффлине",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Маилспринг је оффлине",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Маилспринг ради у дев моду и може бити спорији!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Маилспринг синхронизује ову нит и то су прилози за облак. За дугачке нити, ово може потрајати.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Маилспринг не може да синхронизује %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring liphoso tse kopaneng le tsona li lumellana le akhaonto ena. Litlaleho tsa ho senya li rometsoe sehlopheng sa Mailspring 'me re tla sebetsa ho lokisa liphoso tsena ho lokolloa ho latelang.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring e hlakola hore e bolokile %@. Ho itšetlehile ka boholo ba lebokose la poso, sena se ka 'na sa nka metsotsoana e seng mekae kapa metsotso e seng mekae. Tlhokomeliso e tla hlaha ha ho hloekisoa ho phethiloe.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring ke software e ikemetseng, 'me chelete ea ho ngolisa e re fa nako ea ho boloka le ho ntlafatsa sehlahisoa.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring ha e nahane",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring ha e nahane",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring e sebetsa ka mokhoa oa dev 'me e ka' na ea lieha!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring e lumellana le khoele ena 'me e na le li-attachments ho leru. Bakeng sa likhoele tse telele, sena se ka 'na sa nka nakoana.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ha e khone ho lumellana %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring stötte på fel att synkronisera detta konto. Kraschrapporter har skickats till Mailspring-teamet och vi kommer att arbeta för att åtgärda dessa fel i nästa utgåva.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring rensar sin cache för %@. Beroende på storleken på brevlådan kan det ta några sekunder eller några minuter. En varning visas när rengöringen är klar.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring är oberoende %@ mjukvara, och abonnemangsintäkterna tillåter oss att spendera tid att upprätthålla och förbättra produkten.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring är offline",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring är offline",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring körs i dev-läge och kan vara långsammare!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring synkroniserar den här tråden och det är bilagor till molnet. För långa trådar kan det ta en stund.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring kan inte synkronisera %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "இந்த கணக்கை ஒத்திசைக்கும் மின்னஞ்சல்கள் பிழைகள் எதிர்கொண்டன. விபத்து அறிக்கைகள் Mailspring குழுவிற்கு அனுப்பப்பட்டுள்ளன, அடுத்த வெளியீட்டில் இந்த பிழைகளை சரிசெய்ய நாங்கள் வேலை செய்கிறோம்.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "%@ க்காக இது தற்காலிக சேமிப்பில் உள்ளது. அஞ்சல் பெட்டி அளவு பொறுத்து, இது சில வினாடிகள் அல்லது சில நிமிடங்கள் ஆகலாம். தூய்மைப்படுத்தும் முடிவடைந்தவுடன் ஒரு எச்சரிக்கை தோன்றும்.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "மின்னஞ்சல்கள் சுயாதீனமானவை %@ மென்பொருளாகும், மேலும் சந்தா வருவாய் நமக்கு தயாரிப்புகளை பராமரித்தல் மற்றும் மேம்படுத்துவதற்கான நேரத்தை செலவிடுகிறது.",
"Mailspring is offline": "மெயில் ஸ்ப்ரிங்க் ஆஃப்லைனில் உள்ளது",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "மெயில் ஸ்ப்ரிங்க் ஆஃப்லைனில் உள்ளது",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "மெயில் ஸ்பிரிட் டெவில் பயன்முறையில் இயங்குகிறது மற்றும் மெதுவாக இருக்கலாம்!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "மெயில் ஸ்ப்ரிங் இந்த நூலை ஒத்திவைக்கிறது, அது மேகக்கணிப்பிற்கான இணைப்புகள் ஆகும். நீண்ட நூல்களுக்கு இது ஒரு கணம் ஆகலாம்.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "மின்னஞ்சலை ஒத்திசைக்க முடியவில்லை %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring พบข้อผิดพลาดในการซิงค์บัญชีนี้ รายงานข้อขัดข้องถูกส่งไปยังทีม Mailspring และเราจะดำเนินการแก้ไขข้อผิดพลาดเหล่านี้ในรุ่นถัดไป",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring กำลังล้างแคชสำหรับ %@ อาจใช้เวลาสองสามวินาทีหรือสองสามนาทีขึ้นอยู่กับขนาดของกล่องจดหมาย การแจ้งเตือนจะปรากฏขึ้นเมื่อการล้างข้อมูลเสร็จสมบูรณ์",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring เป็นซอฟต์แวร์อิสระ %@ และรายได้จากการสมัครสมาชิกช่วยให้เราใช้เวลาในการบำรุงรักษาและปรับปรุงผลิตภัณฑ์",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring ออฟไลน์",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring ออฟไลน์",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring กำลังทำงานในโหมด dev และอาจช้ากว่านี้!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring กำลังซิงค์เธรดนี้และเป็นไฟล์แนบในระบบคลาวด์ สำหรับหัวข้อยาวอาจใช้เวลาสักครู่",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring ไม่สามารถซิงค์ได้ %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring, bu hesabı senkronize eden hatalarla karşılaştı. Kilitlenme raporları Mailspring ekibine gönderildi ve bu hataları bir sonraki sürümde düzeltmek için çalışacağız.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring, %@ için önbelleğini temizliyor. Posta kutusunun boyutuna bağlı olarak, bu birkaç saniye veya birkaç dakika sürebilir. Temizleme tamamlandığında bir uyarı görünecektir.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring bağımsız %@ bir yazılımdır ve abonelik geliri, ürünü korumak ve geliştirmek için zaman harcamamızı sağlar.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring çevrimdışı",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring çevrimdışı",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring, dev modunda çalışıyor ve daha yavaş olabilir!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring bu konuyu ve eklerini buluta senkronize ediyor. Uzun iş parçacıkları için, bu biraz zaman alabilir.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring senkronize edemiyor %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring виникла помилка синхронізації цього облікового запису. Звіти про аварійне завершення роботи були надіслані команді Mailspring, і ми будемо працювати над виправленням цих помилок у наступному випуску.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring очищає це кеш для %@. Залежно від розміру поштової скриньки, це може зайняти кілька секунд або кілька хвилин. Після завершення очищення з'явиться сповіщення.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring є незалежним %@ програмним забезпеченням, а дохід від передплати дозволяє нам витрачати час на підтримку та вдосконалення продукту.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring не в мережі",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring не в мережі",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring запускається в режимі dev і може бути повільним!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring синхронізує цю нитку, і це вкладення до хмари. Для довгих потоків це може зайняти деякий час.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring не може синхронізувати %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Pochta xatida ushbu hisobni sinxronlashda xatolik yuz berdi. Crash hisobotlari Mailspring guruhiga yuborildi va biz ushbu xatlarni keyingi versiyada tuzatishga harakat qilamiz.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring %@ uchun keshni tozalashni amalga oshiradi. Pochta qutisi hajmiga qarab, bu bir necha soniya yoki bir necha daqiqa o'tishi mumkin. Tozalash tugallanganda ogohlantirish paydo bo'ladi.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring mustaqil %@ dasturiy ta'minot va obuna daromadi mahsulotni saqlab turish va takomillashtirishga vaqt sarflashga imkon beradi.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring oflayn rejimida",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring oflayn rejimida",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Pochta xabarlari dev rejimi ostida ishlaydi va sekinroq bo'lishi mumkin!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring bu threadni sinxronlashtirmoqda va u bulutga qo'shimchalar. Uzoq iplar uchun bu bir lahzalik vaqt olishi mumkin.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring sinxronlashtirolmadi %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring gặp lỗi khi đồng bộ hóa tài khoản này. Báo cáo sự cố đã được gửi đến nhóm Mailspring và chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng khắc phục các lỗi này trong bản phát hành tiếp theo.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring đang xóa bộ nhớ cache của nó cho %@. Tùy thuộc vào kích thước của hộp thư, quá trình này có thể mất vài giây hoặc vài phút. Một cảnh báo sẽ xuất hiện khi quá trình dọn dẹp hoàn tất.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring là phần mềm độc lập %@ và doanh thu đăng ký cho phép chúng tôi dành thời gian duy trì và cải tiến sản phẩm.",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring đang ẩn",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring đang ẩn",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring đang chạy ở chế độ dev và có thể chậm hơn!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring đang đồng bộ chủ đề này và nó là phần đính kèm vào đám mây. Đối với các chuỗi dài, quá trình này có thể mất một chút thời gian.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring không thể đồng bộ hóa %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "I-Mailspring iifayile ezidibeneyo zivumelanisa le akhawunti. Iingxelo ze-Crash zithunyelwe kwiqela le-Mailspring kwaye siya kusebenza ukulungisa ezi mpazamo ekukhululweni okulandelayo.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "I-Mailspring iyicima i-cache %@. Ngokuxhomekeke kubukhulu bebhokisi leposi, oku kungathatha imizuzwana embalwa okanye imizuzu embalwa. Isaziso siya kuvela xa ukucoca kuqediwe.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "I-Mailspring iyisistim esizimeleyo %@, kwaye imali yokubhalisa ivumela ukuba sichithe ixesha lokugcina nokuphucula imveliso.",
"Mailspring is offline": "I-Mailspring ayixhunyiwe kwi-intanethi",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "I-Mailspring ayixhunyiwe kwi-intanethi",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "I-Mailspring isebenza kwimodi yeD dev kwaye inokuphuculwa!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "I-Mailspring ivumelanisa le misonto kwaye izinamathiselo kwifu. Ngemiqolo emide, oku kungathatha isikhashana.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazi ukuvumelanisa %@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring在同步此帐户时遇到错误。崩溃报告已发送给Mailspring团队我们将努力在下一版本中修复这些错误。",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring正在清除%@的缓存。根据邮箱的大小,这可能需要几秒钟或几分钟。清理完成后将显示警报。",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring是独立的%@软件,订阅收入使我们可以花时间维护和改进产品。",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring离线",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring离线",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring正在开发模式下运行可能会更慢",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring正在同步此会话及其云上的附件。对于长会话这可能需要一些时间。",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring无法同步%@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring在同步此帳號時遇到錯誤。崩潰報告已發送給Mailspring團隊我們將努力在下一版本中修復這些錯誤。",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring正在清除%@的緩存。根據郵箱的大小,這可能需要幾秒鐘或幾分鐘。清理完成後將顯示警報。",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring是獨立的%@軟件,訂閱收入使我們可以花時間維護和改進產品。",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring離線",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring離線",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring正在開發模式下運行可能會更慢",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring 正在同步此討論串及其在雲端上的附件。對於較長的討論串,這可能需要一些時間。",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring無法同步%@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Mailspring在同步此帐户时遇到错误。崩溃报告已发送给Mailspring团队我们将努力在下一版本中修复这些错误。",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "Mailspring正在清除%@的缓存。根据邮箱的大小,这可能需要几秒钟或几分钟。清理完成后将显示警报。",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "Mailspring是独立的%@软件,订阅收入使我们可以花时间维护和改进产品。",
"Mailspring is offline": "Mailspring离线",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "Mailspring离线",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "Mailspring正在开发模式下运行可能会更慢",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "Mailspring正在同步此线程及其对云的附件。对于长线程这可能需要一些时间。",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "Mailspring无法同步%@",

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@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
"Mailspring encountered errors syncing this account. Crash reports have been sent to the Mailspring team and we'll work to fix these errors in the next release.": "Amaphutha we-Mailspring ahlangabezane nawo avumelanisa le akhawunti. Imibiko yokuphahlazeka ithunyelwe eqenjini le-Mailspring futhi sizosebenza ukulungisa la maphutha ekukhululweni okulandelayo.",
"Mailspring is clearing it's cache for %@. Depending on the size of the mailbox, this may take a few seconds or a few minutes. An alert will appear when cleanup is complete.": "I-Mailspring isula isilondolozi se- %@. Kuye ngobukhulu bebhokisi lemeyili, lokhu kungathatha imizuzwana embalwa noma imizuzu embalwa. Isixwayiso sizovela lapho ukuhlanza kuqediwe.",
"Mailspring is independent %@ software, and subscription revenue allows us spend time maintaining and improving the product.": "I-Mailspring isofthiwe esizimele %@, futhi imali yokubhalisa ivumela ukuthi sisebenzise isikhathi sokulondoloza nokuthuthukisa umkhiqizo.",
"Mailspring is offline": "I-Mailspring ayixhunyiwe ku-intanethi",
"One or more accounts are having connection issues.": "I-Mailspring ayixhunyiwe ku-intanethi",
"Mailspring is running in dev mode and may be slower!": "I-Mailspring isebenza kwimodi ye-dev futhi ingase ihambe kancane!",
"Mailspring is syncing this thread and it's attachments to the cloud. For long threads, this may take a moment.": "I-Mailspring ivumelanisa le ntambo futhi izinamathisela efwini. Ngemicu ende, lokhu kungathatha isikhashana.",
"Mailspring is unable to sync %@": "I-Mailspring ayikwazi ukuvumelanisa %@",

app/package-lock.json generated
View file

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@ -39,11 +39,6 @@
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@ -58,15 +53,6 @@
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"requires": {
"lowercase-keys": "1.0.1"
"ret": {
"version": "0.1.15",
"resolved": "",
@ -3317,14 +2918,6 @@
"hoek": "2.16.3"
"sort-keys": {
"version": "2.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-ZYU1WEhh7JfXMNbPQYIuH1ZoQSg=",
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"is-plain-obj": "1.1.0"
"source-map": {
"version": "0.5.7",
"resolved": "",
@ -3393,11 +2986,6 @@
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-qPbq7KkGdMMz58Q5U/J1tFFRBpU="
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"version": "1.1.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-J5siXfHVgrH1TmWt3UNS4Y+qBxM="
"string_decoder": {
"version": "1.2.0",
"resolved": "",
@ -3645,11 +3233,6 @@
"util-deprecate": "1.0.2"
"unzip-response": {
"version": "2.0.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-0vD3N9FrBhXnKmk17QQhRXLVb5c="
"uri-js": {
"version": "4.2.2",
"resolved": "",
@ -3658,19 +3241,6 @@
"punycode": "2.1.1"
"url-parse-lax": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-evjzA2Rem9eaJy56FKxovAYJ2nM=",
"requires": {
"prepend-http": "1.0.4"
"url-to-options": {
"version": "1.0.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-FQWgOiiaSMvXpDTvuu7FBV9WM6k="
"utf7": {
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View file

@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
"ical.js": "^1.3.0",
"immutable": "^3.8.2",
"ini": "^1.3.5",
"is-online": "7.0.0",
"jasmine-json": "~0.0",
"jasmine-react-helpers": "^0.2",
"jasmine-reporters": "1.x.x",

View file

@ -130,13 +130,6 @@ export const cancelTask = create('cancelTask', ActionScopeMainWindow);
export const queueUndoOnlyTask = create('queueUndoOnlyTask', ActionScopeMainWindow);
Public: Dequeue a {Task} matching the description provided.
*Scope: Main Window*
export const checkOnlineStatus = create('checkOnlineStatus', ActionScopeWindow);
Public: Open the preferences view.

View file

@ -118,7 +118,6 @@ export default class MailsyncBridge {
Actions.fetchBodies.listen(this._onFetchBodies, this);
AccountStore.listen(this.ensureClients, this);
OnlineStatusStore.listen(this._onOnlineStatusChanged, this);
@ -407,6 +406,13 @@ export default class MailsyncBridge {
// Note: these deltas don't reflect a real model - we just stream in the process
// state changes (online / offline) alongside the database changes.
if (modelClass === 'ProcessState' && modelJSONs.length) {
// dispatch the message to other windows
ipcRenderer.send('mailsync-bridge-rebroadcast-to-all', msg);
@ -488,10 +494,4 @@ export default class MailsyncBridge {
this._clients = {};
_onOnlineStatusChanged = ({ onlineDidChange, wakingFromSleep }) => {
if (wakingFromSleep || (onlineDidChange && OnlineStatusStore.isOnline())) {

View file

@ -1,103 +1,64 @@
import MailspringStore from 'mailspring-store';
import { ExponentialBackoffScheduler } from '../../backoff-schedulers';
import * as Actions from '../actions';
import _ from 'underscore';
let isOnlineModule = null;
const MTC_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1000 * 60 * 5;
const MTC_LATE_THRESHOLD = 1000 * 60;
const CHECK_ONLINE_INTERVAL = 30 * 1000;
// maybe more in the future. We currently store most sync /progress/ on
// the individual folders in the account (FolderSyncProgressStore)
class OnlineStatusStore extends MailspringStore {
_online = true;
_countdownSeconds = 0;
_interval = null;
_timeout = null;
_offlineProcesses: { [accountId: string]: boolean } = {};
_timeoutTargetTime = null;
_backoffScheduler = new ExponentialBackoffScheduler({ jitter: false });
constructor() {
// Schedule a JS interval and then check to make sure it fires at the time
// we asked for. If it's "late", we probably went to sleep and are waking.
// We can restart the sync workers immediately since they're likely back online.
if (AppEnv.isMainWindow()) {
setTimeout(this._checkOnlineStatus, 3 * 1000); // initial check
this._timeoutTargetTime = + MTC_CHECK_INTERVAL;
setInterval(() => {
if ( > this._timeoutTargetTime + MTC_LATE_THRESHOLD) {
this._timeoutTargetTime = + MTC_CHECK_INTERVAL;
isOnline() {
return this._online;
return Object.keys(this._offlineProcesses).length === 0;
retryingInSeconds() {
return this._countdownSeconds;
onSyncProcessStateReceived = ({
}: {
accountId: string;
connectionError: boolean;
}) => {
const prevIsOnline = this.isOnline();
_checkOnlineStatus = async () => {
isOnlineModule = isOnlineModule || require('is-online'); //eslint-disable-line
// If we're more than a minute "late", we probably went to sleep
// and are now waking.
const wakingFromSleep =
this._timeoutTargetTime && > this._timeoutTargetTime + 1000 * 60;
this._timeoutTargetTime = null;
// If we are currently offline, this trigger will show `Retrying now...`
if (this._countdownSeconds > 0) {
this._countdownSeconds = 0;
onlineDidChange: false,
wakingFromSleep: false,
countdownDidChange: true,
if (connectionError && !this._offlineProcesses[accountId]) {
console.warn(`Account ${accountId}: offline`);
this._offlineProcesses[accountId] = true;
} else if (!connectionError && this._offlineProcesses[accountId]) {
console.warn(`Account ${accountId}: online`);
delete this._offlineProcesses[accountId];
const nextIsOnline = await isOnlineModule({ timeout: 10000 });
const onlineDidChange = this._online !== nextIsOnline;
this._online = nextIsOnline;
if (wakingFromSleep || onlineDidChange) {
countdownDidChange: false,
if (this._online) {
// just check again later
this._timeoutTargetTime = + CHECK_ONLINE_INTERVAL;
this._timeout = setTimeout(this._checkOnlineStatus, CHECK_ONLINE_INTERVAL);
} else {
// count down an inreasing delay and check again
this._countdownSeconds = Math.ceil(this._backoffScheduler.nextDelay() / 1000);
this._interval = setInterval(() => {
const next = Math.max(0, this._countdownSeconds - 1);
if (next === 0) {
return this._checkOnlineStatus();
this._countdownSeconds = next;
// if the countdown is greater than 10 seconds we only update every 5
// seconds just for a tiny, tiny offline performance improvement
// 45, 30, 15, 10, 9, 8, 7...
if (this._countdownSeconds > 30 && this._countdownSeconds % 15 !== 0) {
if (this._countdownSeconds > 10 && this._countdownSeconds % 5 !== 0) {
onlineDidChange: false,
wakingFromSleep: false,
countdownDidChange: true,
}, 1000);
if (prevIsOnline !== this.isOnline()) {
onMayBeOnline = _.throttle(() => {
}, 3000);
export default new OnlineStatusStore();

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