Menu extends React.Component


React component for multi-section Menus with key binding

The Menu component allows you to display a list of items. Menu takes care of several important things, ensuring that your menu is consistent with the rest of the Edgehill application and offers a near-native experience:

  • Keyboard Interaction with the Up and Down arrow keys, Enter to select
  • Maintaining selection across content changes
  • Highlighted state

Menus are often, but not always, used in conjunction with Popover to display a floating "popup" menu. See template-picker.cjsx for an example.

The Menu also exposes "header" and "footer" regions you can fill with arbitrary components by providing the headerComponents and footerComponents props. These items are nested within .header-container. and .footer-container, and you can customize their appearance by providing CSS selectors scoped to your component's Menu instance:

.template-picker .menu .header-container {
  height: 100px;

Class Properties


React props supported by Menu:

className Optional

The String class name applied to the Menu


A Function that returns a MenuItem, String, or React component for the given item. If you return a MenuItem, your item is injected into the list directly. If you return a string or React component, the result is placed within a MenuItem, resulting in the following DOM: <div className="item [selected]">{your content}</div>. To create dividers and other special menu items, return an instance of:


A Function that returns a unique string key for the given item. Keys are important for efficient React rendering when items is changed, and a key function is required.


A Function that returns true if the given item should be shown with a checkmark. If you don't provide an implementation for itemChecked, no checkmarks are ever shown.


An Array of arbitrary objects the menu should display.


A Function called with the selected item when the user clicks an item in the menu or confirms their selection with the Enter key.


The index of the item first selected if there was no other previous index. Defaults to 0. Set to -1 if you want nothing selected.

Instance Methods


Return Values

Returns the currently selected item.


Set the currently selected item. Pass null to remove the selection