2016-07-07 16:06:04 -07:00

1.3 KiB

K2 - Sync Engine Experiment

Initial Setup:

New Computer (Mac):

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Install VirtualBox 5+
  3. Install Docker for Mac
  4. Install NVM brew install nvm
  5. Install Node 6+ via NVM: nvm install 6

New to AWS:

  1. Install Elastic Beanstalk CLI: sudo pip install awsebcli
  2. Install AWS CLI: brew install awscli
  3. Add your AWS IAM Security Credentials to aws configure.
  4. These are at Console Home -> IAM -> Users -> {{Your Name}} -> Security Credentials. Note that your private key was only shown unpon creation. If you've lost your private key you have to deactivate your old key and create a new one.
  5. Get the K2 team private SSH key. (Ignore this when we have a Bastion Host). Ask someone on K2 for a copy of the private SSH key. Copy it to your ~/.ssh folder.
  6. chmod 400 ~/.ssh/k2-keypair.pem
  7. ssh i ~/.ssh/k2-keypair.pem
  8. Connect to Elastic Beanstalk instances: eb init. Select correct region. Select correct application.

Developing Locally:

npm start
