Ben Gotow 214c8b2aaa feat(window-manager): Refactor window code, actually destroy main window when logging out
Resolves T1200 and probably others.

This diff moves all the window management / hot loading into a new class called the WindowManager
and also changes the way the app transitions between onboarding and main window. When you log out,
the main window clears config and clearing the config causes the window manager to close the main
window and open the login window. When it detects a token again, it opens the main window.

This means you can't:
- Open the main window from the login window
- Open mailto: links and accidentally see the main window or a composer, since the draft store isn't
  running anywhere.
- Don't need to worry about properly resetting thigns when namespaces change, since the window
  is now actually re-created from scratch with the new auth token.

Be a little more defensive about namespace checks in draft-store

Move window code to window-manager

Rename AtomApplication to just `Application`

Specs fix

Test Plan: Run tests, would be good to have more for this.

Reviewers: evan

Reviewed By: evan

Maniphest Tasks: T1200

Differential Revision:
2015-05-14 14:54:29 -07:00

238 lines
8.1 KiB

ChildProcess = require 'child_process'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
path = require 'path'
appFolder = path.resolve(process.execPath, '..')
rootAtomFolder = path.resolve(appFolder, '..')
binFolder = path.join(rootAtomFolder, 'bin')
updateDotExe = path.join(rootAtomFolder, 'Update.exe')
exeName = path.basename(process.execPath)
if process.env.SystemRoot
system32Path = path.join(process.env.SystemRoot, 'System32')
regPath = path.join(system32Path, 'reg.exe')
setxPath = path.join(system32Path, 'setx.exe')
regPath = 'reg.exe'
setxPath = 'setx.exe'
# Registry keys used for context menu
fileKeyPath = 'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\*\\shell\\Atom'
directoryKeyPath = 'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\directory\\shell\\Atom'
backgroundKeyPath = 'HKCU\\Software\\Classes\\directory\\background\\shell\\Atom'
environmentKeyPath = 'HKCU\\Environment'
# Spawn a command and invoke the callback when it completes with an error
# and the output from standard out.
spawn = (command, args, callback) ->
stdout = ''
spawnedProcess = ChildProcess.spawn(command, args)
catch error
# Spawn can throw an error
process.nextTick -> callback?(error, stdout)
spawnedProcess.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> stdout += data
error = null
spawnedProcess.on 'error', (processError) -> error ?= processError
spawnedProcess.on 'close', (code, signal) ->
error ?= new Error("Command failed: #{signal ? code}") if code isnt 0
error?.code ?= code
error?.stdout ?= stdout
callback?(error, stdout)
# Spawn reg.exe and callback when it completes
spawnReg = (args, callback) ->
spawn(regPath, args, callback)
# Spawn setx.exe and callback when it completes
spawnSetx = (args, callback) ->
spawn(setxPath, args, callback)
# Spawn the Update.exe with the given arguments and invoke the callback when
# the command completes.
spawnUpdate = (args, callback) ->
spawn(updateDotExe, args, callback)
# Install the Open with Atom explorer context menu items via the registry.
installContextMenu = (callback) ->
addToRegistry = (args, callback) ->
spawnReg(args, callback)
installMenu = (keyPath, arg, callback) ->
args = [keyPath, '/ve', '/d', 'Open with Atom']
addToRegistry args, ->
args = [keyPath, '/v', 'Icon', '/d', process.execPath]
addToRegistry args, ->
args = ["#{keyPath}\\command", '/ve', '/d', "#{process.execPath} \"#{arg}\""]
addToRegistry(args, callback)
installMenu fileKeyPath, '%1', ->
installMenu directoryKeyPath, '%1', ->
installMenu(backgroundKeyPath, '%V', callback)
# Get the user's PATH environment variable registry value.
getPath = (callback) ->
spawnReg ['query', environmentKeyPath, '/v', 'Path'], (error, stdout) ->
if error?
if error.code is 1
# The query failed so the Path does not exist yet in the registry
return callback(null, '')
return callback(error)
# Registry query output is in the form:
# Path REG_SZ C:\a\folder\on\the\path;C\another\folder
lines = stdout.split(/[\r\n]+/).filter (line) -> line
segments = lines[lines.length - 1]?.split(' ')
if segments[1] is 'Path' and segments.length >= 3
pathEnv = segments?[3..].join(' ')
callback(null, pathEnv)
callback(new Error('Registry query for PATH failed'))
# Uninstall the Open with Atom explorer context menu items via the registry.
uninstallContextMenu = (callback) ->
deleteFromRegistry = (keyPath, callback) ->
spawnReg(['delete', keyPath, '/f'], callback)
deleteFromRegistry fileKeyPath, ->
deleteFromRegistry directoryKeyPath, ->
deleteFromRegistry(backgroundKeyPath, callback)
# Add atom and apm to the PATH
# This is done by adding .cmd shims to the root bin folder in the Atom
# install directory that point to the newly installed versions inside
# the versioned app directories.
addCommandsToPath = (callback) ->
installCommands = (callback) ->
atomCommandPath = path.join(binFolder, 'atom.cmd')
relativeAtomPath = path.relative(binFolder, path.join(appFolder, 'resources', 'cli', 'atom.cmd'))
atomCommand = "@echo off\r\n\"%~dp0\\#{relativeAtomPath}\" %*"
atomShCommandPath = path.join(binFolder, 'atom')
relativeAtomShPath = path.relative(binFolder, path.join(appFolder, 'resources', 'cli', ''))
atomShCommand = "#!/bin/sh\r\n\"$0/../#{relativeAtomShPath.replace(/\\/g, '/')}\" \"$@\""
apmCommandPath = path.join(binFolder, 'apm.cmd')
relativeApmPath = path.relative(binFolder, path.join(process.resourcesPath, 'app', 'apm', 'bin', 'apm.cmd'))
apmCommand = "@echo off\r\n\"%~dp0\\#{relativeApmPath}\" %*"
apmShCommandPath = path.join(binFolder, 'apm')
relativeApmShPath = path.relative(binFolder, path.join(appFolder, 'resources', 'cli', ''))
apmShCommand = "#!/bin/sh\r\n\"$0/../#{relativeApmShPath.replace(/\\/g, '/')}\" \"$@\""
fs.writeFile atomCommandPath, atomCommand, ->
fs.writeFile atomShCommandPath, atomShCommand, ->
fs.writeFile apmCommandPath, apmCommand, ->
fs.writeFile apmShCommandPath, apmShCommand, ->
addBinToPath = (pathSegments, callback) ->
newPathEnv = pathSegments.join(';')
spawnSetx(['Path', newPathEnv], callback)
installCommands (error) ->
return callback(error) if error?
getPath (error, pathEnv) ->
return callback(error) if error?
pathSegments = pathEnv.split(/;+/).filter (pathSegment) -> pathSegment
if pathSegments.indexOf(binFolder) is -1
addBinToPath(pathSegments, callback)
# Remove atom and apm from the PATH
removeCommandsFromPath = (callback) ->
getPath (error, pathEnv) ->
return callback(error) if error?
pathSegments = pathEnv.split(/;+/).filter (pathSegment) ->
pathSegment and pathSegment isnt binFolder
newPathEnv = pathSegments.join(';')
if pathEnv isnt newPathEnv
spawnSetx(['Path', newPathEnv], callback)
# Create a desktop and start menu shortcut by using the command line API
# provided by Squirrel's Update.exe
createShortcuts = (callback) ->
spawnUpdate(['--createShortcut', exeName], callback)
# Update the desktop and start menu shortcuts by using the command line API
# provided by Squirrel's Update.exe
updateShortcuts = (callback) ->
if homeDirectory = fs.getHomeDirectory()
desktopShortcutPath = path.join(homeDirectory, 'Desktop', 'Atom.lnk')
# Check if the desktop shortcut has been previously deleted and
# and keep it deleted if it was
fs.exists desktopShortcutPath, (desktopShortcutExists) ->
createShortcuts ->
if desktopShortcutExists
# Remove the unwanted desktop shortcut that was recreated
fs.unlink(desktopShortcutPath, callback)
# Remove the desktop and start menu shortcuts by using the command line API
# provided by Squirrel's Update.exe
removeShortcuts = (callback) ->
spawnUpdate(['--removeShortcut', exeName], callback)
exports.spawn = spawnUpdate
# Is the Update.exe installed with Atom?
exports.existsSync = ->
# Restart Atom using the version pointed to by the atom.cmd shim
exports.restartAtom = (app) ->
if projectPath = global.application?.lastFocusedWindow?.projectPath
args = [projectPath]
app.once 'will-quit', -> spawn(path.join(binFolder, 'atom.cmd'), args)
# Handle squirrel events denoted by --squirrel-* command line arguments.
exports.handleStartupEvent = (app, squirrelCommand) ->
switch squirrelCommand
when '--squirrel-install'
createShortcuts ->
installContextMenu ->
addCommandsToPath ->
when '--squirrel-updated'
updateShortcuts ->
installContextMenu ->
addCommandsToPath ->
when '--squirrel-uninstall'
removeShortcuts ->
uninstallContextMenu ->
removeCommandsFromPath ->
when '--squirrel-obsolete'