.. ntag simulation stuff from @marshmellows branch "ntag/sim"
.. hf mf mifare fixes from @pwpivi.
.. hw status command
.. speedtest function from @pwpivi
.. Viking Functionalities, (not a proper DEMOD, but a start)
.. GetCountUS better precision from @pwpivi
.. bin2hex, hex2bin from @holiman
starting with getting the T55x7 CONFIGURATION_BLOCK for different clone situations. Ripped from Adam Lauries RFidler, nothing working or finished..
Started working with the T55x7 read command with password actually performs a write block... See Issue #136https://github.com/Proxmark/proxmark3/issues/136 Not solved yet.
Started add SHA256.. not working yet..
ADD: the hid-flasher/usb_cmd.h wasn't up to date with how it's other file /common/usb_cmd.h looks like.
ADD: utils.lua 14443v crc inside LUA.
ADD: utils.lua ConvertAsciiToHex method and minor adjustments checks.
MERGED: @piwi changes
MERGED: @marshmellows changes.
I'm not even gonna try write up all that stuff..
ADD: changed some commands inside the "Hf 14a sim" on deviceside.
ADD: @mobeius "two nonce" version for mfkey32. It is also inside the "hf 14a sim" with the "x" parameter.
ADD: lua script test for using the reveng inside lua. *prove of concept*
it implements -h help
-d data in a hexstring
-w width of the crc family. (ie 16 gives all CRC-16 calculations.
it iterates thru all found crc presets in a crc family based on the width of crc. It calcs crc and the reverse crc.
MOV: moved the try32/try64 attacks (mfkey32/mfkey64) into the nonce2key.c file
CHG: added @marshmellow42 changes to hf mfu dump layout.
ADD: an extra call to BigBuf_free in readcard.. just to make sure that it doesn't leak memory.
ADD: expermimental call to "try32" for "hf mf sim x".
applies icemans full ata55x7 read/write settings
adds checksum to ioprox (thanks to iceman)
adds silent mode for lf read and getSamples
fix lf em em410xwatch and lf em410xspoof
improve data rawdemod ar - for biphase demods
improve detectclock a for strong antennas
lf t5xx commands updated from ICEMAN
lf em410x commands updated
lf search bug fix for 2 args
test scripts from iceman
lf demod:
better ask clock detection with Strong fully clipped waves
better ask raw demod with strong fully clipped waves
fsk demod add back in skipped bits during demod
nrz demod add back in skipped bits during demod
ADD: script remagic.lua -- a script to make a "dead" Mifare s50 generation 1 alive again.
ADD: tracetest.lua - This script will load several traces files in ../traces/ folder and do
"data load"
"lf search"
ADD: test_t55x7_psk.lua - iterates thru a lot of calls to check the new psk demods.
all new scripts implements the "-h" for help text.
FIX: a solution for the issue "hf eload, esave, cload, save - filepath variable too short"
CHG: minor code clean up.
ADD: AES / CRC16 for lua. (and tnp3xx scripts.)
ADD: tnp3dump.lua script to dump tnp3xx tags.
ADD: tnp3sim.lua script to let PM3 imitate an tnp3xx tag. Needs to be tested live
ADD: found some new default keys
ADD: changed alot of memorys buffers to use constant values. like usbbuffer sizes, tracelogs, etc etc
ADD: all changes Peter filmoore has in his pull request.