CHG: TIMER, it turns out the TC0, TC1 and TC2 is only 16bit. So adjust to use two clocks to get a 32bit timer.
CHG: code clean up in legic device side. consistency with variable names..
CHG: 'hf legic read' the device side timings is starting to look much better. HUGE Thanks to @will-rbnt for endless checks and logic analyser feedback. Without his effort this would not work. What does work? We can now use ANY IV in legic. The PM3 Master version is flawed, will only work with IV=0x55.
---still broke--- my crc implementation.. I know I'm about to look into it.
I've added a precise timer in the new files ticks.c and moved some older stuff from util.c to have a solid base for this.
UNTESTED, and the timings measured for t55x7 in lfops.c and other parts has not been adjusted to this "correct" timer.