2022-03-02 05:30:49 -05:00

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# Mac OS X - Compilation from source instructions
# Table of Contents
- [Mac OS X - Compilation from source instructions](x#mac-os-x---compilation-from-source-instructions)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Installing build prerequisites via Homebrew](#installing-build-prerequisites-via-homebrew)
- [Configure the build](#configure-the-build)
- [Compilation from source](#compilation-from-source)
## Installing build prerequisites via Homebrew
We need to install the ``openssl`` library with ``brew``:
brew install openssl
To run the local install script below, we also require the GNU versions
of several core Unix utilities:
brew install coreutils
## Configure the build
Clone the repository by running the following:
git clone
cd proxmark3
Configure the build by editing ``Makefile.platform``
(this step is optional -- the default will suffice):
cp Makefile.platform.sample Makefile.platform
vim Makefile.platform
## Compilation from source
The following command has been shown to work on MacOS Big Sur with the
default Compiler Tools that comes installed on this release of the platform:
make clean && CFLAGS="-I /usr/local/opt/openssl/include" make -j
The rest of this section is an *optional* installation procedure.
If you have ``sudo`` rights, you can install the proxmark3 utilities into the system
path by running
sudo make install
Otherwise, assuming you are using the ``bash`` shell (using ``chsh -s /bin/bash `whoami```), we can create
an alias to the relevant commands:
export BASHRC="~/.bash_profile"
export PM3LOCAL_PATH="$(greadlink -f .)"
touch $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3\'" >> $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3-flash=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3-flash\'" >> $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3-flash-all=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3-flash-all\'" >> $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3-flash-bootrom=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3-flash-bootrom\'" >> $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3-flash-fullimage=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3-flash-fullimage\'" >> $BASHRC
When you are done running the previous script, make sure to update the settings in your
current shell (Mac Terminal) instance by running
source ~/.bash_profile
When you re-start the Mac terminal, new shell instances will automatically load these
new settings.