iceman1001 0442e04e05 text
2023-10-15 13:19:33 +02:00

22 KiB

Command Cheat Sheet

Generic Low Frequency 125 kHz High Frequency 13.56 MHz
Generic T55XX MIFARE
Data HID Prox iCLASS
Memory Indala
Sim Module Hitag
Lua Scripts
Smart Card
Wiegand convertion



Identify High Frequency cards

pm3 --> hf search

Identify Low Frequency cards

pm3 --> lf search

Measure antenna characteristics, LF/HF voltage should be around 20-45+ V

pm3 --> hw tune

Check versioning

pm3 --> hw version

Check overall status

pm3 --> hw status



Reverse permute iCLASS master key

-r  --reverse      : reverse permuted key
    --key <bytes>  : input key

pm3 --> hf iclass permute --reverse --key 3F90EBF0910F7B6F

iCLASS Reader

pm3 --> hf iclass reader

Dump iCLASS card contents

-f, --file <filename>          filename to save dump to
-k, --key <hex>                debit key as 16 hex symbols OR NR/MAC for replay
    --ki <dec>                 debit key index to select key from memory 'hf iclass managekeys'
    --credit <hex>             credit key as 16 hex symbols
    --ci <dec>                 credit key index to select key from memory 'hf iclass managekeys'
    --elite                    elite computations applied to key
    --raw                      raw, the key is interpreted as raw block 3/4
    --nr                       replay of NR/MAC

pm3 --> hf iclass dump --ki 0

Read iCLASS Block

-k, --key <hex>                Access key as 16 hex symbols
    --blk <dec>                The block number to read as an integer
    --ki <dec>                 Key index to select key from memory 'hf iclass managekeys'
    --credit                   key is assumed to be the credit key
    --elite                    elite computations applied to key
    --raw                      no computations applied to key (raw)
    --nr                       replay of NR/MAC

pm3 --> hf iclass rdbl -b 7 --ki 0

Write to iCLASS Block

-k, --key <hex>                Access key as 16 hex symbols
    --blk <dec>                The block number to read as an integer
-d, --data <hex>               data to write as 16 hex symbols
    --ki <dec>                 Key index to select key from memory 'hf iclass managekeys'
    --credit                   key is assumed to be the credit key
    --elite                    elite computations applied to key
    --raw                      no computations applied to key (raw)
    --nr                       replay of NR/MAC

pm3 --> hf iclass wrbl -b 7 -d 6ce099fe7e614fd0 --ki 0

Print keystore

-p, --print                    Print keys loaded into memory

pm3 --> hf iclass managekeys -p

Add key to keystore [0-7]

-f, --file <filename>          Specify a filename to use with load or save operations
    --ki <dec>                 Specify key index to set key in memory

pm3 --> hf iclass managekeys --ki 3 -k AFA785A7DAB33378

Encrypt iCLASS Block

-d, --data <hex>               data to encrypt
-k, --key <hex>                3DES transport key
-v, --verbose                  verbose output

pm3 --> hf iclass encrypt -d 0000000f2aa3dba8

Decrypt iCLASS Block / file

-f, --file <filename>          Specify a filename for dump file
-d, --data <hex>               3DES encrypted data
-k, --key <hex>                3DES transport key
-v, --verbose                  verbose output

pm3 --> hf iclass decrypt -d 2AD4C8211F996871
pm3 --> hf iclass decrypt -f hf-iclass-db883702f8ff12e0.bin

Load iCLASS dump into memory for simulation

-f, --file <filename>          Specify a filename for dump file
    --json                     load JSON type dump
    --eml                      load EML type dump

pm3 --> hf iclass eload -f hf-iclass-db883702f8ff12e0.bin

Clone iCLASS Legacy Sequence

pm3 --> hf iclass rdbl -b 7 --ki 0
pm3 --> hf iclass wrbl -b 7 -d 6ce099fe7e614fd0 --ki 0

Simulate iCLASS

-t, --type <int>               Simulation type to use
    --csn <hex>                Specify CSN as 8 bytes (16 hex symbols) to use with sim type 0
    0    simulate the given CSN
    1    simulate default CSN
    2    runs online part of LOCLASS attack
    3    full simulation using emulator memory (see 'hf iclass eload')
    4    runs online part of LOCLASS attack against reader in keyroll mode

pm3 --> hf iclass sim -t 3

Simulate iCLASS Sequence

pm3 --> hf iclass dump --ki 0
pm3 --> hf iclass eload -f hf-iclass-db883702f8ff12e0.bin
pm3 --> hf iclass sim -t 3

Extract custom iCLASS key (loclass attack)

-f <filename>                  specify a filename to clone from
-k <key>                       Access Key as 16 hex symbols or 1 hex to select key from memory
    --elite                    Elite computations applied to key

pm3 --> hf iclass sim -t 2
pm3 --> hf iclass loclass -f iclass_mac_attack.bin
pm3 --> hf iclass managekeys --ki 7 -k <Kcus>
pm3 --> hf iclass dump --ki 7 --elite

Verify custom iCLASS key

-f, --file <filename>          Dictionary file with default iclass keys
    --csn <hex>                Specify CSN as 8 bytes (16 hex symbols)
    --epurse <hex>             Specify ePurse as 8 bytes (16 hex symbols)
    --macs <hex>               MACs
    --raw                      no computations applied to key (raw)
    --elite                    Elite computations applied to key

pm3 --> hf iclass lookup --csn 010a0ffff7ff12e0 --epurse feffffffffffffff --macs 66348979153c41b9 -f iclass_default_keys --elite



Check for default keys

-k, --key <hex>                Key specified as 12 hex symbols
    --blk <dec>                Input block number
-a                             Target Key A, if found also check Key B for duplicate
-b                             Target Key B
-*, --all                      Target both key A & B (default)
    --mini                     MIFARE Classic Mini / S20
    --1k                       MIFARE Classic 1k / S50 (default)
    --2k                       MIFARE Classic/Plus 2k
    --4k                       MIFARE Classic 4k / S70
    --emu                      Fill simulator keys from found keys
    --dump                     Dump found keys to binary file
-f, --file <filename>          filename of dictionary

pm3 --> hf mf chk --1k -f mfc_default_keys

Check for default keys from local memory

-k, --key <hex>                Key specified as 12 hex symbols
    --mini                     MIFARE Classic Mini / S20
    --1k                       MIFARE Classic 1k / S50 (default)
    --2k                       MIFARE Classic/Plus 2k
    --4k                       MIFARE Classic 4k / S70
    --emu                      Fill simulator keys from found keys
    --dump                     Dump found keys to binary file
    --mem                      Use dictionary from flashmemory
-f, --file <filename>          filename of dictionary

pm3 --> hf mf fchk --1k --mem

Dump MIFARE Classic card contents

-f, --file <filename>          Specify a filename for dump file
-k, --keys <filename>          Specify a filename for keys file
    --mini                     MIFARE Classic Mini / S20
    --1k                       MIFARE Classic 1k / S50 (default)
    --2k                       MIFARE Classic/Plus 2k
    --4k                       MIFARE Classic 4k / S70

pm3 --> hf mf dump
pm3 --> hf mf dump --1k -k hf-mf-A29558E4-key.bin -f hf-mf-A29558E4-dump.bin

Write to MIFARE Classic block

    --blk <dec>                block number
-a                             input key type is key A (def)
-b                             input key type is key B
-k, --key <hex>                key, 6 hex bytes
-d, --data <hex>               bytes to write, 16 hex bytes

pm3 --> hf mf wrbl --blk 0 -k FFFFFFFFFFFF -d d3a2859f6b880400c801002000000016

Run autopwn, to extract all keys and backup a MIFARE Classic tag

-k, --key <hex>                Known key, 12 hex bytes                                                          
-s, --sector <dec>             Input sector number                                                              
-a                             Input key A (def)                                                                
-b                             Input key B                                                                      
-f, --file <fn>                filename of dictionary                                                           
-s, --slow                     Slower acquisition (required by some non standard cards)                         
-l, --legacy                   legacy mode (use the slow `hf mf chk`)                                           
-v, --verbose                  verbose output (statistics)                                                      
    --mini                     MIFARE Classic Mini / S20                                                        
    --1k                       MIFARE Classic 1k / S50 (default)                                                
    --2k                       MIFARE Classic/Plus 2k                                                           
    --4k                       MIFARE Classic 4k / S70                                                          

pm3 --> hf mf autopwn

// target MFC 1K card, Sector 0 with known key A 'FFFFFFFFFFFF' 
pm3 --> hf mf autopwn -s 0 -a -k FFFFFFFFFFFF

// target MFC 1K card, default dictionary
pm3 --> hf mf autopwn --1k -f mfc_default_keys

Run hardnested attack

-k, --key <hex>                Key, 12 hex bytes                                                                       
    --blk <dec>                Input block number                                                                      
-a                             Input key A (def)                                                                       
-b                             Input key B                                                                             
    --tblk <dec>               Target block number                                                                     
    --ta                       Target key A                                                                            
    --tb                       Target key B                                                                            
    --tk <hex>                 Target key, 12 hex bytes                                                                
-f, --file <fn>                R/W <name> instead of default name                                                      
-s, --slow                     Slower acquisition (required by some non standard cards)                                
-w, --wr                       Acquire nonces and UID, and write them to file `hf-mf-<UID>-nonces.bin`                 

pm3 --> hf mf hardnested --blk 0 -a -k 8829da9daf76 --tblk 4 --ta -w  

Load MIFARE Classic dump file into emulator memory for simulation Accepts (BIN/EML/JSON)

-f, --file <fn>                Specify a filename for dump file
    --mini                     MIFARE Classic Mini / S20
    --1k                       MIFARE Classic 1k / S50 (def)
    --2k                       MIFARE Classic/Plus 2k
    --4k                       MIFARE Classic 4k / S70
    --ul                       MIFARE Ultralight family
-q, --qty <dec>                manually set number of blocks (overrides)

pm3 --> hf mf eload -f hf-mf-353C2AA6-dump.bin
pm3 --> hf mf eload --1k -f hf-mf-353C2AA6-dump.bin

Simulate MIFARE

u     : (Optional) UID 4,7 or 10 bytes. If not specified, the UID 4B from emulator memory will be used

pm3 --> hf mf sim -u 353c2aa6

Simulate MIFARE Sequence

pm3 --> hf mf fchk --1k -f mfc_default_keys.dic
pm3 --> hf mf dump
pm3 --> hf mf eload -f hf-mf-<UID>-dump.bin
pm3 --> hf mf sim -u 353c2aa6

Clone MIFARE 1K Sequence

pm3 --> hf mf fchk --1k -f mfc_default_keys.dic
pm3 --> hf mf dump
pm3 --> hf mf restore --1k --uid 4A6CE843 -k hf-mf-A29558E4-key.bin -f hf-mf-A29558E4-dump.bin

Read MIFARE Ultralight EV1

pm3 --> hf mfu info

Clone MIFARE Ultralight EV1 Sequence

pm3 --> hf mfu dump -k FFFFFFFF
pm3 --> hf mfu eload -f hf-mfu-XXXX-dump.bin
pm3 --> hf mfu sim -t 7

Bruteforce MIFARE Classic card numbers from 11223344 to 11223346

pm3 --> script run hf_mf_uidbruteforce -s 0x11223344 -e 0x11223346 -t 1000 -x mfc

Bruteforce MIFARE Ultralight EV1 card numbers from 11223344556677 to 11223344556679

pm3 --> script run hf_mf_uidbruteforce -s 0x11223344556677 -e 0x11223344556679 -t 1000 -x mfu

Wiegand manipulation


List all available wiegand formats in client

pm3 --> wiegand list

Convert Site & Facility code to Wiegand raw hex

    --fc <dec>                 facility number
    --cn <dec>                 card number
    --issue <dec>              issue level
    --oem <dec>                OEM code
-w, --wiegand <format>         see `wiegand list` for available formats
    --pre                      add HID ProxII preamble to wiegand output

pm3 --> wiegand encode -w H10301 --oem 0 --fc 101 --cn 1337
pm3 --> wiegand encode --fc 101 --cn 1337

Convert Site & Facility code from Wiegand raw hex to numbers

-p, --parity                   ignore invalid parity
-r, --raw <hex>                raw hex to be decoded
-b, --bin <bin>                binary string to be decoded

pm3 --> wiegand decode --raw 2006f623ae

HID Prox


Read HID Prox card

pm3 --> lf hid read

Demodulate HID Prox card

pm3 --> lf hid demod

Simulate Prox card

pm3 --> lf hid sim -r 200670012d
pm3 --> lf hid sim -w H10301 --fc 10 --cn 1337

Clone Prox to T5577 card

pm3 --> lf hid clone -r 200670012d
pm3 --> lf hid clone -w H10301 --fc 10 --cn 1337

Brute force HID reader

-v, --verbose                  verbose logging, show all tries
-w, --wiegand format           see `wiegand list` for available formats
-f, --fn dec                   facility code
-c, --cn dec                   card number to start with
-i dec                         issue level
-o, --oem dec                  OEM code
-d, --delay dec                delay betweens attempts in ms. Default 1000ms
    --up                       direction to increment card number. (default is both directions)
    --down                     direction to decrement card number. (default is both directions)

pm3 --> lf hid brute -w H10301 -f 224
pm3 --> lf hid brute -v -w H10301 -f 21 -c 200 -d 2000



Read Indala card

pm3 --> lf indala read

Demodulate Indala card

pm3 --> lf indala demod

Simulate Indala card

-r, --raw <hex>                raw bytes
    --heden <decimal>          Cardnumber for Heden 2L format

pm3 --> lf indala sim -r a0000000c2c436c1

Clone to T55x7 card

-r, --raw <hex>                raw bytes
    --heden <decimal>          Cardnumber for Heden 2L format
    --fc <decimal>             Facility Code (26 bit H10301 format)
    --cn <decimal>             Cardnumber (26 bit H10301 format)
    --q5                       specify writing to Q5/T5555 tag
    --em                       specify writing to EM4305/4469 tag

pm3 --> lf indala clone -r a0000000c2c436c1



Read Hitag information

pm3 --> lf hitag info

Read Hitag memory Crypto mode key format: ISK high + ISK low

    -h, --help                     This help
    -s, --hts                      Hitag S
    -2, --ht2                      Hitag 2
    --pwd                          password mode
    --nrar <hex>                   nonce / answer writer, 8 hex bytes
    --crypto                       crypto mode
    -k, --key <hex>                key, 4 or 6 hex bytes                                                           
pm3 --> lf hitag read --ht2
pm3 --> lf hitag read --ht2 -k 4D494B52
pm3 --> lf hitag read --ht2 -k 4F4E4D494B52  

Sniff Hitag traffic

pm3 --> lf hitag sniff
pm3 --> lf hitag list

Simulate Hitag2

pm3 --> lf hitag sim -2

Write a page in Hitag memory Crypto mode key format: ISK high + ISK low

    -h, --help                     This help
    -s, --hts                      Hitag S
    -2, --ht2                      Hitag 2
    --pwd                          password mode
    --nrar <hex>                   nonce / answer writer, 8 hex bytes
    --crypto                       crypto mode
    -k, --key <hex>                key, 4 or 6 hex bytes
    -p, --page <dec>               page address to write to
    -d, --data <hex>               data, 4 hex bytes                    

pm3 --> lf hitag wrbl --ht2 -k 499602D2 -p 1 -d 00000000

Simulate Hitag2 sequence

pm3 --> lf hitag read --ht2 -k 56713368
pm3 --> lf hitag sim -2



Detect T55XX card

pm3 --> lf t55xx detect

Configure modulation

    --FSK                      set demodulation FSK                        
    --FSK1                     set demodulation FSK 1                      
    --FSK1A                    set demodulation FSK 1a (inv)               
    --FSK2                     set demodulation FSK 2                      
    --FSK2A                    set demodulation FSK 2a (inv)               
    --ASK                      set demodulation ASK                        
    --PSK1                     set demodulation PSK 1                      
    --PSK2                     set demodulation PSK 2                      
    --PSK3                     set demodulation PSK 3                      
    --NRZ                      set demodulation NRZ                        
    --BI                       set demodulation Biphase                    
    --BIA                      set demodulation Diphase (inverted biphase) 

HID Prox is FSK
Indala is PSK

pm3 --> lf t55xx config --FSK

Set timings to default


-p, --persist                  persist to flash memory (RDV4)                             
-z                             Set default t55x7 timings (use `-p` to save if required)   
pm3 --> lf t55xx deviceconfig -zp

Write to T55xx block

-b, --blk <0-7>                block number to write
-d, --data <hex>               data to write (4 hex bytes)
-p, --pwd <hex>                password (4 hex bytes)

pm3 --> lf t55xx write -b 0 -d 00081040

Wipe a T55xx tag and set defaults

pm3 --> lf t55xx wipe



Get raw samples [512-40000]

pm3 --> data samples -n <size>

Save samples to file

pm3 --> data save -f <filename>

Load samples from file

pm3 --> data load -f <filename>

Lua Scripts


List lua Scripts

pm3 --> script list

View lua helptext

pm3 --> script run <nameofscript> -h

Convert .bin to .eml

-i <file>                      Specifies the dump-file (input). If omitted, 'dumpdata.bin' is used
-o <filename>                  Specifies the output file. If omitted, <uid>.eml is used

pm3 --> script run data_mf_bin2eml -i xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.bin

Convert .eml to .bin

-i <filename>                  Specifies the dump-file (input). If omitted, 'dumpdata.eml' is used
-o <filename>                  Specifies the output file. If omitted, <currdate>.bin is used

pm3 --> script run data_mf_eml2bin -i myfile.eml -o myfile.bin

Format Mifare card

-k <key>                       The current six byte key with write access
-n <key>                       The new key that will be written to the card
-a <access>                    The new access bytes that will be written to the card
-x                             Execute the commands as well

pm3 --> script run hf_mf_format -k FFFFFFFFFFFF -n FFFFFFFFFFFF -x



Load default keys into flash memory (RDV4 only)

-o <offset>                    offset in memory
-f <filename>                  file name
    --mfc                      upload 6 bytes keys (mifare key dictionary)
    --iclass                   upload 8 bytes keys (iClass key dictionary)
    --t55xx                    upload 4 bytes keys (pwd dictionary)

pm3 --> mem load -f mfc_default_keys --mfc
pm3 --> mem load -f t55xx_default_pwds --t5xx
pm3 --> mem load -f iclass_default_keys --iclass

Sim Module


Upgrade Sim Module firmware

pm3 --> smart upgrade -f sim014.bin

Smart Card


Get Smart Card Information

pm3 --> smart info

Act like an IS07816 reader

pm3 --> smart reader

Set clock speed for smart card interface

    --16mhz                    16 MHz clock speed
    --8mhz                     8 MHz clock speed
    --4mhz                     4 MHz clock speed

pm3 --> smart setclock --8mhz

Send raw hex data

-r                             do not read response
-a                             active smartcard without select (reset sc module)
-s                             active smartcard with select (get ATR)
-t, --tlv                      executes TLV decoder if it possible
-0                             use protocol T=0
-d, --data <hex>               bytes to send

pm3 --> smart raw -s -0 -d 00a404000e315041592e5359532e4444463031
pm3 --> smart raw -0 -d 00a404000e325041592e5359532e4444463031
pm3 --> smart raw -0 -t -d 00a4040007a0000000041010
pm3 --> smart raw -0 -t -d 00a4040007a0000000031010

Bruteforce SPI

-t, --tlv                      executes TLV decoder if it possible

pm3 --> smart brute
pm3 --> smart brute --tlv