2022-03-01 15:58:45 -05:00

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Mac OS X - Compilation from source instructions

Table of Contents

Installing build prerequisites via Homebrew


We need to install the openssl library with brew:

brew install openssl

To run the local install script below, we also require the GNU versions of several core Unix utilities:

brew install coreutils

Configure the build


Clone the repository by running the following:

git clone
cd proxmark3

Configure the build by editing Makefile.platform:

cp Makefile.platform.sample Makefile.platform
vim Makefile.platform

Compilation from source


The following command has been shown to work on MacOS Big Sur with the default Compiler Tools that comes installed on this release of the platform:

make clean && CFLAGS="-I /usr/local/opt/openssl/include" make

If you have sudo rights, you can install the proxmark3 utilities into the system path by running

sudo make install

Otherwise, assuming you are using the bash shell (using ``chsh -s /bin/bash `whoami```), we can create an alias to the relevant commands:

export BASHRC="~/.bash_profile"
export PM3LOCAL_PATH="$(greadlink -f .)"
touch $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3\'" >> $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3-flash=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3-flash\'" >> $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3-flash-all=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3-flash-all\'" >> $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3-flash-bootrom=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3-flash-bootrom\'" >> $BASHRC
echo "alias pm3-flash-fullimage=\'$PM3LOCAL_PATH/pm3-flash-fullimage\'" >> $BASHRC

When you are done running the previous script, make sure to update the settings in your current shell (Mac Terminal) instance by running

source ~/.bash_profile

When you re-start the Mac terminal, new shell instances will automatically load these new settings.