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default JavaScript DSL

Javascript DSL

DNSControl uses javascript as its primary input language to provide power and flexibility to configure your domains. The ultimate purpose of the javascript is to construct a DNSConfig object that will be passed to the go backend and operated on.

{% include table-of-contents.md docs-functions-dir="domain" html-anchor="domain-modifiers" title="Domain Modifiers" %} {% assign showProviders = 'AKAMAIEDGEDNS, AZURE_DNS, CLOUDFLAREAPI, ROUTE53' %} {% for provider in site.providers %} {% if showProviders contains provider.jsId %} {% include table-of-contents.md docs-functions-dir="domain" html-anchor="domain-modifiers" title="Domain Modifiers" provider-name=provider.name provider-jsId=provider.jsId %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% include table-of-contents.md docs-functions-dir="global" html-anchor="top-level-functions" title="Top Level Functions" %} {% include table-of-contents.md docs-functions-dir="record" html-anchor="record-modifiers" title="Record Modifiers" %}

{% include funcList.md title="Top Level Functions" dir="global" %}

{% include funcList.md title="Domain Modifiers" dir="domain" %}

{% include funcList.md title="Record Modifiers" dir="record" %}