2017-03-09 20:30:50 +01:00

5.9 KiB


This soft is provided as is, without any warrantly.

This project use a modified version of the awesome mpetazzoni/ttorrent library. Thanks to mpetazzoni for this.

How to use

1. Configuration

git clone
cd joal
cp -R resources <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>

We are almost ready to go, we still need to add some of your private tracker's .torrent file to <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/torrents/

cp *.torrent <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/torrents/

We are now ready to press the red button and fire up the ratio faker.

2. Building and running

With Docker

At the moment only an ARM based docker file is available.

docker build -f Dockerfile.arm -t araymond/joal .
docker run -d -v <PATH_TO_CONFIG_DIR>:/data -p 49152-65534:49152 --name="joal" araymond/joal
Without Docker

You need to have Java 8 installed.

cd joal
mvn clean package
java -jar target/jack-of-all-trades-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar /<MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>

How it works

Application configuration

The application configuration belongs in <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/config.json.

  "minUploadRate": 180,
  "maxUploadRate": 190,
  "seedFor": 840,
  "waitBetweenSeed": 600,
  "client": "azureus-"
  • minUploadRate : The minimum uploadRate you want to fake (in kB/s) (required)
  • maxUploadRate : The maximum uploadRate you want to fake (in kB/s) (required)
  • seedFor : How long the client should seed for in a row (seeding session in minutes) (required)
  • waitBetweenSeed : How long the client should wait before two seeding session (in minutes) (required)
  • client : The name of the .client file to use in <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/clients/ (required)

Torrent files

  • All torrent file in <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/torrents/ will be available for sharing.
  • The torrent file to share is randomly selected between all files on every seed session (seed session duration is managed by the configuration file).
  • All torrent file added/removed/modified in <MY_CONFIG_FOLDER_PATH>/torrents/ while the client is running will be automatically hot loaded, there is no need to restart.
  • If the torrent currently seeding reach 0 peers, the .torrent file associated is removed from the disk.

Emulated client file

Event if the soft works out of the box, you can add your own torrent clients.

.client file format

The below file correspond to azureus-

    "peerIdInfo": {
        "prefix": "-AZ3050-",
        "type": "alphanumeric",
        "upperCase": false,
        "lowerCase": false
    "keyInfo": {
        "length": 8,
        "type": "alphanumeric",
        "upperCase": false,
        "lowerCase": false
    "query": "info_hash={infohash}&peer_id={peerid}&supportcrypto=1&port={port}&azudp={port}&uploaded={uploaded}&downloaded={downloaded}&left={left}&corrupt=0&event={event}&numwant={numwant}&no_peer_id=1&compact=1&key={key}&azver=3",
    "numwant": 100,
    "requestHeaders": [
      { "name": "User-Agent", "value":"Azureus;{os};{java}" },
      { "name": "Connection", "value": "close" },
      { "name": "Accept-Encoding", "value":"gzip" },
      { "name": "Host", "value":"{host}" },
      { "name": "Accept", "value":"text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2" },
      { "name": "Content-type", "value":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }
  • peerIdInfo (required)

    • prefix : The BitTorrentClient prefix (required)
    • type : The type of the peer_id_suffix (required, supported types: alphabetic, alphanumeric, numeric, random, printable, hexadecimal)
    • upperCase : Is the suffix uppercased? (optional, default=false)
    • lowerCase : Is the suffix lowercased? (optional, default=false)
  • keyInfo (required only if query contains {key})

    • length : Length of the key (required)
    • type : The type of the peer_id_suffix (required, supported types: alphabetic, alphanumeric, numeric, random, printable, hexadecimal)
    • upperCase : Is the suffix uppercased? (optional, default=false)
    • lowerCase : Is the suffix lowercased? (optional, default=false)
  • query (required) : The BitTorrent client HTTP query string with variables

  • numwant (optional, default 50) : The BitTorrent numwant

  • requestHeaders (optional)

Query variables:
  • {peerid} : BitTorrent client peerId (value from peerIdInfo)
  • {key} : The key for the current session (value from keyInfo, optional if there is no key param in query string)
  • {numwant} : BitTorrent client numwant (default is 50)
  • {infohash} : Torrent file info_hash (auto-generated)
  • {uploaded} : Total uploaded during this session (auto-generated)
  • {downloaded} : Total downloaded during this session (auto-generated)
  • {left} : Remaining to download for this torrent (auto-generated, and hardcoded to 0)
  • {port} : Port you are listening on (auto-generated)
  • {ip} : Local ip address (auto-generated)
  • {event} : Event to be send to the tracker (auto-generated)
Header variables:
  • {host} : The remote host (auto-generated)
  • {os} : The current os (auto-generated)
  • {java} : The current running version of java (auto-generated)


  • Add application setting with setting file
  • App setting : min_upload_rate
  • App setting : max_upload_rate
  • Externalise client definition to .clients file
  • Add client header to HttpRequest
  • When a torrent reach 0 peers, try with another torrent instead of stopping.
  • When a torrent reach 0 peers, remove the torrent file from the directory.
  • Add a file watcher to monitor torrent folder (hot loading .torrent files instead of restarting)
  • Implement appear as contactable to peers.
  • Add a config to define if torrent should be deleted or skipped if 0 peers were leeching.
  • Add test.
  • Refactoring.