2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
< ? php
Language Name : Indonesia
Contributor : Ismail Marzuqi
Web : www . phpmixbill . com
Email : iesien22 @ yahoo . com
2017-03-14 06:15:08 +08:00
Contributor : Ibnu Maksum ( @ ibnux )
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
2022-09-01 15:52:32 +08:00
$_L [ 'Login' ] = 'Masuk' ;
2017-03-14 06:15:08 +08:00
$_L [ 'Register' ] = 'Daftar' ;
2017-03-23 03:25:45 +08:00
$_L [ 'Announcement' ] = 'Pengumuman' ;
$_L [ 'Registration_Info' ] = 'Info Pendaftaran' ;
2017-03-14 06:15:08 +08:00
$_L [ 'Register_Voucher_Failed' ] = 'Voucher tidak ditemukan, mohon beli dulu Voucher sebelum mendaftar' ;
$_L [ 'Register_Success' ] = 'Pendaftaran sukses!<br>silahkan masuk' ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'Sign_In_Member' ] = 'Masuk ke Member Panel' ;
2017-03-14 06:15:08 +08:00
$_L [ 'Register_Member' ] = 'Mendaftar sebagai pelanggan<br>pastikan anda sudah membeli voucher' ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'Sign_In_Admin' ] = 'Masuk ke Admin Panel' ;
$_L [ 'Logo' ] = 'PHPMixBill' ;
$_L [ 'Username' ] = 'Username' ;
$_L [ 'Password' ] = 'Password' ;
2017-03-14 06:15:08 +08:00
$_L [ 'PasswordsNotMatch' ] = 'Sandi tidak sama' ;
$_L [ 'account_already_exist' ] = 'Username sudah ada yang menggunakan' ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'Manage' ] = 'Proses' ;
$_L [ 'Submit' ] = 'Kirim' ;
$_L [ 'Save' ] = 'Simpan Perubahan' ;
$_L [ 'Cancel' ] = 'Batal' ;
$_L [ 'Edit' ] = 'Edit' ;
$_L [ 'Delete' ] = 'Hapus' ;
$_L [ 'Welcome' ] = 'Selamat Datang' ;
$_L [ 'Created_Successfully' ] = 'Data berhasil di buat' ;
$_L [ 'Updated_Successfully' ] = 'Data berhasil di ubah' ;
$_L [ 'Delete_Successfully' ] = 'Berhasil menghapus data' ;
2017-03-19 08:02:14 +08:00
$_L [ 'Static_Pages' ] = " Halaman statis " ;
$_L [ 'Failed_Save_Page' ] = " Gagal menyimpan halaman, pastikan diperbolehkan menulis file di folder pages, <i>chmod 664 pages/*.html<i> " ;
$_L [ 'Success_Save_Page' ] = " Sukses menyimpan halaman " ;
$_L [ 'Info_Page' ] = " Kadang harus di-refresh 3 kali baru konten berubah " ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'Dashboard' ] = 'Beranda' ;
$_L [ 'Search_Contact' ] = 'Cari username member...' ;
$_L [ 'My_Account' ] = 'Akun Saya' ;
$_L [ 'My_Profile' ] = 'Profil Saya' ;
$_L [ 'Settings' ] = 'Pengaturan' ;
$_L [ 'Edit_Profile' ] = 'Ubah Profil' ;
$_L [ 'Change_Password' ] = 'Ganti Password' ;
$_L [ 'Logout' ] = 'Keluar' ;
$_L [ 'Services' ] = 'Layanan' ;
$_L [ 'Bandwidth_Plans' ] = 'Daftar Bandwidth' ;
$_L [ 'BW_Name' ] = 'Nama Bandwidth' ;
$_L [ 'New_Bandwidth' ] = 'Tambah Data Bandwidth' ;
$_L [ 'Edit_Bandwidth' ] = 'Ubah Data Bandwidth' ;
$_L [ 'Add_Bandwidth' ] = 'Tambah Bandwidth Baru' ;
$_L [ 'Rate_Download' ] = 'Rate Download' ;
$_L [ 'Rate_Upload' ] = 'Rate Upload' ;
$_L [ 'BW_already_exist' ] = 'Nama Bandwidth Sudah Ada' ;
$_L [ 'Hotspot_Plans' ] = 'Paket Hotspot' ;
$_L [ 'PPPOE_Plans' ] = 'Paket PPPOE' ;
$_L [ 'Plan_Name' ] = 'Nama Paket' ;
$_L [ 'New_Plan' ] = 'Tambah Paket Baru' ;
$_L [ 'Add_Plan' ] = 'Tambah Paket Baru' ;
$_L [ 'Edit_Plan' ] = 'Ubah Paket' ;
$_L [ 'Plan_already_exist' ] = 'Nama Paket Sudah Ada' ;
$_L [ 'Plan_Type' ] = 'Jenis Paket' ;
$_L [ 'Plan_Price' ] = 'Harga' ;
$_L [ 'Limit_Type' ] = 'Jenis Limit' ;
$_L [ 'Unlimited' ] = 'Unlimited' ;
$_L [ 'Limited' ] = 'Limited' ;
$_L [ 'Time_Limit' ] = 'TimeBase' ;
$_L [ 'Data_Limit' ] = 'QuotaBase' ;
$_L [ 'Both_Limit' ] = 'Keduanya' ;
$_L [ 'Plan_Validity' ] = 'Masa Aktif' ;
$_L [ 'Select_BW' ] = 'Pilih Nama Bandwidth' ;
$_L [ 'Shared_Users' ] = 'Shared Users' ;
$_L [ 'user_type_help' ] = 'Pilih Sales jika ingin fasilitas Pengaturan dinonaktifkan' ;
$_L [ 'Current_Password' ] = 'Password Sekarang' ;
$_L [ 'New_Password' ] = 'Password Baru' ;
$_L [ 'Administrator' ] = 'Administrator' ;
$_L [ 'Sales' ] = 'Sales' ;
$_L [ 'Member' ] = 'Member' ;
$_L [ 'Confirm_New_Password' ] = 'Konfirmasi Password' ;
$_L [ 'Confirm_Password' ] = 'Konfirmasi Password' ;
$_L [ 'Full_Name' ] = 'Nama Lengkap' ;
$_L [ 'User_Type' ] = 'Posisi User' ;
$_L [ 'Address' ] = 'Alamat Lengkap' ;
$_L [ 'Created_On' ] = 'Tanggal Aktif' ;
$_L [ 'Expires_On' ] = 'Tanggal Expire' ;
$_L [ 'Phone_Number' ] = 'Nomor HP' ;
$_L [ 'User_Delete_Ok' ] = 'User berhasil di hapus' ;
$_L [ 'Full_Administrator' ] = 'Full Administrator' ;
$_L [ 'password_change_help' ] = 'Kosongkan jika tidak ingin mengganti password' ;
$_L [ 'currency_help' ] = 'Kosongkan jika tidak ingin mengatur kode Mata Uang' ;
$_L [ 'Theme_Style' ] = 'Theme Style' ;
$_L [ 'Theme_Color' ] = 'Theme Color' ;
$_L [ 'Default_Language' ] = 'Bahasa' ;
$_L [ 'Network' ] = 'Network' ;
$_L [ 'Routers' ] = 'Routers' ;
$_L [ 'Pool' ] = 'IP Pool' ;
$_L [ 'New_Router' ] = 'Router Baru' ;
$_L [ 'Add_Router' ] = 'Tambah Router' ;
$_L [ 'Edit_Router' ] = 'Ubah Router' ;
$_L [ 'Router_Name' ] = 'Nama Router' ;
$_L [ 'IP_Address' ] = 'IP Address' ;
$_L [ 'Router_Secret' ] = 'Password Router' ;
$_L [ 'Description' ] = 'Deskripsi' ;
$_L [ 'Router_already_exist' ] = 'IP Router sudah digunakan' ;
$_L [ 'Pool_Name' ] = 'Nama Pool' ;
$_L [ 'Range_IP' ] = 'Rentang IP' ;
$_L [ 'New_Pool' ] = 'Pool Baru' ;
$_L [ 'Add_Pool' ] = 'Tambah Pool' ;
$_L [ 'Edit_Pool' ] = 'Ubah Pool' ;
$_L [ 'Pool_already_exist' ] = 'Nama Pool Sudah Ada' ;
$_L [ 'Prepaid' ] = 'Billing' ;
$_L [ 'Prepaid_User' ] = 'Billing' ;
$_L [ 'Prepaid_Vouchers' ] = 'Kelola Voucher' ;
$_L [ 'Refill_Account' ] = 'Refill Akun' ;
$_L [ 'Recharge_Account' ] = 'Perpanjang Akun' ;
$_L [ 'Select_Account' ] = 'Pilih Akun' ;
$_L [ 'Service_Plan' ] = 'Paket' ;
$_L [ 'Recharge' ] = 'Isi Ulang Akun' ;
$_L [ 'Method' ] = 'Metode' ;
2017-03-22 02:07:15 +08:00
$_L [ 'account_created_successfully' ] = 'Account Created Successfully' ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'Database_Status' ] = 'Status Database' ;
$_L [ 'Total_Database_Size' ] = 'Ukuran Database' ;
$_L [ 'Download_Database_Backup' ] = 'Download Database Backup' ;
$_L [ 'Table_Name' ] = 'Nama Tabel' ;
$_L [ 'Rows' ] = 'Rows' ;
$_L [ 'Size' ] = 'Size' ;
$_L [ 'Customers' ] = 'Kontak Member' ;
$_L [ 'Add_Contact' ] = 'Tambah Kontak Baru' ;
$_L [ 'Edit_Contact' ] = 'Edit Kontak' ;
$_L [ 'List_Contact' ] = 'List Kontak' ;
$_L [ 'Manage_Accounts' ] = 'Kelola Kontak' ;
$_L [ 'Reports' ] = 'Laporan' ;
$_L [ 'Daily_Report' ] = 'Laporan Harian' ;
$_L [ 'Period_Reports' ] = 'Laporan Periode' ;
$_L [ 'All_Transactions' ] = 'Semua Transaksi' ;
$_L [ 'Total_Income' ] = 'Total Pendapatan' ;
$_L [ 'All_Transactions_at_Date' ] = 'Semua Transaksi pada Tanggal' ;
$_L [ 'Export_for_Print' ] = 'Cetak Laporan' ;
$_L [ 'Print' ] = 'Print' ;
$_L [ 'Export_to_PDF' ] = 'Export ke PDF' ;
$_L [ 'Click_Here_to_Print' ] = 'Klik Disini untuk Cetak Laporan' ;
$_L [ 'You_can_use_html_tag' ] = 'Boleh menggunakan tag html' ;
$_L [ 'Date_Format' ] = 'Format Tanggal' ;
$_L [ 'Income_Today' ] = 'Pendapatan Hari Ini' ;
$_L [ 'Income_This_Month' ] = 'Pendapatan Bulan Ini' ;
$_L [ 'Users_Active' ] = 'Member Aktif' ;
$_L [ 'Total_Users' ] = 'Total Member' ;
$_L [ 'Users' ] = 'User' ;
$_L [ 'Edit_User' ] = 'Ubah Pengguna' ;
$_L [ 'Last_Login' ] = 'Terakhir Login' ;
$_L [ 'Administrator_Users' ] = 'Pengguna Admin' ;
$_L [ 'Manage_Administrator' ] = 'Kelola Administrator' ;
$_L [ 'Add_New_Administrator' ] = 'Tambah Administrator' ;
$_L [ 'Localisation' ] = 'Lokalisasi' ;
$_L [ 'Backup_Restore' ] = 'Backup/Restore' ;
$_L [ 'General_Settings' ] = 'Pengaturan Umum' ;
$_L [ 'Date' ] = 'Tanggal' ;
$_L [ 'Login_Successful' ] = 'Login Berhasil' ;
$_L [ 'Failed_Login' ] = 'Gagal Login' ;
$_L [ 'Settings_Saved_Successfully' ] = 'Pengaturan Berhasil Disimpan' ;
$_L [ 'User_Updated_Successfully' ] = 'Berhasil mengubah pengguna' ;
$_L [ 'User_Expired_Today' ] = 'Member Expire Hari Ini' ;
$_L [ 'Activity_Log' ] = 'Aktifitas Log' ;
$_L [ 'View_Reports' ] = 'Lihat Laporan' ;
$_L [ 'View_All' ] = 'Lihat Semua' ;
$_L [ 'Number_of_Vouchers' ] = 'Jumlah Voucher' ;
$_L [ 'Length_Code' ] = 'Panjang Kode' ;
$_L [ 'Code_Voucher' ] = 'Kode Voucher' ;
$_L [ 'Voucher' ] = 'Voucher' ;
2017-03-15 03:37:15 +08:00
$_L [ 'Voucher_Hotspot' ] = 'Voucher Hotspot' ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'Status_Voucher' ] = 'Status Voucher' ;
2017-03-15 03:37:15 +08:00
$_L [ 'Add_Voucher' ] = 'Tambah' ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'Voucher_Successfully' ] = 'Berhasil membuat Voucher baru' ;
$_L [ 'Generate' ] = 'Generate' ;
2017-03-15 03:37:15 +08:00
$_L [ 'Print_Info' ] = 'Print bolak balik, biar mudah dipotong dan hemat kertas' ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'From_Date' ] = 'Dari Tanggal' ;
$_L [ 'To_Date' ] = 'Hingga Tanggal' ;
$_L [ 'New_Service' ] = 'Layanan Baru' ;
$_L [ 'Type' ] = 'Jenis' ;
$_L [ 'Finish' ] = 'Selesai' ;
$_L [ 'App_Name' ] = 'Nama Perusahaan' ;
$_L [ 'App_Name_Help_Text' ] = 'Nama ini akan tampil pada judul' ;
$_L [ 'Next' ] = 'Next' ;
$_L [ 'Last' ] = 'Last' ;
$_L [ 'Timezone' ] = 'Timezone' ;
$_L [ 'Decimal_Point' ] = 'Pemisah Desimal' ;
$_L [ 'Thousands_Separator' ] = 'Pemisah Ribuan' ;
$_L [ 'Currency_Code' ] = 'Mata Uang' ;
$_L [ 'Order_Voucher' ] = 'Beli Voucher' ;
$_L [ 'Voucher_Activation' ] = 'Aktifasi Voucher' ;
$_L [ 'List_Activated_Voucher' ] = 'List Aktifasi Voucher' ;
$_L [ 'Enter_Voucher_Code' ] = 'Masukkan kode voucher disini' ;
$_L [ 'Private_Message' ] = 'Pesan Singkat' ;
$_L [ 'Inbox' ] = 'Inbox' ;
$_L [ 'Outbox' ] = 'Outbox' ;
$_L [ 'Compose' ] = 'Compose' ;
$_L [ 'Send_to' ] = 'Send to' ;
$_L [ 'Title' ] = 'Title' ;
$_L [ 'Message' ] = 'Message' ;
$_L [ 'Account_Information' ] = 'Informasi Akun Anda' ;
$_L [ 'Welcome_Text_User' ] = 'Selamat datang di Member Panel, disini Anda dapat mengetahui:' ;
2017-03-19 08:02:14 +08:00
$_L [ 'Welcome_Text_Admin' ] = '<b>PHPMixBill</b> adalah sebuah aplikasi billing Hotspot dan PPPOE untuk Mikrotik dengan menggunakan bahasa pemograman PHP dan menggunakan API Mikrotik sebagai komunikasi dengan router. Jika aplikasi ini sangat berguna bagi bisnis Anda silahkan Anda donasi berapapun.<br>Pantau proyek <a href="https://github.com/ibnux/phpmixbill" target="_blank">disini</a>' ;
2017-03-11 03:51:06 +08:00
$_L [ 'Invalid_Username_or_Password' ] = 'Username atau Password Salah' ;
$_L [ 'Do_Not_Access' ] = 'Anda tidak diijinkan untuk mengakses halaman ini' ;
$_L [ 'Incorrect_Current_Password' ] = 'Password Saat ini Salah' ;
$_L [ 'Password_Changed_Successfully' ] = 'Berhasil mengganti password, Silahkan login kembali' ;
$_L [ 'All_field_is_required' ] = 'Semua bidang wajib di isi' ;
$_L [ 'Voucher_Not_Valid' ] = 'Voucher Tidak Benar' ;
$_L [ 'Activation_Vouchers_Successfully' ] = 'Berhasil melakukan aktivasi Voucher.' ;
$_L [ 'Data_Not_Found' ] = 'Data tidak ditemukan' ;
$_L [ 'Search_by_Username' ] = 'Cari berdasarkan Username' ;
$_L [ 'Search_by_Name' ] = 'Cari berdasarkan Nama' ;
$_L [ 'Search_by_Code' ] = 'Cari Kode Voucher' ;
$_L [ 'Search' ] = 'Pencarian' ;
$_L [ 'Select_Customer' ] = 'Pilih Member' ;
$_L [ 'Select_Routers' ] = 'Pilih Routers' ;
$_L [ 'Select_Plans' ] = 'Pilih Paket' ;
$_L [ 'Select_Pool' ] = 'Pilih Pool' ;
$_L [ 'Hrs' ] = 'Jam' ;
$_L [ 'Mins' ] = 'Menit' ;
$_L [ 'Days' ] = 'Hari' ;
$_L [ 'Months' ] = 'Bulan' ;
$_L [ 'Add_Language' ] = 'Tambah Bahasa' ;
$_L [ 'Name_Lang' ] = 'Nama Bahasa' ;
$_L [ 'Folder_Lang' ] = 'Nama Folder' ;
$_L [ 'Translator' ] = 'Translator' ;
$_L [ 'Lang_already_exist' ] = 'Nama bahasa sudah ada' ;
2022-09-10 17:06:38 +08:00
2022-09-07 15:44:04 +08:00
$_L [ 'Payment_Gateway' ] = 'Payment Gateway' ;
$_L [ 'Community' ] = 'Community' ;
$_L [ '1_user_can_be_used_for_many_devices' ] = '1 user can be used for many devices?' ;
$_L [ 'Cannot_be_change_after_saved' ] = 'Cannot be change after saved' ;
$_L [ 'Explain_Coverage_of_router' ] = 'Jelaskan Cakupan wilayah hotspot' ;
$_L [ 'Name_of_Area_that_router_operated' ] = 'Nama Lokasi/Wilayah Router beroperasi' ;
2022-09-08 18:09:21 +08:00
$_L [ 'Payment_Notification_URL_Recurring_Notification_URL_Pay_Account_Notification_URL' ] = 'Payment Notification URL, Recurring Notification URL, Pay Account Notification URL' ;
$_L [ 'Finish_Redirect_URL_Unfinish_Redirect_URL_Error_Redirect_URL' ] = 'Finish Redirect URL, Unfinish Redirect URL, Error Redirect URL' ;
$_L [ 'Status' ] = 'Status' ;
$_L [ 'Plan_Not_found' ] = 'Plan Not found' ;
$_L [ 'Failed_to_create_transaction' ] = 'Failed to create transaction.' ;
$_L [ 'Seller_has_not_yet_setup_Xendit_payment_gateway' ] = 'Seller has not yet setup Xendit payment gateway' ;
$_L [ 'Admin_has_not_yet_setup_Xendit_payment_gateway_please_tell_admin' ] = 'Admin has not yet setup Xendit payment gateway, please tell admin' ;
$_L [ 'Buy_this_your_active_package_will_be_overwrite' ] = 'Buy this? your active package will be overwrite' ;
$_L [ 'You_already_have_unpaid_transaction_cancel_it_or_pay_it' ] = 'You already have unpaid transaction, cancel it or pay it.' ;
$_L [ 'Transaction_Not_found' ] = 'Transaction Not found' ;
$_L [ 'Cancel_it' ] = 'Cancel it?' ;
$_L [ 'expired' ] = 'expired' ;
2022-09-10 17:06:38 +08:00
$_L [ 'Check_for_Payment' ] = 'Check for Payment' ;
$_L [ 'Transaction_still_unpaid' ] = 'Transaction still unpaid.' ;
$_L [ 'Paid_Date' ] = 'Paid Date' ;
$_L [ 'Transaction_has_been_paid' ] = 'Transaction has been paid.' ;
$_L [ 'PAID' ] = 'PAID' ;
$_L [ 'UNPAID' ] = 'UNPAID' ;
$_L [ 'PAY_NOW' ] = 'PAY NOW' ;
$_L [ 'Buy_Hotspot_Plan' ] = 'Buy Hotspot Plan' ;
$_L [ 'Buy_PPOE_Plan' ] = 'Buy PPOE Plan' ;
$_L [ 'Package' ] = 'Package' ;
$_L [ 'Order_Internet_Package' ] = 'Order Internet Package' ;
$_L [ 'Unknown_Command' ] = 'Unknown Command.' ;
$_L [ 'Checking_payment' ] = 'Checking payment' ;
$_L [ 'Create_Transaction_Success' ] = 'Create Transaction Success' ;
$_L [ 'You_have_unpaid_transaction' ] = 'You have unpaid transaction' ;
$_L [ 'TripayPayment_Channel' ] = 'TripayPayment Channel' ;
$_L [ 'Payment_Channel' ] = 'Payment Channel' ;
$_L [ 'Payment_check_failed' ] = 'Payment check failed.' ;
$_L [ 'Order_Package' ] = 'Order Package' ;
2022-09-11 12:04:41 +08:00
$_L [ 'Transactions' ] = 'Transactions' ;
$_L [ 'Payments' ] = 'Payments' ;
$_L [ 'History' ] = 'History' ;
$_L [ 'Order_History' ] = 'Order History' ;
$_L [ 'Gateway' ] = 'Gateway' ;
$_L [ 'Date_Done' ] = 'Date Done' ;
$_L [ 'Unpaid_Order' ] = 'Unpaid Order' ;
2022-09-16 12:05:33 +08:00
$_L [ 'Payment_Gateway_Not_Found' ] = 'Payment Gateway Not Found' ;
$_L [ 'Payment_Gateway_saved_successfully' ] = 'Payment Gateway saved successfully' ;
2022-09-17 23:34:55 +08:00
$_L [ 'ORDER' ] = 'ORDER' ;