2024-04-21 20:54:10 +07:00

439 lines
8.6 KiB

## 2024.4.21
- Restore old cron
## 2024.4.15
- Postpaid Customer can request extends expiration day if it enabled
- Some Code Fixing by @ahmadhusein17 and @agstrxyz
## 2024.4.4
- Data Tables for Customers List by @Focuslinkstech
- Add Bills to Reminder
- Prevent double submit for recharge and renew
## 2024.4.3
- Export logs to CSV by @agstrxyz
- Change to Username if Country code empty
## 2024.4.2
- Fix Log IP Cloudflare by @Gerandonk
- Show Personal or Business in customer dashboard
## 2024.3.26
- Change paginator, to make easy customization using pagination.tpl
## 2024.3.25
- Fix maps on HTTP
- Fix Cancel payment
## 2024.3.23
- Maps full height
- Show Get Directions instead Coordinates
- Maps Label always show
## 2024.3.22
- Fix Broadcast Message by @Focuslinkstech
- Add Location Picker
## 2024.3.20
- Fixing some bugs
## 2024.3.19
- Add Customer Type Personal or Bussiness by @pro-cms
- Fix Broadcast Message by @Focuslinkstech
- Add Customer Geolocation by @Focuslinkstech
- Change Customer Menu
## 2024.3.18
- Add Broadcasting SMS by @Focuslinkstech
- Fix Notification with Bills
## 2024.3.16
- Fix Zero Charging
- Fix Disconnect Customer from Radius without loop by @Gerandonk
## 2024.3.15
- Fix Customer View to list active Plan
- Additional Bill using Customer Attributes
## 2024.3.14
- Add Note to Invoices
- Add Additional Bill
- View Invoice from Customer side
## 2024.3.13
- Postpaid System
- Additional Cost
## 2024.3.12
- Check if Validity Period, so calculate price will not affected other validity
- Add firewall using .htaccess for apache only
- Multiple Payment Gateway by @Focuslinkstech
- Fix Logic Multiple Payment gateway
- Fix delete Attribute
- Allow Delete Payment Gateway
- Allow Delete Plugin
## 2024.3.6
- change attributes view
## 2024.3.4
- add [[username]] for reminder
- fix agent show when editing
- fix password admin when sending notification
- add file exists for pages
## 2024.3.3
- Change loading button by @Focuslinkstech
- Add Customer Announcements by @Gerandonk
- Add PPPOE Period Validity by @Gerandonk
## 2024.2.29
- Fix Hook Functionality
- Change Customer Menu
## 2024.2.28
- Fix Buy Plan with Balance
- Add Expired date for reminder
## 2024.2.27
- fix path notification
- redirect to dashboard if already login
## 2024.2.26
- Clean Unused JS and CSS
- Add some Authorization check
- Custom Path for folder
- fix some bugs
## 2024.2.23
- Integrate with PhpNuxBill Printer
- Fix Invoice
- add admin ID in transaction
## 2024.2.22
- Add Loading when click submit
- link to settings when hide widget
## 2024.2.21
- Fix SQL Installer
- remove multiple space in language
- Change Phone Number require OTP by @Focuslinkstech
- Change burst Form
- Delete Table Responsive, first Column Freeze
## 2024.2.20
- Fix list admin
- Burst Limit
- Pace Loading by @Focuslinkstech
## 2024.2.19
- Start API Development
- Multiple Admin Level
- Customer Attributes by @Focuslinkstech
- Radius Menu
## 2024.2.13
- Auto translate language
- change language structur to json
- save collapse menu
## 2024.2.12
- Admin Level : SuperAdmin,Admin,Report,Agent,Sales
- Export Customers to CSV
- Session using Cookie
## 2024.2.7
- Hide Dashboard content
## 2024.2.6
- Cache graph for faster opening graph
## 2024.2.5
- Admin Dashboard Update
- Add Monthly Registered Customers
- Total Monthly Sales
- Active Users
## 2024.2.2
- Fix edit plan for user
## 2024.1.24
- Add Send test for SMS, Whatsapp and Telegram
## 2024.1.19
- Paid Plugin, Theme, and payment gateway marketplace using
- Fix Plugin manager List
## 2024.1.18
- fix(mikrotik): set pool $poolId always empty
## 2024.1.17
- Add minor change, for plugin, menu can have notifications by @Focuslinkstech
## 2024.1.16
- Add yellow color to table for plan not allowed to purchase
- Fix Radius pool select
- add price to reminder notification
- Support thermal printer for invoice
## 2024.1.15
- Fix cron job for Plan only for admin by @Focuslinkstech
## 2024.1.11
- Add Plan only for admin by @Focuslinkstech
- Fix Plugin Manager
## 2024.1.9
- Add Prefix when generate Voucher
## 2024.1.8
- User Expired Order by Expired Date
## 2024.1.2
- Pagination User Expired by @Focuslinkstech
## 2023.12.21
- Modern AdminLTE by @sabtech254
- Update user-dashboard.tpl by @Focuslinkstech
## 2023.12.19
- Fix Search Customer
- Disable Registration, Customer just activate voucher Code, and the voucher will be their password
- Remove all used voucher codes
## 2023.12.18
- Split sms to 160 characters only for Mikrotik Modem
## 2023.12.14
- Can send SMS using Mikrotik with Modem Installed
- Add Customer Type, so Customer can only show their PPPOE or Hotspot Package or both
## 2023.11.17
- Error details not show in Customer
## 2023.11.15
- Customer Multi Router package
- Fix edit package, Admin can change Customer to another router
## 2023.11.9
- fix bug variable in cron
- fix update plan
## 2023.10.27
- Backup and restore database
- Fix checking radius client
## 2023.10.25
- fix wrong file check in cron, error only for newly installed
## 2023.10.24
- Fix logic cronjob
- assign router to NAS, but not yet used
- Fix Pagination
- Move Alert from hardcode
## 2023.10.20
- View Invoice
- Resend Invoice
- Custom Voucher
## 2023.10.17
- Happy Birthday To Me 🎂 \(^o^)/
- Support FreeRadius with Mysql
- Bring back Themes support
- Log Viewer
## 2023.9.21
- Customer can extend Plan
- Customer can Deactivate active plan
- add variable nux-router to select only plan from that router
- Show user expired until 30 items
## 2023.9.20
- Fix Customer balance header
- Deactivate Customer active plan
- Sync Customer Plan to Mikrotik
- Recharge Customer from Customer Details
- Add Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions Pages
## 2023.9.13
- add Current balance in notification
- Buy Plan for Friend
- Recharge Friend plan
- Fix recharge Plan
- Show Customer active plan in Customer list
- Fix Customer counter in dashboard
- Show Customer Balance in header
- Fix Plugin Manager using Http::Get
- Show Some error page when crash
## 2023.9.7
- Fix PPPOE Delete Customer
- Remove active Customer before deleting
- Show IP and Mac even if it not Hotspot
## 2023.9.6
- Expired Pool
Customer can be move to expired pool after plan expired by cron
- Fix Delete customer
- tbl_language removed
## 2023.9.1.1
- Fix cronjob Delete customer
- Fix reminder text
## 2023.9.1
- Critical bug fixes, bug happen when user buy package, expired time will be calculated from last expired, not from when they buy the package
- Time not change after user buy package for extending
- Add Cancel Button to user dashboard when it show unpaid package
- Fix username in user dashboard
## 2023.8.30
- Upload Logo from settings
- Fix Print value
- Fix Time when editing prepaid
## 2023.8.28
- Extend expiration if buy same package
- Fix calendar
- Add recharge time
- Fix allow balance transfer
## 2023.8.24
- Balance transfer between Customer
- Optimize Cronjob
- View Customer Info
- Ajax for select customer
## 2023.8.18
- Fix Auto Renewall Cronjob
- Add comment to Mikrotik User
## 2023.8.16
- Admin Can Add Balance to Customer
- Show Balance in user
- Using Select2 for Dropdown
## 2023.8.15
- Fix PPPOE Delete Customer
- Fix Header Admin and Customer
- Fix PDF Export by Period
- Add pppoe_password for Customer, this pppoe_password only admin can change
- Country Code Number Settings
- Customer Meta Table for Customers Attributess
- Fix Add and Edit Customer Form for admin
- add Notification Message Editor
- cron reminder
- Balance System, Customer can deposit money
- Auto renewal when package expired using Customer Balance
## 2023.8.1
- Add Update file script, one click updating PHPNuxBill
- Add Custom UI folder, to custome your own template
- Delete debug text
- Fix Vendor JS
## 2023.7.28
- Fix link buy Voucher
- Add email field to registration form
- Change registration design Form
- Add Setting to disable Voucher
- Fix Title for PPPOE plans
- Fix Plugin Cache
## 2023.6.20
- Hide time for Created date.
Because the first time phpmixbill created, plan validity only for days and Months, many request ask for minutes and hours, i change it, but not the database.
## 2023.6.15
- Customer can connect to internet from Customer Dashboard
- Fix Confirm when delete
- Change Logo PHPNuxBill
- Using Composer
- Fix Search Customer
- Fix Customer check, if not found will logout
- Customer password show but hidden
- Voucher code hidden
## 2023.6.8
- Fixing registration without OTP
- Username will not go to phonenumber if OTP registration is not enabled
- Fix Bug PPOE