2021-06-01 00:09:41 -04:00

1.5 KiB

Mongo todo


  • Create a script to pull all data from monkeytype and move it to the new mongo server


  • Creating the first tag shows error "Unknown error, cannot read property _id of undefined"
  • Check for tag pb doesn't always work
    • error probably in checkIfTagPB method in server.js
  • Leaderboard doesn't show the time until the daily reset
  • lbmemory is not edited by mongo/express so it leaderboard doesn't show change in placement like it's supposed to
  • Graph bugs out when new result is added but page is not refreshed
    • Graph loops back from earliest point to the new points
    • Results list isn't updated either
  • Save config doesn't actually return data?
  • Leaderboard says glb is undefined on first item

Minor/efficiency bugs

  • Does clearDailyLeaderboards cause a memory leak?
  • Is filteredResults.reverse(); in account.js going to cause efficiency issues?
    • For loop in account could work backwards instead, but this would add complexity
  • Why does if (page == "account") pageTransition = false; get rid of endless account loading bug when accessing via url


  • Might be worthwhile to use redis to store userdata up to a certain point
    • Users who have been requested in the last hour will be stored in the redis database so that their data can be sent again without having to search a large database
      • After an hour without a new request they can be removed from memory
  • Create a backup system to prevent loss of data
    • Users should be able to export their data themselves