Manfred Touron 2555c478b4 v1.7.1
2018-01-03 00:26:38 +01:00

410 lines
13 KiB

# sshportal
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Jump host/Jump server without the jump, a.k.a Transparent SSH bastion
![sshportal demo](
## Overview
![sshportal overview](
## Features
* Single autonomous binary (~10-20Mb) with no runtime dependencies (embeds ssh server and client)
* Portable / Cross-platform (regularly tested on linux and OSX/darwin)
* Store data in [Sqlite3]( or [MySQL]( (probably easy to add postgres, mssql thanks to gorm)
* Stateless -> horizontally scalable when using [MySQL]( as the backend
* Connect to remote host using key or password
* Admin commands can be run directly or in an interactive shell
* Host management
* User management (invite, group, stats)
* Host Key management (remote host key learning)
* User Key management (multile keys per user)
* ACL management (acl+user-groups+host-groups)
* User roles (admin, trusted, standard, ...)
* User invitations (no more "give me your public ssh key please")
* Easy server installation (generate shell command to setup `authorized_keys`)
* Sensitive data encryption
* Session management (see active connections, history, stats, stop)
* Audit log (logging every user action)
* Host Keys verifications shared across users
* Healthcheck user (replying OK to any user)
* ipv4 and ipv6 support
* [`scp`]( support
* [`rsync`]( support
* [tunneling]( (local forward, remote forward, dynamic forward) support
* [`sftp`]( support
* [`ssh-agent`]( support
* [`X11 forwarding`]( support
* Git support (can be used to easily use multiple user keys on GitHub, or access your own firewalled gitlab server)
* Do not require any SSH client modification or custom `.ssh/config`, works with every tested SSH programming libraries and every tested SSH
## (Known) limitations
* Does not work (yet?) with [`mosh`](
## Usage
Start the server
$ sshportal server
2017/11/13 10:58:35 Admin user created, use the user 'invite:BpLnfgDsc2WD8F2q' to associate a public key with this account
2017/11/13 10:58:35 SSH Server accepting connections on :2222
Link your SSH key with the admin account
$ ssh localhost -p 2222 -l invite:BpLnfgDsc2WD8F2q
Welcome admin!
Your key is now associated with the user "admin@sshportal".
Shared connection to localhost closed.
Drop an interactive administrator shell
ssh localhost -p 2222 -l admin
__________ _____ __ __
/ __/ __/ // / _ \___ ____/ /____ _/ /
_\ \_\ \/ _ / ___/ _ \/ __/ __/ _ '/ /
/___/___/_//_/_/ \___/_/ \__/\_,_/_/
Create your first host
config> host create
List hosts
config> host ls
1 | foo | | default | | default |
Total: 1 hosts.
Add the key to the server
$ ssh "$(ssh localhost -p 2222 -l admin key setup default)"
ssh localhost -p 2222 -l foo
Invite friends
*This command doesn't create a user on the remote server, it only creates an account in the sshportal database.*
config> user invite
User 2 created.
To associate this account with a key, use the following SSH user: 'invite:NfHK5a84jjJkwzDk'.
## Flow Diagram
![Flow Diagram](
## built-in shell
`sshportal` embeds a configuration CLI.
By default, the configuration user is `admin`, (can be changed using `--config-user=<value>` when starting the server.
Each commands can be run directly by using this syntax: `ssh <command> [args]`:
ssh host inspect toto
You can enter in interactive mode using this syntax: `ssh`
### Synopsis
# acl management
acl help
acl create [-h] [--hostgroup=HOSTGROUP...] [--usergroup=USERGROUP...] [--pattern=<value>] [--comment=<value>] [--action=<value>] [--weight=value]
acl inspect [-h] ACL...
acl ls [-h] [--latest] [--quiet]
acl rm [-h] ACL...
acl update [-h] [--comment=<value>] [--action=<value>] [--weight=<value>] [--assign-hostgroup=HOSTGROUP...] [--unassign-hostgroup=HOSTGROUP...] [--assign-usergroup=USERGROUP...] [--unassign-usergroup=USERGROUP...] ACL...
# config management
config help
config backup [-h] [--indent] [--decrypt]
config restore [-h] [--confirm] [--decrypt]
# event management
event help
event ls [-h] [--latest] [--quiet]
event inspect [-h] EVENT...
# host management
host help
host create [-h] [--name=<value>] [--password=<value>] [--comment=<value>] [--key=KEY] [--group=HOSTGROUP...] <username>[:<password>]@<host>[:<port>]
host inspect [-h] [--decrypt] HOST...
host ls [-h] [--latest] [--quiet]
host rm [-h] HOST...
host update [-h] [--name=<value>] [--comment=<value>] [--key=KEY] [--assign-group=HOSTGROUP...] [--unassign-group=HOSTGROUP...] HOST...
# hostgroup management
hostgroup help
hostgroup create [-h] [--name=<value>] [--comment=<value>]
hostgroup inspect [-h] HOSTGROUP...
hostgroup ls [-h] [--latest] [--quiet]
hostgroup rm [-h] HOSTGROUP...
# key management
key help
key create [-h] [--name=<value>] [--type=<value>] [--length=<value>] [--comment=<value>]
key inspect [-h] [--decrypt] KEY...
key ls [-h] [--latest] [--quiet]
key rm [-h] KEY...
key setup [-h] KEY
key show [-h] KEY
# session management
session help
session ls [-h] [--latest] [--quiet]
session inspect [-h] SESSION...
# user management
user help
user invite [-h] [--name=<value>] [--comment=<value>] [--group=USERGROUP...] <email>
user inspect [-h] USER...
user ls [-h] [--latest] [--quiet]
user rm [-h] USER...
user update [-h] [--name=<value>] [--email=<value>] [--set-admin] [--unset-admin] [--assign-group=USERGROUP...] [--unassign-group=USERGROUP...] USER...
# usergroup management
usergroup help
hostgroup create [-h] [--name=<value>] [--comment=<value>]
usergroup inspect [-h] USERGROUP...
usergroup ls [-h] [--latest] [--quiet]
usergroup rm [-h] USERGROUP...
# other
exit [-h]
help, h
info [-h]
version [-h]
## Docker
Docker is the recommended way to run sshportal.
An [automated build is setup on the Docker Hub](
# Start a server in background
# mount `pwd` to persist the sqlite database file
docker run -p 2222:2222 -d --name=sshportal -v "$(pwd):$(pwd)" -w "$(pwd)" moul/sshportal:v1.7.1
# check logs (mandatory on first run to get the administrator invite token)
docker logs -f sshportal
The easier way to upgrade sshportal is to do the following:
# we consider you were using an old version and you want to use the new version v1.7.1
# stop and rename the last working container + backup the database
docker stop sshportal
docker rename sshportal sshportal_old
cp sshportal.db sshportal.db.bkp
# run the new version
docker run -p 2222:2222 -d --name=sshportal -v "$(pwd):$(pwd)" -w "$(pwd)" moul/sshportal:v1.7.1
# check the logs for migration or cross-version incompabitility errors
docker logs -f sshportal
Now you can test ssh-ing to sshportal to check if everything looks OK.
In case of problem, you can rollback to the latest working version with the latest working backup, using:
docker stop sshportal
docker rm sshportal
cp sshportal.db.bkp sshportal.db
docker rename sshportal_old sshportal
docker start sshportal
docker logs -f sshportal
## Manual Install
Get the latest version using GO.
go get -u
## portal alias (.ssh/config)
Edit your `~/.ssh/config` file (create it first if needed)
Host portal
User admin
Port 2222 # portal port
HostName # portal hostname
# you can now run a shell using this:
ssh portal
# instead of this:
ssh localhost -p 2222 -l admin
# or connect to hosts using this:
ssh hostname@portal
# instead of this:
ssh localhost -p 2222 -l hostname
## Backup / Restore
sshportal embeds built-in backup/restore methods which basically import/export JSON objects:
# Backup
ssh portal config backup > sshportal.bkp
# Restore
ssh portal config restore < sshportal.bkp
This method is particularly useful as it should be resistant against future DB schema changes (expected during development phase).
I suggest you to be careful during this development phase, and use an additional backup method, for example:
# sqlite dump
sqlite3 sshportal.db .dump > sshportal.sql.bkp
# or just the immortal cp
cp sshportal.db sshportal.db.bkp
## Demo data
The following servers are freely available, without external registration,
it makes it easier to quickly test `sshportal` without configuring your own servers to accept sshportal connections.
ssh portal host create
ssh sdf@portal
ssh portal host create
ssh whoami@portal
ssh portal host create
ssh chat@portal
## Healthcheck
By default, `sshportal` will return `OK` to anyone sshing using the `healthcheck` user without checking for authentication.
$ ssh healthcheck@sshportal
the `healtcheck` user can be changed using the `healthcheck-user` option.
Alternatively, you can run the built-in healthcheck helper (requiring no ssh client nor ssh key):
Usage: `sshportal healthcheck [--addr=host:port] [--wait] [--quiet]
$ sshportal healthcheck --addr=localhost:2222; echo $?
$ 0
Wait for sshportal to be healthy, then connect
$ sshportal healthcheck --wait && ssh sshportal -l admin
## Scaling
`sshportal` is stateless but relies on a database to store configuration and logs.
By default, `sshportal` uses a local [sqlite]( database which isn't scalable by design.
You can run multiple instances of `sshportal` sharing a same [MySQL]( database, using `sshportal --db-conn=user:pass@host/dbname?parseTime=true --db-driver=mysql`.
![sshportal cluster with MySQL backend](
See [examples/mysql](
## Under the hood
* Docker first (used in dev, tests, by the CI and in production)
* Backed by (see [dep graph](
* SSH server made easy (well-designed golang library to build SSH servers)
* both client and server SSH protocol and helpers
* Database
* SQL orm
* Database migration system
* Built-in shell
* Ascii tables
* Valide user inputs
* Human-friendly representation of technical data (time ago, bytes, ...)
* Terminal color helpers
* CLI flag parsing with subcommands support
![sshportal data model](
## Note
This is totally experimental for now, so please file issues to let me know what you think about it!
## License
[![FOSSA Status](](