**Please note:** Publishing the AIO interface with a valid certificate to the public internet is **not** the goal of this documentation! Instead, the main goal is to publish Nextcloud with a valid certificate to the public internet which is **not** running inside the mastercontainer but in a different container! If you need a valid certificate for the AIO interface, see [point 5](#5-optional-get-a-valid-certificate-for-the-aio-interface).
In order to run Nextcloud behind a reverse proxy, you need to specify the port that the Apache container shall use, add a specific config to your reverse proxy and modify the startup command a bit. All examples below will use port `11000` as example Apache port which will be exposed on the host. Modify it to your needings.
1. Optional: If the reverse proxy is installed on the same host, you should limit the apache container to only listen on localhost. See [point 3](#3-if-the-reverse-proxy-is-installed-on-the-same-host-you-should-configure-the-apache-container-to-only-listen-on-localhost)
1.**Open the AIO interface. See [point 4](#4-open-the-aio-interface)**
**Please note:** Since the Apache container gets spawned by the mastercontainer, there is **NO** way to provide custom docker labels or custom environmental variables for the Apache container. So please do not attempt to do this because you will fail! Only the documented way will work!
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. Also make sure to adjust the port 11000 to match the chosen APACHE_PORT. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` option (or `network_mode: host` for docker-compose) when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. Also make sure to adjust the port 11000 to match the chosen APACHE_PORT. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` option (or `network_mode: host` for docker-compose) when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
You can get AIO running using the ACME DNS-challenge. Here is how to do it.
1. Follow [this documentation](https://caddy.community/t/how-to-use-dns-provider-modules-in-caddy-2/8148) in order to get a Caddy build that is compatible with your domain provider's DNS challenge.
1. Add this to your Caddyfile:
https://<your-nc-domain>:443 {
reverse_proxy localhost:11000
tls {
dns <provider><key>
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. You also need to adjust `<provider>` and `<key>` to match your case. Also make sure to adjust the port 11000 to match the chosen APACHE_PORT. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` option (or `network_mode: host` for docker-compose) when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
1. Now continue with [point 2](#2-use-this-startup-command) but additionally, add `-e SKIP_DOMAIN_VALIDATION=true` to the docker run command which will disable the dommain validation (because it is known that the domain validation will not when using the DNS-challenge since no port is publicly opened.
**Advice:** In order to make it work in your home network, you may add the internal ipv4-address of your reverse proxy as A DNS-record to your domain and disable the dns-rebind-protection in your router. Another way it to set up a local dns-server like a pi-hole and set up a custom dns-record for that domain that points to the internal ip-adddress of your reverse proxy (see https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one#how-can-i-access-nextcloud-locally). If both is not possible, you may add the domain to the hosts file which is needed then for any devices that shall use the server.
1. Install the Cloudflare Tunnel on the same machine where AIO will be running on and point the Tunnel with the domain that you want to use for AIO to `http://localhost:11000`. If the Tunnel is running on a different machine, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
1. Now continue with [point 2](#2-use-this-startup-command) but additionally, add `-e SKIP_DOMAIN_VALIDATION=true` to the docker run command which will disable the dommain validation (because it is known that the domain validation will not work behind a Cloudflare Tunnel). So you need to ensure yourself that you've configured everything correctly.
**Advice:** Make sure to [disable Cloudflares Rocket Loader feature](https://help.nextcloud.com/t/login-page-not-working-solved/149417/8) as otherwise Nextcloud's login prompt will not be shown.
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. Also make sure to adjust the port 11000 to match the chosen APACHE_PORT. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` option (or `network_mode: host` for docker-compose) when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
resolver localhost; # Note: you need to set a valid dns resolver here or use / [::1] instead of localhost in the line below. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/49642310 for a better explanation
proxy_pass http://localhost:11000$request_uri; # Note: you need to change localhost to or [::1], if you don't use a valid dns resolver in the line above
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. Also make sure to adjust the port 11000 to match the chosen APACHE_PORT. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` option (or `network_mode: host` for docker-compose) when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
**Advice:** You may have a look at [this](https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one/discussions/588#discussioncomment-2811152) for a more complete example.
Unfortunately it is not possible to configure nginx-proxy in a way that works because it completely relies on environmental variables of the docker containers itself. Providing these variables does not work as stated above.
If you really want to use AIO, we recommend you to switch to caddy. It is simply amazing!<br>
Of course understandable if that is not possible for you.
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. Also change `<you>@<your-mail-provider-domain>` to a mail address of yours. Also make sure to adjust the port 11000 to match the chosen APACHE_PORT. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` option (or `network_mode: host` for docker-compose) when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
**Advice:** You may have a look at [this](https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one/discussions/588#discussioncomment-3040493) for a more complete example.
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. Also make sure to adjust the port 11000 to match the chosen APACHE_PORT. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` option (or `network_mode: host` for docker-compose) when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` in the nextcloud.toml to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. Also make sure to adjust the port 11000 to match the chosen APACHE_PORT. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` option (or `network_mode: host` for docker-compose) when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
You should also think about limiting the apache container to listen only on localhost in case the reverse proxy is running on the same host by providing an additional environmental variable to this docker run command. See [point 3](#3-if-the-reverse-proxy-is-installed-on-the-same-host-you-should-configure-the-apache-container-to-only-listen-on-localhost).
Simply translate the docker run command into a docker-compose file. You can have a look at [this file](https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one/blob/main/docker-compose.yml) for some inspiration but you will need to modify it either way. You can find further examples here: https://github.com/nextcloud/all-in-one/discussions/588
Use this envorinmental variable during the initial startup of the mastercontainer to make the apache container only listen on localhost: `-e APACHE_IP_BINDING=`. **Attention:** This is only recommended to be set if you use `localhost` in your reverse proxy config to connect to your AIO instance. If you use an ip-address, you can either simply skip this step or set it to `` if you are unsure what the correct value is.
After starting AIO, you should be able to access the AIO Interface via `https://ip.address.of.the.host:8080`. Enter your domain that you've entered in the reverse proxy config and you should be done. Please do not forget to open port `3478/TCP` and `3478/UDP` in your firewall/router for the Talk container!
## 5. Optional: get a valid certificate for the AIO interface
Of course you need to modify `<your-nc-domain>` to the domain on which you want to run Nextcloud. **Please note:** The above configuration will only work if your reverse proxy is running directly on the host that is running the docker daemon. If the reverse proxy is running in a docker container, you can use the `--network host` when starting the reverse proxy container in order to connect the reverse proxy container to the host network. If that is not an option for you, you can alternatively instead of `localhost` use the ip-address that is displayed after running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (the command only works on Linux)
Afterwards should the AIO interface be accessible via `https://ip.address.of.the.host:8443`. You can alternatively change the domain to a different subdomain by using `https://<your-alternative-domain>:443` instead of `https://<your-nc-domain>:8443` in the Caddyfile and use that to access the AIO interface.
1. Make sure that the reverse proxy is running on the host OS or if running in a container, connected to the host network. If that is not possible, substitute `localhost` in the default configurations by the ip-address that you can easily get when running the following command on the host OS: `ip a | grep "scope global" | head -1 | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's|/.*||'` (The command only works on Linux)
1. Make sure that the mastercontainer is able to spawn other containers. You can do so by checking that the mastercontainer indeed has access to the Docker socket which might not be positioned in one of the suggested directories like `/var/run/docker.sock` but in a different directory, based on your OS and the way how you installed Docker. The mastercontainer logs should help figuring this out. You can have a look at them by running `sudo docker logs nextcloud-aio-mastercontainer` after the container is started the first time.
1. Check if after the mastercontainer was started, the reverse proxy if running inside a container, can reach the provided apache port. You can test this by running `nc -z localhost 11000; echo $?` from inside the reverse proxy container. If the output is `0`, everything works. Alternatively you can of course use instead of `localhost` the ip-address of the host here for the test.
1. As last resort, you may disable the domain validation by adding `-e SKIP_DOMAIN_VALIDATION=true` to the docker run command. But only use this if you are completely sure that you've correctly configured everything!