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Passman offers a api for extensions.

##Table of Contents

##Authentication All apps must authenticate.
For example in JS it would be:

 var encodedLogin ="MyUsername:MyPassword";
 var request = new XMLHttpRequest({"mozAnon": true});
 request.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + encodedLogin);
 request.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

An other option is logging in via HTTP Basic auth.
In this case an example would be:

Connectivity via http is possible, but you MUST warn that their login credentials are send in plaintext.
The credentials from passman are still send encrypted if http is used.

###Get vaults [GET] /apps/passman/api/v2/vaults
This will return a list of vaults.
A vault consists of the following properties:

   "public_sharing_key":"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\r\nMIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC1h6j+vLcvJDUgOi6VkjzDKTT0\r\nLXluie7+VH2DjnzeXO2QalHI1qAzd\/G51r2NArgwzKMm9g\/kGN1V+mcX3j2WZu\/E\r\n8o5jk83LaSlgcG9GIbOyXUXJlflvctnhPa8Em3GoM\/ZfO2EkkDYANTKvyiyRXroa\r\ny6m2C+aJVzxmhj5tvQIDAQAB\r\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\r\n",

Short description of the fields:

  • vault_id -Id of the vault, only used within queries
  • vault_guid - The guid of the vault, use this when making requests
  • name - The name of the vault
  • created - Timestamp when the vault was created
  • public_sharing_key - The public sharing key
  • last_access - Timestamp when the vault was last accessed
  • challenge_password - Encrypted challenge password, you can use this to check if the user provided a correct password.

###Get vault [GET] /apps/passman/api/v2/vaults/{vault_guid}
To request the credentials.
This will return the requested vault and it's credentials

credentials: [{}, {}, ....]
name: "test"
private_sharing_key ''
public_sharing_key: ''

To see how a credential is build up (which fields), see [create new credential](#Create new credential).

###Create new credential [POST] /api/v2/credentials

var credential = {
				'vault_id': int,
				'label': string,
				'description': string,
				'created':  null (Will be set server side),
				'changed': null (Will be set server side),
				'tags': [{text: string}],
				'email': string,
				'username': string,
				'password': string (encrypted),
				'url': string (encrypted),
				'favicon': string,
				'renew_interval': int,
				'expire_time': timestamp,
				'delete_time': timestamp,
				'files': [
                                    filename:  string,
                                    size: int (size in bytes),
                                    mimetype: string,
                                    guid: string (generated server side)
				'custom_fields': [
                                    label: string,
                                    value: string,
                                    secret: bool,
                                    field_type: 'text'
				'otp': {},
				'hidden': false

There are a few special fields here.

  • custom_fields
    • Those fields are added by the user secret indicates if the value should be hidden

When posting to the endpoint the following fields are required:

  • label
  • vault_id

###Update credential [PATCH] /api/v2/credentials/{credential_guid}
See [create new credential](#Create new credential).

###Decrypting Credentials / challenge password For the client side encryption we use sjcl
To decrypt (and test if a valid key is given):

var encryption_config = {
				adata: "",
				iter: 1000,
				ks: 256,
				mode: 'ccm',
				ts: 64
var ciphertext = window.atob(encryptedString);
var rp = {};
try {
    return sjcl.decrypt(_key, ciphertext, encryption_config, rp);
} catch (e) {
    throw e; // Invalid key

For decrypting the credentials you can use above code.
The following fields are encrypted:

  • description
  • username
  • password
  • files
  • custom_fields
  • otp
  • email
  • tags
  • url