* added Update Message information api endpoint to api docs generation
* fix response types
* Added delete a message api endpoint to api docs generation
* Added Delete all messages from a Mailbox api endpoint to api docs generation
* fix some response types. Added delete an outbound message api endpoint to api docs generation
* add attachment charset in the indexer
* test adding a field
* test another way
* walk through mimetree to find the attachment charset and decode the message using this charset. Decoding is piped to the output stream
* test
* revert last change
* use regex for check, fix piping
* fixes
* Added list registered TLS certificates api endpoint to api docs generation. Add examples to res types
* fix last commit's typo
* Resolve ID for a server name api endpoint added to api docs generation. Add examples to res types
* added create or update TLS sertificate for server name api endpoint to api docs generation
* add acme to response of last commit's changes
* added Delete a TLS certificate api endpoint to api docs generation
* delete cert api endpoint change certs -> cert path param
* fix cert-handler typo and bug. Added Request TLS certificate information api endpoint to api docs generation
* last commit add certs.js
* List Application Passwords and Request ASP information endpoints added to API docs generation
* fixes. Added Create new Application Password endpoint to API docs generation
* Added Delete an Application Password api endpoint to API docs generation
* Added Create new audit api endpoint to API docs generation
* Request Audit info API endpoint added to API docs generation
* added Export Audited Emails API endpoint to API docs generation
* added List registered Domain Aliases endpoint to API docs generation
* added Create new Domain Alias API endpoint to API docs generation
* added Resolve ID for a domain alias API endpoint to API docs generation
* added Delete an Alias API endpoint to API docs generation
* Added Request Alias information API endpoint to API docs generation
* Update Autoreply information api endpoint added to api docs generation
* Delete Autoreply information api endpoint added to api docs generation
* Request Autoreply information api endpoint added to api docs generation
* autoreply now contains the created field to check when it was created. Added logging to graylog
* make created timestamp second precision. Fix tests
* autoreply.js add optional chaining
* added Generate TOTP seed api endpoint to API generation
* added Enable TOTP api endpoint to API docs generation
* added Disable TOTP auth api endpoint to API docs generation
* added Validate TOTP token api endpoint to API docs generation
* added Disable 2FA api endpoint to API docs generation
* Added Enable custom 2FA for a user api endpoint for API docs generation
* Disable custom 2FA for a user endpoint added to API docs generation. Fix imports
* added Get WebAuthN credentials for a user api endpoint to api docs generation
* WebAuthN del and registration endpoints added to API docs generation
* webAuthN authentication challenge and attestation endpoints added to API docs generation
* fix rpId descriptions
* add response objects to endpoints
* added List registered DKIM keys to API docs generation
* Added Resolve ID for a DKIM domain api endpoint to API docs generation
* Added Delete a DKIM key api endpoint to API docs generation
* Added Request DKIM information api endpoint to api docs generation. Fix typo
* added create or update dkim key for domain api endpoint to api docs generation
* Update Autoreply information api endpoint added to api docs generation
* Delete Autoreply information api endpoint added to api docs generation
* Request Autoreply information api endpoint added to api docs generation
* dkim, add support for ed25519
* add support for raw ED25519 private key
* magic value make variable. Remove unnecessary variables. Refactor
* add new tests for ED25519
* log filter creation to logs
* api.js, filterroutes, remove unnecessary loggelf param
* instead of dumping all filter data, create a human readable description of it using getFilterStrings
* separate getFilterStrings data into _filter_query and _filter_action fields, make them human-readable by joining
* added List all FIltes endpoint to api docs generation
* List Filters for a User endpoint added to API docs generation
* Request Filter information endpoint added to API docs generation. Add schemas
* fix description
* added Delete a Filter api endpoint to API docs generation
* New schemas for filter api endpoints. Added Create a mew Filter api endpoint to API docs generation
* fix schemas. Added Update Filter information endpoint to api docs generation
* test initial design of API generation as a restify plugin. next extract it into separate npm package and add more checks/logs etc.
* remove API docs generation from the WILDDUCK specific tools.js file into a separate file. Do appropriate changes
* move api generation into separate npm package, currently local
* add restifyapigenerate package and use it, fix path
* separate API docs generation config into a separate file. Fix API docs generation package version
* add health api endpoint to check health of API
* fixes and add graylog logging
* round timestamp, cast to string. Use mongodb ping instead of topology.isConnected check
* add timeout to redis commands so that the health api endpoint will return a value